Dumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy

Aureate pig ChinaDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Beautiful flesh 6 / 1 small; Pumpkin 7; Thick broad-bean sauce / column awaits sauce most spoon; Rice wine half spoon; Fabaceous Chi a few; Spoon of sesame-seed oil most; Amylaceous a few; Caraway is optional


Beautiful flesh section (a bit thinner than pumpkin) , await sauce with column / souse of thick broad-bean sauce, join rice wine to make an appointment with 25~30 minute pumpkin cuts 7, after 6 are leaving to cut a fabaceous Chi to be rinsed with water, after be being beaten with the back of a knife blade, mincing pumpkin pays a copy, put beautiful meat, pumpkin uses among place model (action: To prevent evaporate to boil a process chaos of water portion pumpkin slips) , fabaceous Chi is put to break among, irrigate sesame-seed oil on the flesh finally. After water is burned, put, conflagration evaporate 6~7 minute bell of dichotomy of the stew after flameout just opens branch of the water in Gai Zheng process to make the Chi of sesame-seed oil, pork, beans, flavour such as pumpkin shirt-sleeve gather together together, join redundant juice teem amylaceous agitate is boiled into boiler equably to ropy, irrigate and so on of caraway chopped green onion is placed on the flesh, finish. When eating, place fabaceous Chi to the flesh, pumpkin spends fleshy beans Chi to eat readily! Winter bamboo shoots fries shelled fresh shrimpsDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Winter bamboo shoots 1; Shelled fresh shrimps 200 grams; Green pepper 1; Oil is right amount; Cooking wine 1 small spoon; Salt 1 small spoon; Amylaceous 1 spoon; Jiang Shu piece


The choose that feed capable person is washed clean, section of winter bamboo shoots, put in the dip in the water that added salt 10 minutes, conduce to go acerbity, I used green pepper only. The waterlogging caused by excessive rainfall of fish out of winter bamboo shoots that dip crosses. The heat that heat up boiler is oily, put shelled fresh shrimps and Jiang Pian, conflagration breaks up in fry, join 1 spoon cooking wine, oil is cast aside after frying divide evenly to become angry (fish out shelled fresh shrimps, oily bottom leaving boiler) fill piece reserve. My fire is big, fry those who come out to stick a bottom a bit is residual, I do not like to use do not stick boiler to grab wooden spoon fried dish. Put conflagration of winter bamboo shoots to break up fry to probably half ripe. Put green pepper to break up fry, add salt, by oneself be fond of can add little candy, fry divide evenly. Add bowls of small half bowl water, the conflagration in building burns 1 minute. Join conflagration of shelled fresh shrimps to break up fry moment, starch of 1 small spoon adds a few water smooth, fall into boiler. Conflagration, break up quickly fry receive juice to be able to be filled. Bao of bean curd of pigeon breast flesh, such one boiler eats warmDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Pigeon breast flesh 1; Tomato 1; Old bean curd 1; Carrot half; Black agaric a few; Garlic 1 valve; Shallot a certain number of; Unripe pink 1 tea spoon; Sesame-seed oil 1 tea spoon; Edible oil is right amount


