Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

Complete note? Commercial thinking

Invite you, before reading, think first:

Does life have a sense after all? Why is the so much meeting that we open is small effect invalid even? Do we want from what the respect implements resolution?

What doing actually is not so important, successful, money is much with little not be so important, well living, spirit does not want to break down, just be the most important!

Of foreword, person grow in the round

Why to need ceaseless essence to enter?

"Recognizant layer class " this one model is a doctor and scholastic David Hawkins put forward. The consciousness that his basis studies and observation experiences person place is divided into grade and make a mark.

For instance lowest is ashamed (20 minutes) ; It is compunctious next (30 minutes) , cool (50 minutes) , sadness (75 minutes) , scared (100 minutes) desire (125 minutes) , indignant (150 minutes) , proud (175 minutes) ;

Begin from courage of 200 minutes, the consciousness that the person experiences begins generation energy, for instance courage (200 minutes) , calm (250) , active (310 minutes) , good-tempered (350 minutes) , sensible (400 minutes) , happy (540 minutes) , quiet (600 minutes) , realize (700~1000 is divided) .

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

Leave realizing is the state that the 700 people that reach 1000 minutes reach. So who is to open the person that realize truly, can imagining a true person that realize is very few in the crowd, the author also says he sees a true person that realize rarely all one's life.

Use the argument of Confucius, I think a true person that realize to want to achieve at least " 60 and ear is suitable, 70 and do not be about to even more from heart institute quadrature " state.

The lifetime of major person is to be in what spreading out in energy and the intertexture that lose energy and advance ahead.

From recognizant layer class this one model looks, 200 minutes of a lot of more the following affection or consciousness are a center with ego mostly, and the generation of the affection of 200 minutes of above or consciousness, basically be to begin to pay close attention to the world all round and person.

How to let us have a check to his past with this frame? You can paint a picture of 4 quadrant, the abscissa is the life and job two dimension are spent, ordinate is high component and small fraction, it is a bound with 200 minutes.

In the life and job two dimension are spent, often appeared 200 minutes of what above or the following consciousness or affection. Spend a few minutes of time very write down honestly.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

I am in period of time recently several circumstances, include to have the tall canal group of the company, the senior student group of the business school is waited a moment, let everybody do a such exercise.

Discover everybody is in the job and life, still have many of energy, for instance happy, active, good-tempered, calm etc; But the consciousness that also appeared to lose energy not less, for instance indignant, compunctious with fear.

Very much compunctious be pair of family, this bit of everybody produces resonance very easily. We feel him working hours is too long, do not come home all the day have a meal, accompany parents and child to wait a moment without time. Because press muscularity, when although follow a person,be together, also not be very attentively, the time quality that gets along together is not high.

These are the big questions of current China, seeming is the price that successful place needs to pay. But " come out to mix, always should return " . Have the price of some of thing, be defer arrival, can look for our trouble one day.

In the job, tall canal people also have many negative energy.

Having is indignant, why to annoy? Because have the teammate like the pig,someone says is, is not the teammate like the god, so we feel very indignant, do not control oneself.

Another is scared, many people are decided to prospective inaccuracy feel scared. Negative of course sentiment - include anger and fear - also can produce energy and power, generation erupts thrust moves a thing to go forth. But will for a long time look, negative sentiment hurts the body not only, and also meet him block up is mixed the creativity of the group.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

In the different level of life, we can do such thing constantly, establish a Flag for example, decide a goal, issue a determination to wait a moment, but consider to discover, the determination of 88% for instance thin body, much read, smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline is impracticable etc.

And the person that keeps these determination actually, have the person of 52% probably, when beginning to make year program and determination, to whether implementation is confidence is full.

Since such, do then we still need to be determined, decide a goal?

My answer is affirmative!

Although I also have the resolution that does not have him implementation a lot of times, have a few years flat even did not do. But think now, be determined or want some, in case came true? Say this represented a kind of pursuit of our life again, let ourselves look forward to a little to future.

So do we want from what the respect implements resolution?

Here the frame that I want to put forward a 5 big fields to grow in the round: The body (Physical) , acknowledge (Cognitive) , affection (Emotional) , gregarious (Social) , soul (Spiritual) .

