Development of the head that help a person gets offline award of a person of extraordinary powers ru

Dispatch of consumptive daily net (Tong of reporter Zhang Nan is strong) " hand in 1700, 6800, join a member 17000 yuan, can change freely inside formulary frequency not only lube, still can get offline through developing the member obtains a lot of deduct a percentage from a sum of money such as an award, quantity award, lucky award, two-way award to reward... "

A few days ago, the netizen is mirrorred to the reporter, inc. of science and technology of motivation of Shandong China steam (the following abbreviation " China steam motivation " ) the car says with lube salesperson, want to pull new personality to join a member only, can win get one's own back ceaselessly, it is to run quickly even the award of the car.

Through investigation, the reporter understands eventually do not be restricted a class, do not be restricted number, infinite layer returns profit " the member is made " the truth of backside.

Fight grind an experiment: "China steam motivation " PK international is famous brand lube

According to the condition that insider reflects, reporter group will be located in Harbin city street of the upper Changjiang region of the area in the path the name is " Che Chengyan of a person of extraordinary powers " car hairdressing is met. Inside this meeting place, 3 profess is " China steam motivation " distribute personnel recieved a reporter.

Among them one is called Zhang Ming (sound) while the man is introducing item characteristics, demonstrated for the reporter " China steam motivation " of lube fight grind an experiment. See its are fought in a lube only grind experiment engine oil lube of some international brand is entered inside groove, electric machinery roll makes the gyro wheel inside oil groove and smooth steel post photograph chafe, in the machine another end is pressed ceaselessly on weight used on a balance, when adding the 3rd weight, gyro wheel and steel column press press turn no longer to the limit, mark is ground on smooth steel cylinder apparent.

"China steam motivation " lube is fought grind experimental machine

Immediately, zhang Ming is being fought again grind engine oil enter inside groove " China steam motivation " lube began similar test, steel column changes another side is smooth the position continues to check wear away degree. Add to the 6th gradually when weight used on a balance when, gyro wheel and steel column press press stop roll, see on steel cylinder slight grind mark.

After the experiment ends, he says to the reporter: "Saw, ' China steam motivation ' lube is adding the 6th weight, gyro wheel just stops roll, and the lube of another international brand, stopped to turn when adding the 3rd weight, know who goes under contrast who is washed-up! Know who goes under contrast who is washed-up!!

Pyramid mode: Help newlywed person but infinite layer distributes profit

Wen Li of another distribute personnel (sound) say to the reporter: "' China steam motivation ' lube takes pattern of member cotter carry out. Car advocate cent of the member that add initiate is 3 archives, 1700 yuan include oil change 2 times, 6800 yuan include oil change 8 times, 17000 yuan include oil change 20 times.

No matter you join the member that is which first gear, the promotion that enjoys the whole nation (product) authority, the introduction gives you the friend beside, the product that uses us still can make money.

"China steam motivation " graph of member deduct a percentage from a sum of money, show " pyramid " multilayer the mode that distribute profit

For example, it is a center with you, a area and B area are divided below you, one area produces a person (get offline) , you can take a prize. The member that draws as you increases ceaselessly, ordinal downward award is quantity award, lucky award, two-way award etc. The member has ground floor only is 50% (deduct a percentage from a sum of money) , the 2nd is entirely downward 100% (deduct a percentage from a sum of money) , infinite layer (cent profit) .

The member status in view of you everyday income has a tip (pull the deduct a percentage from a sum of money that get offline) . 1700 yuan member seals a top 3400 yuan everyday, 6800 yuan member seals a top thirteen thousand six hundred yuan everyday, the member of 17000 seals a top 34 thousand yuan everyday. Day firewood is made, a day of one settle accounts, a week one expenditure.

Welfare award is the company allocates to what the member obtains deduct a percentage from a sum of money. If you earned 10 thousand yuan today, can carrying showing share is 50% , 10% safeguard as company platform expend and pay tax, the rest the 40% consumption that serve as a member are integral, accumulate 150 thousand time-sharing when integral of member backstage supporter, the company can pay a value to you 500 thousand yuan run quickly car head pays, the rest buys car section 350 thousand yuan to also need not be drawn out outside from yourself bag. Want the group below you to reach 200-300 person only, you do not work, they work, you have money to earn.

If development motor repair shop is joined,become ' China steam motivation ' what the word of oil change center earns is faster. The charge of the member that steam repairs a factory to add initiate is fifty-four thousand four hundred yuan, if you pull two steam to repair the member that the factory adds initiate, the gross profit that you can take is 30800 yuan.

Current, ' China steam motivation ' already achieved 2000 or so in oil change center of the whole nation, membership number is broken through 200 thousand. (company) in the time that is not in, already sent 3 batches to add up to for the member many 60 run quickly the car serves as award. On the company annual meeting that is about to hold, still can reward member amount more running quickly car. Still can reward member amount more running quickly car..

"China steam motivation " award of annual meeting a person of extraordinary powers 83 Benz

On January 10, 2019, "China steam motivation " annual meeting in the Changchun City some hotel is held, more than 1000 agency collect countrywide each district here.

"China steam motivation " annual meeting comes from countrywide each district more than 1000 members

The reporter notices, the hall that can hold more than 1000 people in this hotel two side, hanging 10 several gigantic spoke chromophotograph, it is respectively " China steam motivation " the sale that the whole nation saves the market each gets military thing. The spot joins the delegate of more than 1000 agency of the meeting, separate the group that belongs to these to get military content banner to fall.

In chatting, zhang Ming says they are belonged to " China steam motivation " the group that lube project whole nation popularizes Han Liwei of the first person, Luyue's couple, in east 3 provinces area undertakes popularizing. In suspension of annual meeting spot gigantic a group leader photograph is medium, platoon of photograph of Han Liwei, Luyue's couple is in first position.