Preparation feeds material black agaric to immerse ahead of schedule abluent cut into shreds, carrot is abluent cut flay of fourth, tomato to cut fourth, old bean curd abluent cut man. Garlic cuts end, shallot mincing reserve. Pigeon breast flesh reserves after pigeon breast flesh cuts Cheng Ding, souse abluent cut man, enter souse of garlic powder, unripe pink a little while. OK also and OK add unripe smoke, cooking wine shifts to an earlier date souse, meeting more tasty a few oh ~ chicken and carrot, black agaric breaks up together oil of a few edible is entered in frying pan, explode into garlic powder sweet, break up into chicken man fry to become angry. Continue to join carrot and black agaric to break up fry even. Pour tomato fourth stir-fry before stewing to fry to give juice, enter right amount hot water, mix is even, old bean curd is joined after conflagration is boiled, conflagration of lid of the boiler on the lid boils 5-8 minute; If disrelish flavour to be not weighed, still can add bit of millet any of several hot spice plants, unripe smoke, bad news oil, salt, white sugar will flavor oh ~ takes unripe powder, join a few clear water and divide evenly, undertake ticking off Gorgon euryale into boiler, drop a few sesame-seed oil, scatter on chopped green onion is installed dish can. Chaffy dish of canister bone BaoDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Canister bone 1-2 jin; Jiang Pian 4-5 piece; Thick 1000 Zhang Kuo quantities; Corn; Kid flesh coils right amount; Stay of proceedings of of all kinds bacterium is right amount; Of all kinds a round mass of food; Blood of duck of bowel of duck of wool abdomen yellow larynx; Crowndaisy chrysanthemum; Baby food; Bean products; Noodle of staple food New Year cake


Canister bone lets inn-keeper chop become paragraphs big directly, put the bubble in clear water a little while, water of take out blood. Water of canister bone scald is cast aside go after float foam fish out, rinse clean add water afresh, put a few Jiang Pian, first big baked wheaten cake leaves to turn again small fire infusion 1 half hours. Ten minutes join corn Duan Hehou finally 1000 pieces, have pot, add a few salt to flavor. Of Shang Se milky white " cogged " the method is to add 2 spoon milk to breath out! Natural thickener is general I do not tell the person him! The desk on canister bone Bao, gnaw bone to suck marrow first, everybody does not disturb at that time I breath out ~~ canister bone to eat the bone boiling water that remain to be able to drive scald thin slices of meat in boiling water! The first round of affirmation begins from instant-boiled mutton! Day cat supermarket buys inside unconscious kid flesh coils all wool and a yard wide synthesize the flesh by no means, freedom comes loose the hotpot that raise kid is delicious slippery tender without smell of mutton. Fat lean even meat is qualitative delicious, one rinse namely ripe. My person is OK put sb out of the way is small a jin! Of instant-boiled mutton dip in makings, learn with old Peking Man: Sesame paste and peanut butter 2:1, with boiled water a few for many times add opens agitate divide evenly, join a red fermented bean curd to use ladle pound, juice of fermented bean curd also is added a bit. This is the base of sesame paste. Sesame paste of authentic Beijing instant-boiled mutton puts leek cauliflower and shrimp sauce even 2 appearance, this south buys me harder to was not put also do not affect. Those who like caraway is great add, like to add chili oil hotly or this kind of young red pointed any of several hot spice plants, do not see it ordinary a young red any of several hot spice plants is enough you are put flew after ~~ hotpot eats SHUANG, phalanx of stay of proceedings of the 2nd round of bacterium, bowel of duck of abdomen of wool of the 3rd round of various a round mass of food, four-wheel should eat bit of vegetable. . . . Will select staple food of New Year cake finally, maintain Ge You to spread out... of warm taste! If little word comes the person,one boiler carries an arenaceous boiler one person is fed also is to be satisfied greatly! Willow of slippery egg fishDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Advocate makings: ; 200g of willow of dragon benefit fish; Egg 4; Chopped green onion 2 big spoon; Kipper flavoring: ; Cooking wine 1 small spoon; Salt 2 grams; Pepper a few; Egg white 1 big spoon; Corn is amylaceous 1 small spoon; Egg flavoring: ; Salt 2 grams; Water is amylaceous 3 big spoon (1 big spoon does starch + water of 2 big spoon is smooth) ; The deal of flavoring offers reference only, ask be fond of of according to individual to adjust