One, 5 large fine enter one of: The body

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

It is the body above all go up, did you take exercise today? How many person has motion to be used to? Weekly motion 3 arrive 4 times, every time of half hour.

I am publishing speech or company every time inside in example, can ask this question. Normally I can see the person that has 25% about shows they had had the habit of this motion fitness. At the beginning I feel some are surprised, why be in crowd of so called elite, the person that has athletic habit is so little.

But I also want to understand later. I realize the value of athletic fitness truly, pay Zhu Shi carry out namely the thing of the last few years.

Actually, the inertial force of lazy, person of the person is very powerful.

2009, I attend a 10 weeks senior management course in haing Buddha business school (AMP) . I and additionally 7 classmates live in in big inner room. We each the individual's room is very little, just put a piece of desk quite.

This kind of design may let us not be curtilage in his room namely, walk out of a room to follow a classmate to interact more however.

A few days when just went, every morning probably at 5 o'clock, heard a lot of classmates to go out. One day, when chatting with a few classmates, a classmate asks me, wayne, don't you move?

We this group has the fellow student that comes from the United States, England, France, New Zealand, Thailand, Chile and India, I feel embarrassed the habit that says I do not have motion, be afraid of the face that lost a Chinese. I say, I move, basically pouring time difference these days, did not move so.

Later I everyday early gets up, go together with these classmates gym. After going back to the motherland, I held to, but slowly lax. Join 10 thousand divisions to the front of a few years all the time.

10 thousand divisions are called " limited company of athlete of 10 thousand divisions " . Have the habit of athletic fitness up and down. Horse race pulls a pine there are several in tall canal. Begin from 10 thousand divisions, I increased carry momentum not only, also begin chronically weekly motion fitness.

Recently, I am in the friend circle of Wang Shi of author of 10 thousand divisions, see him be illuminated from a piece of fitness that pat. His abode in Israel, sweating just finish half hours row machine training, look rate is very rapid.

He himself says to row 5 times every week machine training, add again every week two long-distance running or rowing training. Carry momentum is great!

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

This piece of photograph is influential still to me. I think next determination should be to increase carry momentum, for instance at least once a week relatively the motion of high strenth.

In addition, I want Buddhist monastic discipline to drop me to have the habit of too much snacks in the late evening, I announce in public, I want Buddhist monastic discipline to drop this habit. Does everybody know to announce what to profit there is in public?

Consider to discover, announce the word of a target in public, can make you more possible reach this goal. So after you if have a resolution, also want to announce in public.

2, life essence of life enters: Cognitive

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

The 2nd respect of full-scale development is acknowledge, we upgrade ceaselessly even our cognitive ability. Acknowledge upgrades respect, can include the field such as skill, knowledge and thinking means.

1. skill level

When having, we may feel skill training is a bit pediatric, not be actually such. This I also am inspire from what get on body of Chairman Wang Shi.

If if have a few,be being broken through in skill respect sometimes, can lead oneself life to a very different state.

When Wang Shi breaths out Buddha 60 years old, english basically is cannot ringent. But after he went breathing out Buddha Cambridge, the gift of tongues grows greatly, can address with English even.

Once I see the president of new York university together with him, we attended a meeting inside a cubby. I discover surprisingly, he can have been compared fluently whole journey works with English discussion. English the promotion of this skill, what to bring to Wang Shi after all?

Mastered a language this skill, wang Shi can freely the ground becomes director of foundation of WWF world wild animal, be elected to be inferior the chairman that surpasses couplet, with the vice president before the United States Gore discusses problem of global environmental protection to wait together.

English the promotion of this one skill, let he learns on different world stage and grow, exert influence. Because this does not underestimate skill,contribute to what acknowledge upgrades.

2. knowledge level

Those gets Mr Deluke to say, he should learn a new thing 3 every years, every 3 months want the intellectual fluctuation time in a domain; Additional, division of the awn that check put in order says to more than 100 models must be assembled inside brain, this model may come from biology, quanta mechanical, or come from economics, psychology and sociological and other places.

He says these models can help us expand greatly our thinking. My early knows these truths, but did not do accordingly. Syncretic of knowing and doing actually the most difficult.

