Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify tra

Complete alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison wait for traffic to violate act

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment


To continue to strengthen transportation of road of area under administration safety administration works, eliminate traffic safety hidden danger, main precaution is driven because of wine drunk drive poison to drive the road transportation accident that cause to happen. According to detachment the job asks, the near future, one group leader takes detachment of policeman of the long public security bureau that order city seriously highly, combine the working characteristic of area under administration, knit severe knit fine wine to drive, poison drives a canal to control a network, ceaseless aggrandizement wine is driven, poison draws punish effect, main safeguard people goes a safety, expedite.

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Severe check of all kinds traffic to violate act.

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Long treat a policeman one group is whole alarm hit out severe check wine to drive poison purify traffic environment

Actual condition mixes area under administration of union of a large body of to work before experience, grind ahead of schedule sentence, complete alarm attend a war, break free from conventions time paragraph, adopt " peak of the fault when the fault " , union fathers daily arrest of canal and special blow, calm enumeration and flow execute the law wait for means, drive in the light of wine, poison drives illegal behavior to have uninterrupted repair. With road of periphery of meal public place of entertainment, experience wine accident sends the key area such as a section of a highway easily, drive according to wine drunk drive poison to drive illegal criminality to send period of time high, in a planned way, have move, key ground begins repair work. Keep severe from beginning to end the high-pressured state that examines severe canal, didymous wine draws cogent contrast, drunk drive, poison is driven illegal criminality and put fluky psychology drives awe strength of the person.

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