Cruelly oppress suitable grain is cut thick, mix with kipper flavoring bloat 10 minutes after divide evenly. Egg break up joins flavoring to mix even. Oil is put to burn heat inside boiler, the fish Liu Fang is entered slippery medicinal powder, fry ripe hind instantly fish out, drop only oil. Put oil to burn heat additionally, put chopped green onion to explode sweet, fluid of equestrian admiral egg falls, the egg joins Yu Liu when fluid most is caky, cross 2-3 second to be able to close fire to fill dish. Clam dawdle chickenDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Clam 200g; 100g of apricot Bao stay of proceedings; Chicken half; Rock candy 8; Ginger 1; Red Huang Caijiao each 1; Garlic bolt 1; Unripe smoke 4g; Oil of salt, vegetable is right amount (spit sand to use)


Clam uses hour of 1~2 of clear leach bubble, can add right amount salt and vegetable oil, accelerate the process that spit sand. Chicken behead abluent, cold water enters boiler, after big baked wheaten cake leaves, cast aside go float foam, cheng Qi reserves. Scald water basically is for purify blood water and grease. Apricot Bao stay of proceedings is abluent cut chip. Doing a chickling to stew what dawdle uses commonly is dry hazel mushroom, nevertheless I feel other bacterium stay of proceedings also very build, the key was to have clam, what to add very delicate. Pimiento cuts paragraphs small. Cut the garlic bine of garlic bolt, garlic leaf part cuts paragraphs small. Garlic bolt is the childhood period of garlic of entire individual plant, grow so that hold out to resemble shallot, nevertheless the leaf of shallot is cylinder shape, and garlic bolt is compressed shape. The fault is not bought when buying. Ask clam spits sand to do not have, spit with respect to each rinse is brushed, put aside reserve in dish. Heat up boiler little oil, go in garlic bine fry sweet. Will nod rock candy, small fire is fried to melt, common says to fry candy color. At that time chicken already too impatient to wait should enter the chromatically in boiler, fry do not have a few times upgrade by silver for gold. Excuse me to film please of one mind is urgent, forget to give chicken claw ahead of schedule first manicure. Join unripe smoke, other ready vegetable also arrives please in boiler, break up together fry a fragrance. Right amount boiled water is added after frying divide evenly, did not cross all feeding material. Because feed material heft more, had better use a bit deeper boiler so. Also can arrive when this one pace turn in arenaceous boiler to continue. Build, stew of medium baking temperature boils about 20 minutes. Let clam also be joined come in, add garlic bolt. Clam connects housing to be joined together, flavour will be more delicious. Break up fry start to talk to clam. If discover those who do not have piece of mouth, come with respect to winkle, this is Biedermeier clam. The lid returns shell, continue stew boils about 8 minutes, do the ~ that decide cough up you one chopsticks I one chopsticks, one caldron blinked to be done not have, spurt wears the mew sister of mouth says: Continue tomorrow evening! 5 blessing face door salad bagDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Shelled fresh shrimps (ripe) right amount; Winter bamboo shoots is right amount; Corn is right amount; Lima-bean is right amount; Carrot is right amount; Salad sauce is right amount; Green is right amount; Skin of Vietnam spring roll is right amount


Part of shelled fresh shrimps cuts man, leave a few to reserve wholy, winter bamboo shoots cuts fourth scald water, carrot cuts the water inside fourth boiler to be burned, iron green leaf soft fish out uses shelled fresh shrimps, winter bamboo shoots, corn, lima-bean, carrot the sauce of these two kinds of salad that I use fish out waterlogging caused by excessive rainfall is boiled a little while to mix shelled fresh shrimps, winter bamboo shoots, corn, lima-bean, carrot inside boiler divide evenly reserves the pot that takes to be more than spring roll skin perhaps, in putting water intrusion of skin of a piece of spring roll a minute or so take out drop to enter the water to molten of spring roll skin put the salad that has mixed, a big shrimp meat is put again among all around carry between spring roll Pi Xiangzhong it is good with green Xie Za to rise can most the boiler of go with rice collapses bean curdDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Boreal bean curd together; Egg two; Amylaceous two spoon; Green ginger is right amount; Salt one teaspoon, must not put much; Candy is right amount; Unripe draw one spoon; Oyster sauce one spoon; Peaceful any of several hot spice plants depends on taste; Gallinaceous essence is right amount; Balm a few