So I think my New Year was determined 2019 is comply with the proposal of these two Great Masters, study around 9 themes development, what I plan now is poineering theory research, another is cranial nerve science.

3. thinking mode

The 3rd respect that acknowledge upgrades is thinking mode. What the person often has him in thinking mode respect is inertial.

Having a psychologist also is Ka Niman of gainer of a nobel prize, he wrote a book to cry " fast think and slow think " , a main idea is said inside the book, the system thinks and system 2 think.

The system ponders over be natural intuition for the most part, not quite burn a brain, need to waste the energy of a lot of cerebra not quite, seeming is to be in drive automatically mode.

I discover I am the person that the system ponders over best practice, I think with a lot of instinct and intuition, of course my intuition is pretty good also. But where is the problem? The system thinks to often can suffer his illusive place to affect, can be gone to in channel by illusive belt.

And system 2 although,think very burn a brain, need tries hard painstakingly, but acquire the nerve link with wider more likely, better with generation more the hole of keen sees.

I listen to the president of Mai Ken stannum to say in a speech recently, leader of a high level should have twice at least every week, every time two hours, a person is in alone undertake deepness think. The likelihood has a piece of paper only a pen, without small letter without the book the ground undertakes deepness thinks.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

This is a bit difficult to me, but I think, next I can first from once a week deepness thinks begin.

3, 5 large fine enter: Mood feeling

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

The person is affection animal, the person's affective abounded gender and fluctuation to add a lot of colour and happiness for life! But water can carry a boat can Fu boat. The example that the faze of the tired, place that it is affection, place that it is affection hurts the place that it is affection is common, can be found everywhere.

Accordingly we manage a respect to want to grow continuously in mood and affection. The highest state that mood feeling runs may be Wang Yang bright place says " this heart is not moved, random and move " .

This heart is not moved is to point to won't eat a heart easily, won't hurt a heart more. Heart Ping Rujing, halcyon send far. The amplitude of inner concussion cannot too big, the frequency of severe concussion cannot too much, and cannot duration is too long.

But such whether understanding if shut-off of water, Where is energy of lacklustre, lack? King Yang Ming filled again, random and move!

When good luck comes, mood feeling of the person is OK topple the mountains and overturn the seas, billowy, with one climax following another, the energy of generation can let factitious one Jing; But how to hold this lucky chance?

This may need wisdom. When needing your heat to start, we are about to be able to be promoted act vigorously rises, bring the energy of systemic heart into play, go accomplishing a thing.

This lets me remember a famous word: God, bestow please my gentle heart, go accepting the thing that those cannot change; Bestow the thing that my courage goes to can changing those; Bestow my wisdom, it what go to differentiating is OK to what go to differentiating it what change is not OK to what change.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

It is very difficult to should accomplish this of course, need long-term effort, so father just can say " the person that get the better of a person is strong, from the winner strong " . Here I can share small method of a few small ideas:

1. canal accuses almond nucleus to hijack

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

Almond nucleus is centre of the affection in cerebrum, mood, to the person it is very important to live. The person is in critical hour, have not enough time to think, lash-up reaction of the person does not pass cerebrum. Reaction of this kind of lash-up is almond nucleus actually be hijacked.

Lash-up reaction can make the person brings systemic heart energy into play inside the shortest time, answer a sudden incident, this is its positive one side. But it also can make the person is in condition of a kind of out of control.

For instance abrupt agitatedly, abuse the person let loose a stream of abuse against sb, but after the event thinks very regret, why? Not worthwhile.

Because some likelihoods are scolded by the boss, or a project is not great, it is a small exam even not ideal, in was immersed in a kind of deep dismay and low mood, hard extricate oneself.

This kind of dismay may let a person indulge in certain thing, do not have sunset night ground to play game, fine long hair for instance incontinent belly-worship, accompanying self-condemned be fed up with oneself even.

How to go managing this almond body to hijack? We explain a few simpler methods:

The first is deep breathing, this is a kind of very important training, to be pacified body of mood management almond is hijacked very effective;

Another small method is autosuggestion, because almond body is hijacked,come very quickly, have 6 seconds only allegedly, so you should dominate this very short time only, avoid possibly to enter state of out of control.