The part runs quickly the getting personnel of large award

Be in " China steam motivation " after company president Chen Junyu appears on the stage to speak, integral achieves the agency that rewards a requirement, cent queues up to appeared on the stage to get 83 to run quickly into several groups car.

Zhang Ming is right the new personality say such as the reporter: "This within (agency) no less than 229 people of on 100 million asset, what the stage runs quickly do not calculate what. Some (member) the car of a person of extraordinary powers that driving 1.7 million yuan, a small blackboard is installed in the car (use at the picture to get offline deduct a percentage from a sum of money pursues) , playing small machine (fight grind experimental machine) , do lube to fight namely every day grind an experiment (look to new personality, the initiate that help a person) .

Annual meeting does not want anxious return afterwards, tens of names that will attend annual meeting before Lu Yue of leader of the group after dinner will be right " new personality " undertake business retraining.

Right now, wen Li holds " China steam motivation " everybody lets watch before the records comes to everybody, the picture that sees there is elite character on many pieces of page only and success become rich achievement introduction.

Wen Li says to everybody: "Inside this is ' China steam motivation ' the successful personage of the sale.

For example Yu Haiqun, doing ' China steam motivation ' before, it is a rental driver only, because search,was opposite namely person (get offline) . Current, the market is covered inside (business of China steam lube) be him mostly, outstanding achievement platoon is in the whole nation the 7th... .

Xu Lili of another group leader, joining ' China steam motivation ' before, it is a of drugstore member that receive silver only. In married couple of Han Liwei, Lu Yue how-to below, get stranger in two guide below, xu Lili is inside short 3 months time, she had car of the first a person of extraordinary powers in life (run quickly) , take maternal trip going abroad, bought the first abroad house property... .

Zhang Qingshuang of Harbin group leader, from tire store gather up fetal industry is made, struggling number the year's harvest is one steam of Harbin city to write the boss of inn, in steam long inn is managed when be immersed in trough, joined 2018 ' China steam motivation ' , after 3 months, zhang Qingshuang took what the company rewards to run quickly large award... . Zhang Qingshuang took what the company rewards to run quickly large award... ..

Engine oil is fought grind an experiment to be pointed to to deceive people intrigue

Heilongjiang province is engaged in the senior personage Ma Bin with lube old industry expressing to this: "Fight in afore-mentioned lube in grinding an experiment, oil tastes fight oxygen, cleanness, medicinal powder hot, sealed, lubricant wait for multinomial index, get impossibly be reflectinged entirely in individual imitating test. Only by fight simply grind an experiment, will achieve excel of product of allusive consumer oneself the purpose of other trademark lube, for the customer that does not know lube to much, both neither bears the blame, also do not have scientific basis. Also do not have scientific basis..

Additional, the reporter is fought in network search lube grind an experiment to show, many professional website and forum article all support negative attitude to this experiment.

The article of forum of Vactra of netizen of forum of domestic website engine oil of the car " uncover secret to use " fight grind machine experiment " come to those who market lubricating oil deceive people intrigue! " one article speak bluntly: "Be in previously of lubricant market be the rage ' fight grind machine ' experiment, die after a few years, begin to be in again lubricant market be current. This among them reason is the asymmetry that uses information, flicker does not know the person of lube. In the year that information develops now, in process of lubricant market sale, it is good that the oil that uses him proof of type of this one party is tasted taste at other oil, it is a kind of very elementary sale means. It is a kind of very elementary sale means..

Article of information of Chinese lube website " chasm! Fighting those who grind experimental machine test is not " fight grind " ability " show in one article: "Want to raise lube to be on this equipment (fight grind machine) test triumph rate, need to assure ZDDP only (the car uses lubricating oil extremely pressure fight wear a lotion) content is enough tall OK. Ever had introduced in the article previously, ZDDP content exceeds 800ppm (bulk chroma) when, with respect to standard of short of API SM (one of occupation standard of engine oil) . The lube that wins victory on this test accordingly, not be best lube certainly. Not be best lube certainly..

To " China steam motivation " the member makes initiate reach help newlywed person multilayer the be related that distribute profit, reporter to " China steam motivation " headquarters hair case seeks testimony, the salesperson below whether clear standard is suspected of be engaged in passing sell an activity.

"China steam motivation " the corporation is responsible outside the Cai director of announce says in the reply in mail: "My company establishs beginning oneself, will defend legally from beginning to end compasses the first principle that follows as administrative activity place. Problem of experience of the place in casing to the reporter (pass annul) , my company height takes seriously, check via preliminary platoon, have not discover this kind of phenomenon now. Have not discover this kind of phenomenon now..

Harbin market superintendency bureau: "China steam motivation " be suspected of passing annul

Harbin city market supervises controller of the substation in management board path to express: "" prohibit passing sell byelaw " the first chapter sets the 2nd times: It is to point to an organizer or operator expands staff, the personnel measure that perhaps is developed secondhand directly with its by development staff through be opposite perhaps sells outstanding achievement to calculate and give compensate for the basis, perhaps ask to be in order to pay fixed fee by development staff condition, obtain add the means try to gain such as the qualification illegal profit, disturbed economy order, affect the behaviour with stable society.

The 2nd chapter the 7th the 3rd section provision: Organizer or operator passes development staff, the requirement is joined by the member that development staff grows someone else, form fluctuation line to concern, the sale outstanding achievement of the following line is calculated for the basis and give pay on line pay, obtain is illegal of the interest.

The many video that refer according to the reporter interview a data to show, this bureau fairness trades after the branch studies jointly with legal branch, the promotion that holds this brand engine oil is suspected of ' pass annul ' . To this, will make further investigation. Will make further investigation..

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