Advocate makings and any of several hot spice plants of peaceful of section of green of silk of burden Jiang Qie cut Cheng Xiaosui what Duan Beidou corrupt cuts playing card size is thick piece after scattering pan of break up of little salt and egg of moment of dry amylaceous souse to heat up boiler, wrap into oil general bean curd, peaceful any of several hot spice plants and dried small shrimps explode sweet hind join unripe smoke and oyster sauce adds water to be boiled join candy, little salt, saline scarcely wants much! The opening is weak it is OK also to do not put salt! Turn small fire places the bean curd with good decoct, two sides burns the essence that scatter chicken a little while to drench balm gives boiler to drench slightly on Shang Zhihou is scattered on chopped green onion and silk of turnip of compose of punctuate of peaceful any of several hot spice plants wrap fleshy circleDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Bailuo predicts half; Horse's hoof 6; Foreleg flesh 250g; Egg 1; Corn starch 4g; Unripe smoke 2g; Salt is right amount; Medlar is right amount


After turnip Duan Xi husks completely, dig of knife of the silk that use planing machine becomes filament. Turnip paragraph the half that length is whole root probably, it is advisable that the silk that dig gives just can wrap fleshy bolus. The proposal uses dig silk knife, the turnip silk that such coming out ability degree of finish is even, accident is consistent, good encase fleshy bolus. Join starch and salt, catch divide evenly. Quiet place 15 minutes, let white turnip souse give juice. As a result of salt after imbibe, can turn tall pH indicator into solution, its chroma greatly the cellular fluid in cell of prep above white turnip, permeating pressure below, the moisture in Bai Luobo can pass cellular wall from fluid of cell of low pH indicator from inside permeating saline solution, common says ' kill ' give moisture. Reduce moisture to be able to let Bailuo predict easier modelling not only, still can the raw ingredient of purify turnip. What want an attention exclusively is salt Biejiaduo, little goes. Foreleg flesh cuts paragraphs small. Fat thin alternate with, best. Fine fine chop. Flay horse's hoof cuts Cheng Xiaoding. Enter man of horse's hoof of fleshy Mei He in agitate bowl, infiltrate an egg, transfer into unripe smoke. Down energetically of agitate of a direction. Of meat stuffing with makings is OK will add according to oneself be fond of, change other vegetable without horse's hoof, egg allergy transfers into amylaceous water, feel raw meat or fish will nod Jiang Mo of chopped green onion, a little flexible with respect to Ok. Take one small round chopped meat, rub becomes a round mass of food of ping-pong size. Get on turnip silk in a round mass of food from the lid intermediate. Because turnip silk has reduced cent giving water, soft soft docile, the bag rises not laborious. turnip silk two end are in binding off of bottom of a round mass of food, make a round mass of food of good the rest with manage. Be in smooth dish on the yard is nice. This deal can make 10 a round mass of food probably. The boiler on cold water, medium baking temperature turns after big baked wheaten cake leaves, continue evaporate 15~20 minute. Wait for turnip silk to become transparent, good on behalf of evaporate. Catch a small medlar, abluent hind lukewarm bleb is soft, decorate a little while with. Before giving boiler, medlar is adorned on each a round mass of food, the meeting is more inviting. The Qing Dynasty of turnip silk a round mass of food with good evaporate is sweet tastily, turnip silk is already complete fully soft, good gracious bend over add on a round mass of food, although use a chopstick to place, also won't come loose easily. Modelling and mouthfeel have both, chicken of of perfect ~ seafoodDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Smooth chicken half 600g; Seafood (anthology same or spell diversity) free; Swimming crab 2 600g; Little abalone young (along with the quantity) 6; Scallop (along with the quantity) 4; Sea shrimp (picked shrimp of red children's hair) 100g; Sweet green 50g; Coriander 2; Sweet celery 50g; Water sends Xianggu mushroom 50g; Ginger piece right amount; The head of garlic makes an appointment with 10 valve; Carry on wine 2 spoon; Sauce: ; Xi is oily 2 spoon; Unripe draw 1 spoon; Candy 1 spoon; Gallinaceous pink 1 teaspoon; Unripe pink 1 teaspoon; Unripe salt 1 teaspoon; Pepper 1/4 teaspoon; Clear water is right amount