You can attend a such sentences " the world is so good, I am so irratable however, bad, be bad! " read aloud likely and effective fruit a few times continuously so.

2. learns from hey, search actively " the heart flows "

Heart shedding is a kind of oblivious of oneself condition, spirit of a kind of body and mind experiences good position.

The world does not turn around you, major person needs to turn around the world. Oneself should be found from hey means, search the mental opium that can stimulate the travel before oneself ceaselessly. If you do not learn from hey, do not want expectation others to give you fill chicken broth everyday.

To a lot of people, all things are too bad, you need to find common ceaselessly in the life small I hope truly, him drive steps down, and it is to be full of creativity ground to step down!

Our majority person won't get Oscar, Gelaimei, Amy, Nobel, Pulitzer all one's life these life are great award; But in life small I hope truly however everywhere can be gotten.

The beer of a cup of ice in summer of a fire in in the winter, sorching, somebody is after our ear gently one kiss, turned a long time to discover a parking space, mobile phone is very fast suddenly in the parking lot when doing not have report, abrupt somebody is given come over, etc.

As Everyman, we still can be enjoyed cense, try tea, Gao Wo, listen to rain, see hill, fishing, taste wine of such good time. A variety of this wonderful small instants in life, it is however those who take is endless use not of exhaust.

Tell the truth, disgraced challenge, too tall to requirement of favor mood affective. Strong without enough pliable but strong, play no less than going to at all.

The surface is bright the there are plenty of such people that inner Bei urges. Domestic home has the classics that reads aloud hard originally, this perhaps explained why so much person sleeps bad, feel angst and dismay, enter depressed condition even.

I tell me with everybody is how from hey.

Last summer, I went to Cantabrigian university attending the class of a week as observer. As observer, my a week comes down to do not have a speech basically, get my hold back terrible.

On graduation late banquet, I ask for those who get compere actively to agree, stood up to sing a paragraph for everybody " the sky drops a Lin Meimei " , win universal applause.

Not be I am sung well of course, however European to this group for, opera of this kind of China is too distinctive. I did the culture emissary of a China at this point, secreted at a draught very great cling to amine, feel enough bright!

3. is attending an exercise: Live in instantly

Reading aloud to also be exercise of a kind of breath, those who let us raise the idea to oneself is conscious accuse with the palm, the idea of our person is flowing minute minutes ceaselessly, we everyday the time of absquatulate, day dream is very much, and oneself often are mixed without consciousness however conscious. Imperceptible in our feeling waved distance.

Research says: The time that we are working everyday, the time that has nearly 50% probably is abstracted. The so much that this perhaps explained to we attend a meeting is small effect is invalid even!

Reading aloud even if make us focusing instantly, vivid be in instantly! Although reading aloud all over the world very fire, for instance the big company of a lot of science and technology resembles Gu Ge, reading aloud an exercise to be like the mark that is employee to match. But reading aloud actually is Oriental wisdom however.

The early in university of The Book of Rites puts forward " sincerity, heart " say. Alleged sincerity is not installed namely, frank; Alleged the heart is sedulous work in instantly, not " listen to ear to be not heard, turn a blind eye to, feed and do not know its ingredient " .

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

There are a large number of researches now, discovery is reading aloud to be able to let us become not only the heart is quieter, can provide the case that charges mood out of control more; Reading aloud to still can improve our Morpheus, promote our memory, attention clever even rate.

4, 5 large fine enter: Relation

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

The 4th respect that 5 big fields grow in the round is social association, with the relation of other. This one human relations in society included to follow family, with the colleague, with the friend, concern that follows someone else.

3 sides that we tell in front, of the body, cognitive with mood affective, seeming is about ourselves, be like us can pay attention to one's own moral uplift without thought of others, this also is the part of cultivate one's morality of smooth the world of administer a country of neat home of cultivate one's morality.

The quality of human relations in society to life it is very important. Can say, we have what kind of human relations in society, we have what kind of life. Human relations in society defined our life.

Our human relations in society causes the joy with very much life, happiness and anguish. A lot of trouble of the person, it is spirit and psychological disease even spark by problem of human relations in society.

