Before dawn, car of one female taxi driver is grabbed! After police gets involved...

"Constabulary comrade, my car was grabbed! My car was grabbed!!

On May 10 before dawn

Police of development of technology of heart state economy is received

Of taxi driver of a woman call the police

When calling the police, she returns not yet recover from a fright

Original, this driver is nightly at that time run work, adjacent when 12 o'clock, a middleaged man that drank wine bars in roadside car. Mood of the man after getting on a car does not stabilize a disorderly conduct, incite a driver even " bump in front that car " . At first driver not pay attention to, which are become want, these behavior irritated this man, two people produce quarrel. Subsequently, this man forces a driver to jockey in roadside, one cab is entered forcibly unexpectedly after pushing, drive the driver after getting off, oneself drive car swagger off.

Before dawn, car of one female taxi driver is grabbed! After police gets involved...

Substation of economic technology development is received after calling the police, take monitoring to discover this man drives via tone the taxi enters red light to fleet all the way, start lash-up mechanism instantly. Special policeman group policeman is driven instantly go to the spot, with taxi company efforts, real time palm accuses contrail of this taxi travel, the spot is all patrol car is begun instantly track, decide the taxi that be grabbed disappears around some village finally finally.

Before dawn, car of one female taxi driver is grabbed! After police gets involved...

Before dawn 0 when 30 minutes or so, patrol the policeman discovers downstairs in this village by loot car, but did not discover this man trail. Policeman basis its are drunk wine feature, judge its to should not go far, immediately begins a platoon to check in village inside and outside, this man discovers finally before some unit door.

Right now, gas of wine of man all over the body is beating dozen of resident door forcibly, there still is the puke after its wine inside corridor, before the policeman goes up instantly, undertake controlling to its.

As we have learned, this man because mood lose is nightly drink with the friend, reason is lost after drunk wine, make a series of mad move. Final, drunk drive circled big round one returned the home. Current, because this man is suspected of provoke affray blame by police lawfully criminal is detained, the case is in further processing.

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