Does the net pass labour of counterjumper of baby of mother of PK of taekwondo black band to meet wi

Recently, the video of one Duan Qun beat up is mad on the net pass.

In video, covey person wears coverall of black short sleeve. Another group person wears taekwondo to take, the waist is black band, be fallen to be in the ground by overturn paralysis. Video by the coronal with " taekwondo coach and Mu Ying counterjumper group beat up destroys by the group " caption by a large number of transmit.

Public security bureau of Jiangsu Changshu city says, police already got involved investigation, this matter department happens 2 days in Changshu 10 thousand amount to square 3 buildings, fight both sides is a taekwondo house and employee of embassy of a fierce actually.

Does the net pass labour of counterjumper of baby of mother of PK of taekwondo black band to meet with " does the group destroy " ?

Bilateral personnel all gets flesh wound, the many person in video falls down " the group destroys " the house places taekwondo of picture pure department pat.

Does the net pass labour of counterjumper of baby of mother of PK of taekwondo black band to meet with " does the group destroy " ?

Changshu city public security bureau issues a bulletin, because send out,confirm conflict ad is only and case, caused 1 person flesh wound in all, 6 people are slight injury.

Current, because personnel of 15 experience case is suspected of provoke affray blame already was being detained by police station criminal, the case is doing in farther detect in.

Does the net pass labour of counterjumper of baby of mother of PK of taekwondo black band to meet with " does the group destroy " ?

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