In the Chinese's wisdom, the stand or fall of human relations in society should be attributed to above all or accusing at oneself. Oneself did not do well, human relations in society also is done bad, do not blame others above all.

Accordingly, if follow the person of wife, husband, child, boss, subordinate, colleague, friend, partner and other understanding, the issue gave on the relation, want to analyse oneself first. And in real world, our everybody has the problem of side of society of a few societies more or less.

We ourselves can think, what are 3 the mainest to me concerns? Put in what problem now, why?

If the value of some kind of human relations in society is very high, but condition very bad, that needed key attention to solve namely. It is intractable that these problems also are compared normally, because this a lot of people can be adopted,escape and protracted means, the gangmaster is buried inside sandpile, the eye does not see the heart is not irritated.

Really, some things need time, procrastinate to perhaps can have a favourable turn. But the influence that party must become aware to make pair of our body and mind so, because escape,we often need or protracted pay additional price.

If a person undertook one time examining to his human relations in society, all concerns that discover oneself appear problem, seem to be twisted with everybody cling to, be like whole world to be with him enemy, what want above all then is him where appeared problem.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

As irreconcilable as the world, because we and oneself are irreconcilable,be above all. Accordingly, we brood with respect to need, I cannot admit myself in where, why cannot admit. We admitted ourselves, ability begins to admit this world.

We should grow continuously in domain of human relations in society, also have macroscopical and microcosmic two respects.

Macroscopical method is strategy thinks, regular the characteristic of the human relations in society that examines oneself and evolve into a process, lead the strike of all sorts of gregarious relations actively.

The difference of the relation network that everybody is built actively or passivity forms is very big. The concern net with him located everybody is microcosmic like, oneself may want often ask oneself answers one time oneself, my microcosmic become more active, more diversity, more valuable to every node?

At the same time everybody is a node in the concern net of others, it is the one member in whole macrocosm, regard network of large human relations in society as a medium node, are you more valuable to whole network, whole macrocosm contrary still? These need to often be examined.

From microcosmic for, want to analyse the quality of every important human relations in society and trend namely.

E.g. , with the relation between oneself boss. Can say our everybody has a boss, also include those old bosses to resemble Ma Yun, Ren Zhengfei. Some people think he do not have a boss, but who at the last moment just comprehends is a boss. Let a lot of people feel a worry with the boss' relation so.

We often say to want to had managed our boss, the Deluke that manages a Great Master repeatedly was written technically " the boss that manages you " article, the relation between visible management and boss is serious administrative problem actually, affect us to succeed directly, grow, happy.

Be in macroscopical on, want to often examine the impact with the boss, much ask oneself:

Do I know to let a boss sleep to be not worn in the evening the thing that become aware? Know she did not come to 3 month of job with 3 first top step? Know she obtains the preference of information? It is good to like to say small still letter is communicated face to face e.g. her? My two mutual trust? Is our close level adequate? Can I bring unique value to her? Our relation should produce future what kind of change, what do I need to do? ...

Altogether, those important human relations in society in life, no matter be the concern that the boss still follows between husband and wife, can become a knowledge independently.

In microcosmic level, I feel the abidance of domain of human relations in society grows should hold at 3 o'clock:

1. promotes the heart that be the same as manage

What is the heart that be the same as manage? Say simply, the heart that be the same as manage is namely on acknowledge can understanding, can feel on affection with experience; Can guess accurate others sth which it would be awkward to disclose namely, did not experience the experience of others namely, but the ability of the feeling that can experience others.

Want to develop the heart that be the same as manage, want study to listen attentively to above all.

Have one's mind stuffed with is his thing before me, the thing of a place of strategic importance in brain is too much, which have patience to hear others speech, occasionally the family did not have say a few words to interrupt the person.

My constant regular meeting restrains him hard now, let a person say the word. Produced a consciousness especially, obedient listen sound, what is the implication that thinks people says. Of course I had not achieved all words now very euphonic, can listen to the state that gives implication, still need ceaseless Xiu Lian.

