Bank state city fast fly to company of happy science and technology false contract is cheated borrow

With dispatch bank information on May 7, net of juridical copy clerk published report of a criminal, bank subbranch of a bank of village of Yellow River of bank of city farming merchant by bank state city fast fly fact of company of happy science and technology charges a person Zhang Mou roc is cheated borrow 18 million yuan of one case to announce.

Judgment shows, on April 7, 2016, zhang Mou roc uses actual pilot bank state city fast fly to company of happy science and technology, contract of dummy supply and marketing, with Xiang Bin limited company of trade of state city roc cliff purchases name, diddle bank the city zone agency of credit of village of Yellow River of company of farming letter couplet (now bank subbranch of a bank of village of Yellow River of bank of city farming merchant) loan 18 million yuan. After loan extends, among them more than yuan 1400 are used at paying fast bridge company has been lent capital and accrual before flying to company of happy science and technology, other use at remanding to owe. After loan expired on April 6, 2017, fast fly to company of happy science and technology exceed the time limit was not returned, remanded in October 2017 200 thousand yuan.

On April 25, 2019, bank court of people of the city zone is sentenced fast fly to company of happy science and technology to commit diddle loan crime, fine 600 thousand yuan; This company fact charges a person Zhang Mou roc commits diddle loan crime, sentence a set term of imprisonment 3 years 5 months, punish gold 300 thousand yuan.

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