young of shrimp of swimming crab, scallop, red children's hair, abalone all sorts of seafood clean processing to had had, the cut after smooth chicken is abluent is small, sweet green, coriander, sweet celery is washed pick cut paragraph, bubble has sent dry dried mushrooms to go the base of a fruit is abluent, the section after ginger flay, the head of garlic pares the garment has had, it is good to want sauce place want sauce place flavoring to allocate with the bowl reserve. Burn heat to fry boiler to fall oily, put the head of garlic to be fried dried mushrooms is put to fry when hearing flavour having garlic fry fry sweet; It is good to enter behead next chicken and ginger piece fry together fry fry mix even, until see chicken surface turns white; The seafood that has had, according to all sorts of seafood time of section of easy ripe state is put; Fry pan mediumly chicken to move a bit boiler edge, put stir-fry before stewing of swimming crab high heat to fry turn color is fried with chicken again go all out even, because abalone young does not have hull this moment puts bowl in, asperse in the carry on on boiler edge carry sweet; Next will beforehand the tone juice of mix up falls to be fried quickly even, add the boiler on right amount clear water lid to build to boil about 3 minutes again; Put shrimp of scallop, red children's hair and sweet celery lid of the boiler on the lid to make an appointment with stew to boil a minute again next; Scatter sweet green and coriander finally on close ingle to fry mix go up equably dish. Ham evaporate bean curdDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Tender bean curd a 350g; 50g of golden China ham; Chao Tianjiao 2; Alone head garlic half; Shallot 2; Balm one big spoon


Preparation: 50g of golden China ham, tender bean curd 1 (make an appointment with 350g) , balm 1 big spoon, alone head garlic 1/2, chao Tianjiao 2, shallot flay of ham of 2 golden China, cut chip, chao Tianjiao cuts 4 corner that encircle a bottom of bean curd box stamp come out tender bean curd thoroughly bean curd stripping and slicing, a place of strategic importance enters ham between bean curd piece piece, bean curd both sides also puts a ham to cut half again alone head garlic, chop becomes garlic end, shallot cuts chopped green onion scatter on bean curd on chili circle, drench on balm heats one boiler hot water, put steam box, put ham bean curd, firing evaporate when fast evaporate of 20 minutes of bean curd is good, take spoon of a big iron, pour oil of two big spoon, small fervent fried bean curd after evaporate is good, scatter on powder of green, garlic, when oil heats up the degree that risks Bai Yan, spill hot oil on bean curd to listening to oil to spill the grow that go up sound, eat (date of public of greeting attention small letter " " , exceed much cate dried food, have nonsked welfare send out more oh ~ ) east slope bean curdDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Bean curd 1; Golden China ham 3 2; Food core 5; Xianggu mushroom 3; Powder of green ginger garlic; Soya-bean oil 10 grams; Flour 20 grams; Cooking wine a few; Saline a few