Listen attentively to these two words, "Bend " it is good that the word is used particularly, pitch, seeming is to point to pose of a kind of body, our body pitch, listen to others sedulously to tell; But actually truly important is the pitch on the body not merely, however the pitch on the heart, in the investment on the heart.

Of western person for Active Listening, active listen respectfully, those who say also is similar meaning.

When listen attentively to, still need to notice observation. This is the very main mastery of a skill or technique in the heart that be the same as manage. Limbs language of the person shows major signal fully. The language can deceive people, not happy say happy, do not wish to work say to want to work very much, but body language can deceive people not quite however.

A lot of moment the despotic power by force of the boss, perhaps stem from feelings, speak a few against one's will if, these are normal human feelings. But we are OK the expression from others, clues sees in motion of posture, gesticulation, superciliary especially.

With manage heart this is planted in quality, higher layer level is to admit diversity.

The boundless universe is multifarious, alleged forest became old what bird is done not have. Want to accept diversity on philosophy, know diversity especially the beauty that the person's diversity brought up the world, human beauty. Let a hundred flowers blossom contention of a hundred schools of thought, this is the characteristic of prospective world.

I am not Ma Yun, my English is told so smoothly without him, don't I have a qualification to talk? The world is rich, big dog cries, also want doggie of be patient of to cry!

Accept diversity, embrace diversity even, it is easy to say. The point of view that others follows me is different, be good point of view? The means that the way that thinks a thing works follows me different, is others a bit strange, don't have a future?

Of course, diversity is a Shuang Renjian, it brought the abundance of the world, promoted innovation, but also raised complexity of a lot of management and cost.

This is why the reason that a lot of leaders do not like diversity. But the time that innovating, prospective leader, indispensible admit diversity, enjoy diversity, hug diversity, grow in diversity and bright.

2. expands actively, active aggression

Need is managed and human relations in society is built. But I am done poorlier in this respect. Although because the job concerns,I also know many people, but overall for more passive, common saying says very curtilage.

The Chun Shu on the village says well, "Feeling, do not contact meet weak, do not cherish can come loose. The world is so great, I want to look, just do not see hill see water see a landscape, even much with person connection, experience the beauty of different idea and individual character! Experience the beauty of different idea and individual character!!

I want to build a respect many a little bit to expand actively in human relations in society after, basically study through starting a person that do poineering work, a more extensive research, in this process, go actively doing not have the person that connection passes before connection.

3. follows mutually beneficial principle

For reality, one-sided is paid or be being asked for cannot last. Warton the business school is famous constituent psychologist Adam Gelante is counteracted to the organization socially people is the action that how be paid and demands undertook study. He discovers:

The person that has 19% about is the dinkum person that ask for, do they encounter a person to think " my what can he help? What can I get from his body? " ;

The person that has 25% about is accord person, they can ask " I can help you what do " ;

The person that has 56% is so-called mutual benefit person, you help my a few my sides you a few.

Gelante's research discovers:

Complete loser is those exceeding accord person, because of them generously accord others is helped but make oneself terribly defeated instead, be too busy him attend to thing.

But good news is the most successful also be the person that those hold the accord of proper limits for speech or action, they always can give a person properly in order to help, oneself also scored very great success finally.

I think whole society and of all kinds organization need to build the culture of mutually beneficial mutual benefit, I help you you help me, do not let Lei Feng be in an unfavorable situation. Search to those take, a mean person that does not consider get one's own back till we also can be nodded only, even stay at a respectful distance from sb.

5, large fine enters: Spirit

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

A word cries clever long, whether to point to the Xiu Lian on intelligence of animals namely. Why should go up in spirit, on intelligence of animals ceaseless Xiu Lian, grow continuously?

The person serves as the advanced animal that has intelligence, can ask the question about life meaning sometimes. This resembles the question that Beijing University security personnel asks really: Who are you, you come from where, should go there?

Another problem is me why and vivid. A lot of people ignore this issue all one's life; Asked but those who cannot find the solution also there are plenty of such people. Probably only the small number of people asked to still find the solution not only.

Deepness thinks: 5 ground floor that grow are logistic

Does life have a sense after all? Will look with my present idea, life is no point! Life although no point, but I make my life advocate, we can gift the significance with oneself particular life.

