Refus carries, collect fees more, illicit self-regulated rectifies and reform outfit valuation imple

Refus carries, collect fees more, illicit self-regulated rectifies and reform outfit valuation implement... violate compasses taxi upper limit to punish!

The reporter holds from town road carriage bureau " welcome plenary session of intelligence of the 3rd world, make cab civilization window arouse congress " on know, second half of the year this city superintends farther aggrandizement industry strength, promotion make one's rounds swims to make an appointment with cab whole to serve a level with the net.

Last year since second half of the year, city was begun continuously in cab industry about the branch " promotion service quality, optimize battalion business environment " special processing and " 3 stations " environmental service promotes punish, obtained level sex positive result. According to " treat again, treat greatly, effect a radical cure " working requirement, next town road carry bureau general to combine the concerned branch such as city public security bureau to carry out series act, increase strength of cab industry punish continuously, normative enterprise manages action, promotion industry whole serves a level.


Want to promote enterprise systematism rate, fulfil business management to serve main body responsibility, build the business that cannot assume refus of administrative function, occurrence problem to be not rectified and reform to violating compasses enterprise badly to reach for many times, carry out lawfully persuade to retreat or Qing Dynasty removes a mechanism.


2 it is to make carry out " reputation of quality of Tianjin city taxi service examines way " , supervise and urge the enterprise strengthens management, aggrandizement driver serves assessment, cite credit chasten mechanism, executive driver buckles minute of education, promotion driver serves a level.


3 it is the mechanism of executive driver setting that check, branch of traffic, public security is right new enter a driver to begin setting to check, increase cab trade the integrated quality from personnel of course of study.


4 it is to carry out violate punishment of compasses behavior upper limit, earnest discipline, iron face executes the law, carry to refus, collect fees more, illicit self-regulated rectifies and reform outfit valuation implement etc break the law violate compasses behavior to cut a quantity into parts to counterpoise with full freedom, give upper limit punishment lawfully.


5 it is to strengthen driver on guard to groom, trade management department is checked regularly, selective examination the enterprise grooms the job, to working to the enterprise that reach the designated position talks about and be punished.


The 6 use that are equipment of aggrandizement car informatization, at present car of 18 thousand operation had installed informatization equipment, odd car will be by June finish. Near future of trade management department will publish new rule of registration of vehicles, to equipment of intended attaint informatization father lawfully punish.


7 it is to strengthen pair of nets to restrict car administration, aggrandizement and the data butt joint of superintendency platform, each net makes an appointment with car platform to want to continue to do good check to clear, execute the law the branch will increase condemnatory strength, market of normative passenger transport manages action.

Town road carriage bureau still printed 33 thousand pieces " civilization of driver of taxi of Tianjin city passenger transport serves a standard " , " driver of taxi of Tianjin city passenger transport is negative behavior detailed list " , already extended to every taxi driver.

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