Cut bean curd teem 4*6*2 centimeter long diamonds, scatter on scatter again after salt above pink; The decoct in putting oily bowl becomes golden look, scoop stand-by; Ham, Xianggu mushroom cuts man; Food core is very hot after coming to be born stand-by; A few oil is put in boiler, put powder of green ginger garlic to explode sweet, put a few cooking wine, Xianggu mushroom, ham to break up fry, add a few water, put the stew of bean curd slow fire with good blast to make; After bean curd is initiated, receive hoosh juice with conflagration, outfit giving boiler dish. Hemp is hot sweet boiler - sea floor scoops up footing to exceed simpleDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Sea floor scoops up hemp hot sweet pot expects 1 packet; Often draw 1 spoon; Steaky pork 150g; Shrimp 15; Shallot 2; Ginger 3; Chinese prickly ash 20; Dry chili 4; Xi Qin 1; Asparagus lettuce 2; Holand beans 20; Lotus root 1; Yam 100g; Agaric 10; Day lily 10; Yam pink 20; Fabaceous skin 4 small; Scamper bean curd 1; Fabaceous muscle skin 1 piece; Close close bowel 10; Piscine bean curd 10; Beef bolus 4; Crab sufficient club 4; White sesame seed 1 spoon; Yellow letter earthnut 2 spoon


Before beginning to fry, reach all vegetable scald water 78 minutes ripe. Green and Xi Qin stalk are cut paragraph, ginger section. Qin Xie Liu is used on the west. Oil is put in boiler, fry sweet material. Join steaky pork piece stir-fry before stewing fries an oil. Must slowly decoct arrives in boiler oil is increasing, such steaky pork ability are fat and not be bored with. Steaky pork fries Jiao Xiang, join often smoke chromatically, break up fry even hind, dial at the same time, join the shrimp that has handled next. Break up ceaselessly fry, become red till shrimp, join a packet of sea floor to scoop up hemp makings of hot sweet pot fries divide evenly. Before the vegetable a round mass of food with good scald is farfetched, in leaving boiler. Exert all one's strength the makings of a boiler bottom and vegetable people mix even, fry 3 minutes two. Scatter on the Xi Qin part of a historical period that leave, white sesame seed, hot earthnut of yellow letter hemp. Drench on a bit balm and oil of Chinese prickly ash. Give boiler! Seafood evaporate bean curdDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Bean curd 2; Shelled fresh shrimps is right amount; Black pointed any of several hot spice plants is right amount; Human society any of several hot spice plants is right amount; Very light blue is right amount; Salt is right amount; Unripe smoke right amount;


Put shrimp into boiling water to boil half minutes, scoop take shrimp meat stand-by. Bean curd cuts chip to be put dish in. Black red pointed any of several hot spice plants cuts into shreds, very light blue cuts into shreds the bubble in putting a bowl a little while. Bean curd spills right amount salt equably, put shrimp meat, put the evaporate in a pot for steaming food that cooks boiled water 10 minutes or so, after giving boiler, pour redundant water. Silk of very light blue is put on the bean curd with ripe evaporate, qing Gongjiao silk, gallinaceous pink, fall to be born smoke, drench on hot oil can edible. Case of pulp of apricot Bao stay of proceedingsDumpling teachs 15 your go with rice appetizing course, see a picture saliva dc, delicious delicacy is sweet delicious to explode!

With makings

Apricot Bao stay of proceedings 1; The meat is rotten 150 grams; Egg 1; Egg white a few; Flour is right amount; Amylaceous and right amount; Unripe smoke right amount; Saline a few; Black peppery a few; Garlic powder is right amount


Dogmeat chop becomes the flesh rotten, join starch, salt, black peppery, unripe smoke, divide evenly of egg white agitate reserves. Apricot Bao stay of proceedings dissections, two twosome, do not cut off among. A place of strategic importance joins fleshy mashed vegetable or fruit. Fluid of equipment flour, egg, touch divide evenly into flour first, wrap again on egg fluid reserves. Firing put oil. The fleshy case that wraps good egg fluid first is put into boiler, scamper comes the surface is golden fish out. Take clean pot, firing put oil, put garlic powder to explode sweet, enter right amount unripe smoke, add a few water, again ordinal put fleshy case. The attention searchs an area, lest burn paste. Prepare a bowl of small amylaceous water to fall again among them, build case of boiler stew ripe pulp, have pot almost, can scatter powder of a few onion above.
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