Countrywide egg price is certain 2019 in belt go up, how the raises chicken yield with better ability?
Trend of general interest of quotations of countrywide egg price:
Area unit: ? ? jin trend
198-203 of price of ocean road egg goes up 5
Price of egg of new hair ground 200 go up 4
Price of Wang Siying egg 200 go up 4
Come price of wide battalion egg 200 go up 4
Price of Yue Gezhuang egg 200 go up 4
Arrange price of egg of justice stone door 200 go up 4
Price of egg of collect of prosperous smooth water 200 go up 4
Price of samite earth egg 200 go up 4
Beijing knows city egg value 200 go up 4
Price of egg of Beijing smooth cereal 200 go up 4
Price of Beijing Yan Qing egg 200 go up 4
Tianjin (unit: 45 jins) egg price rises drop
Price of egg of setose thiste county 193 go up 4
Price of treasure Chi egg 193 go up 4
[Inner Mongolia]
Inner Mongolia (unit: Price of 45 jins of eggs rises drop
Quote unit: 45 jins
Price of bare peak egg 193 go up 4
Price of Ao Chinese egg 193 go up 4
Price of egg of bare peak peaceful city 193 go up 4
Price of egg of bare peak old your home 193 go up 4
Foreign egg (red egg) receive commodity price suttle: 27, 5 jins
Shanghai is integrated 123 yuan firm
Shanghai Pudong 123 yuan firm
Shanghai Pu Xi 124 yuan firm
Shanghai is allied 123 yuan firm
Promote convert guild 124 yuan firm
Egg business combines 124 yuan firm
Shanghai Su Lu egg 124 yuan firm
Shanghai dragon dragon 124 yuan firm
Suzhou birds egg is allied 125 yuan firm
Quote unit: 45 jins
Price of Pu Xifen egg 223 firm
Price of Pudong pink egg 225 firm
Price of egg of egg business pink 223 firm
Unit of Hubei hearts quote: 52 jins
Price of Pu Xifen egg 252 firm
Price of Pudong pink egg 252 firm
Price of egg of egg business pink 252 firm
Guangdong (unit: 1 jin) egg price rises drop
Shenzhen - powdery egg price 5 firm
Dongguan - powdery egg price 4.6 firm
Guangzhou - powdery egg price 4.6 firm
Shenzhen - egg price 5 firm
Dongguan - egg price 4.65 firm
Guangzhou - egg price 4.65 firm
Shandong egg price rises drop
Company trade price: 45 jins
Price of Qingdao Zheng Xu 205 go up 5
Price of Qingdao jade gold 4.55 go up 0.05
Qingdao ocean price 205 go up 5
Qingdao Wei China the price 210 go up 5
Qingdao establishs Wei price 200 go up 2
Price of prosperous city Yu Kai 193 firm
Price of Wei lane Zhu Cheng 200 firm
Wei lane installs grave sparrow hill 205 firm
Wei lane Chang Le is wholesale 197 go up 2
Quote unit: 45 jins
Lai overs grown with weeds - price of egg of Lai overgrown with weeds 190 firm
Lai overs grown with weeds - price of Lai city egg 190 firm
Jinan - price of aid in relief egg 190 firm
Jinan - price of chapter grave egg 190 firm
Jinan - price of business river egg 190 firm
Jinan - price of smooth shade egg 190 firm
Bank city - price of Zou Ping egg 192 firm
Bank city - rich promotes egg price 192 firm
Zi rich - price of tall green egg 192 firm
Quote unit: 40 jins
Heart city - price of peaceful ferry egg 170 firm
Heart city - price of happy hill egg 170 firm
Heart city - price of the egg that celebrate the cloud 170 firm
Bank city - bank city egg price 170 firm
Bank city - price of open letter egg 170 firm
Bank city - without younger brother egg price 170 firm
Bank city - touch change egg value 170 firm
Bank city - price of Hui Min egg 170 firm
Quote unit: 30 jins
He lustre - price of Cao county egg 130 go up 2
He lustre - price of the egg that decide contented 125 firm
He lustre - price of gigantic grouse egg 125 firm
He lustre - price of egg of a surname city 125 firm
He lustre - price of Juan city egg 125 firm
He lustre - price of the egg that become fierce 130 go up 4
He lustre - price of Dong Ming egg 130 go up 4
He lustre - price of odd county egg 126 firm
Talk about a city - price of Shen county egg 127 firm