Thinking of a kind of bottom line is: Living it is a meaning! But this meaning is like too common, sexy not at all. Hesperian puts forward, live, and Let Live, oneself are vivid, also make others vivid. This short sentence seem to have buddhist idea very much.

Some people are absorbed in oneself are living, oneself had lived, but do not make others vivid, perhaps do not let others had lived. So, "Oneself are vivid, also make others vivid " , had been a quite great life sense it seems that.

Another Hesperian says, live, love And Learn, it is the life meaning of 3 L so, namely " live well, well very love, academic " , this sounds pretty good also, this is like is to say, when I leave this world, such I am OK saying: I had lived, I had learned, I had loved! Whether should still add a word: Play, had I played?

The Chinese gives birth to a meaning to the person ponder over affirmation earlier. The analects of confucius of Confucius leaves piece say: "Learn and when of be used to, also do not say? Friend comes from distance, extremely? The person does not know and do not angry, not also gentleman? " the view that takes Confucius will figure, the meaning of the life of his place set hides in 3 kinds of condition:

There is new realization ceaselessly in learning continuously, and happy come from which;

You have the friend of have a common goal, they are met trudge comes from afar see you, they love you, you also love them;

Become a man of noble character, become a man of noble character that reconciles with the world, no matter how doesn't the family understand you, you can maintain common heart.

We in another paragraph of word from Confucius, appear to also can fathom the life sense that gives him to be him set: I 10 have 5 and annals at learning, 30 and stand, 40 and not be puzzled, 50 and know destiny, 60 and ear is suitable, 70 and do not be about to even more from heart institute quadrature.

From the point of the word of Confucius:

Life needs ceaseless essence to enter, 10 every years need has the promotion of a big potential energy, promotion of the state. Repairing refine to upgrade ceaselessly continuously may be the meaning of life, should achieve finally do not be about to even more from heart institute the state of quadrature, namely the heart and behavior win complete free state.

That paragraph of famous word that says in university of The Book of Rites, also can regard what sage of Chinese ancient time gives birth to a meaning to the person as to think. Case other people, send know, sincerity, heart, cultivate one's morality, neat home, manage state affairs, smooth the world. From the point of the viewpoint of the Confucianist, for the person's alive highest state, the likelihood hides in this word.

I translate it into the following: Research is all things everythings on earth, ceaseless obtain know newly, do not install -- do oneself, enjoy essence of ego of instantly, ceaseless Xiu Lian to enter in instantly alive, do well little family band is very small group, participate in a country processing, achieve Great Harmony world in all.

What sense does life have? The mortal words of the deceased of king Yang Ming may be best explanation. Mortal before, allegedly his child asks he still has what word to want to say, he replies: This heart is bright, husband answer He Yan.

Right perhaps for king Yangming, in a dark society, can maintain inner light all one's life, accomplish unashamed, achieved the goal of life namely.

To most Everyman, the life sense that finds oneself needs exploration, say like Hesperian place in that way, soul Searching, incorporeal exploration.

Have an Austrian alienist, the survival dimension that also is Nazi concentration camp overcomes Duofulankeer special compose built a course, life meaning therapeutics, help people search life meaning.

Fankle puts forward somebody to be able to live from very cruel Nazi concentration camp, because these people have intense longing to future,be, have the meaning of life and purpose feeling at the same time.

I once had asked many fellow students on classroom, who has thought, the life mission that perhaps wanted to be clear about oneself or meaning, write down life mission even. The result discovers such person still is very little really. But a lot of people feel this is a problem that is worth to think.

The people of devotional christian often says, god Has A Plan For Me, to me in a planned way has arrangement God, him everybody should try to explore come out what is this arrangement;

Big educationist Tao Hang knows to say, life is for an important matter and come, what is this important matter of that everybody;

Li Bai says, inherent my material needs useful, the ability of our everybody, potential can be used where.

These exploration, can decide by our him everybody only valuable, whether to need. Final, the answer of these problems also can give out by oneself only.

I think two words of the Nike that once had served with me finally, end today's speech:

Just Do It, say to work; There Is No Finish Line, do not have score forever, be never-ending!

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