Beijing time on May 8 before dawn, semifinal of coronal of Europe of 18/19 sports season the 2nd bout, cling to 0-4 of Sa guest field not enemy Liverpudlian, total score 3-4 goes out cloudily bureau, the grading after contest, mei Xicheng is cling to Sa fig leaf, he is obtained judge 7.3 minutes, in addition, cling to expression of brunt of Sa half the number fails, it is respectively revive Yaleisi, Kudiniao, Lajidiji, Aerba, Langgelai. Among them, kudiniao behaves be how terrible, say like fan place, "He just is Liverpudlian today's full-court is optimal! "He just is Liverpudlian today's full-court is optimal!!
Full-court match, mei Xi finished 5 feet shoot, and brought menace, regrettablly, one person takes Mei Xi not to use Ba Saquan line, especially revive Yaleisi and Kudiniao are immersed in today low fan, cling to Sa aggression breaks down almost, mei Xi has powerful individual capacity, but fail to save team today. Match the second half, kudiniao is changed early, and revive Yaleisi also is lost in Anfeierde.
If say Mei Xi still has the place that is censured, that is in namely when lagging behind, mei Xi is done not have invigorate team morale for a short while, however oneself also were immersed in confused. When Liverpudlian after be being hit into the 4th ball to exceed total score instead, ba Saquan team is acedia, include Mei Xi.
The grading after contest, meixide arrives 7.3 minutes, this is to be able to encircle the mark that can nod, but he was become cling to the fig leaf of Sa, revive Yaleisi (5.9 minutes) , Kudiniao (5.9 minutes) , Lajidiji (5.8 minutes) , Aerba (5.6 minutes) , Langgelai (. Liverpudlian respect, weinaerdumu 8.7 minutes, ao Liji 8.9 minutes, two people became the oldest hero.
This summer, cling to Sa needs what consider Kudiniao well to take an issue, although Brazilian star has flashy now and then, but on the whole, his expression does not match social status of on 150 million euro. Even, this battle enters Kudiniao a hair, it is error of embattle of arms of platoon of Ba Erwei heart completely. And Ba Saqiu is confused spit groove, "Liverpudlian optimal now it is Kudiniao. "Liverpudlian optimal now it is Kudiniao..
As to Mei Xi, semifinal of coronal of Europe of go no further, this lets his Jin Qiumeng wanted to make question mark. Although individual data of Mei Xi is very outstanding still, but lost a such important pot, second half of the year, c Luo Huo makes organic still meeting try best to catch up.