Henan sampling observation discovers Italian entrance mineral water is unqualified: Zincic check giv

Henan sampling observation discovers Italian entrance mineral water is unqualified: Zincic check gives a value not check goes out

The network matchs a plan

The near future, supervisory management board of Henan province market organizes sampling observation 17 kinds of big food 699 batch sample, sample of qualification of sampling inspection project 672 batch, unqualified sample 27 batch. Among them, the 2 batch that limited company of science and technology of network of the gate in Henan province sells import natural mineral water unqualified.

The bulletin shows, what limited company of science and technology of network of the gate in Henan province sells is nominal limited company of imports and exports of Zhengzhou the rising sun (importer) entrust Fonti Di Posina S.P.A. (Manufacturing business) (produce a country formerly: Italy) 1 batch Le Shan of production is natural natural mineral water of mineral water and 1 batch Le Shan (aerate model) , bounds index - zincic check gives a value to be not check goes out, standard regulation is do not be less than 0.20mg/L.

National level GB8537-2008 " drinkable and natural mineral water " in 9 bounds index of the regulation includes lithium, Strontium, zinc, Selenium, bromide, iodide, slant total solid of carbon dioxide of siliceous, dissociate and dissolvability, there must be in mineral water or the requirement that an above reachs bounds target, its ask content is respectively (unit: Mg/L) : Lithium, zinc, Strontium, iodide all ≥ 0.2, selenium ≥ 0.01, bromide ≥ 1, slant siliceous ≥ 25, ≥ of free carbon dioxide 250 with ≥ of dissolvability total solid 1000. Do not accord with label bright the character that the account that shows a demand may be industry source water drops short of requirement, also may be to produce craft to guard a pass lax bring about.

Supervisory management board of Henan province market already instructed an enterprise to make a thorough investigation of product flow direction, recall rejected product, analyse a reason to undertake rectifying and reform, management unit is in the market to superintend a branch to be handled lawfully to involving an unit, instruct make a thorough investigation of the batch of rejected product, amount, flow direction, recall rejected product, adopt next wearing to wait for measure to control a venture, analytic reason undertakes rectifying and reform, give lawfully investigate.

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