Talk about a city - price of egg of in relief cereal 127 firm
Talk about a city - east A egg price 127 firm
Talk about a city - price of Chi smooth egg 127 firm
Heart city - Campagna egg price 127 firm
Heart city - price of summerly ferry egg 127 firm
Heart city - price of heart city egg 127 firm
Heart city - price of egg of city of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty 127 firm
Aid is peaceful - price of Si moorhen egg 129 firm
Aid is peaceful - price of bridge pheasant egg 129 firm
Aid is peaceful - price of small pheasant egg 129 firm
Tai'an - price of new peaceful egg 129 firm
Jujube village - price of jujube village egg 129 firm
Jujube village - price of chicken of jujube village periphery 129 firm
Jujube village - price of Xue city egg 129 firm
Jujube village - price of Teng city egg 129 firm
Jujube village - price of Shan Ting egg 129 firm
Arrive door medicinal powder quote case:
Linyi - price of the egg austral Ju 4.35 firm
Linyi - price of the egg that face Shu 4.35 firm
Linyi - price of egg of moorhen of short for the Yihe River 4.35 firm
Linyi - price of the egg austral short for the Yihe River 4.35 firm
Linyi - price of Lan Ling egg 4.35 firm
Sunshine - sunshine egg price 4.35 firm
Qingdao - Qingdao comes loose casing egg price 4.45 firm
Qingdao - Lai on the west egg price 4.45 firm
Lai is in relief - price of Lai in relief egg 4.4 firm
Yantai - price of action far egg 4.35 firm
Yantai - price of Lai city egg 4.35 firm
Yantai - price of dragon mouth egg 4.35 firm
Yantai - price of egg of a fabled abode of immortals 4.35 firm
East battalion - east battalion egg price 4.35 firm
Power sea - price of power sea egg 4.35 firm
Power sea - check and accept of Yu Jinwei sea 4.45 go up 0.05
Yantai - check and accept of Yu Jinlong mouth 4.45 go up 0.05
Yantai - check and accept of Yu Jinlai city 4.45 go up 0.05
Wei lane - all city egg prices 4.5 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of high density egg 4.5 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of Shou Guang egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of prosperous city egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of egg of green administrative division 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of Chang Le egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of the egg that face Qu 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - lane child egg price 4.4 go up 0.1
Wei lane - price of the egg that install grave 4.4 go up 0.1
Jiangsu egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 30 jins
Xuzhou - price of abundant county egg 132 go up 2
Xuzhou - price of abundant county egg 132 go up 2
Xuzhou - price of cupreous pheasant egg 132 go up 2
Xuzhou - price of egg of new short for the Yihe River 132 go up 2
Xuzhou - Suining egg price 132 go up 2
Su Qian - price of Si in relief egg 132 go up 2
Su Qian - Si big egg price 132 go up 2
Su Qian - price of old comfort egg 132 go up 2
Su Qian - price of Shu in relief egg 132 go up 2
The Huaihe River is installed - price of egg of shade of the Huaihe River 132 go up 2
The Huaihe River is installed - price of ripples moorhen egg 132 go up 2
The Huaihe River is installed - price of Hunan city egg 132 go up 2
Quote unit: 27.5 jins
Price of the egg that do not have stannum 123 firm
Suzhou egg price 123 firm
Price of egg of elder brother pheasant 123 firm
Changzhou egg price 123 firm
Medicinal powder quote case:
Price of peaceful city egg 4.4 firm
The sea brings egg price 4.4 firm
Price of saline city egg 4.4 firm
Heibei egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 45 jins
Bear heart - bear heart egg price 196 go up 4
Bear heart - price of Ping Quan egg 196 go up 4
Zhang Jia mouth - price of egg of Zhang Jia mouth 196 go up 4
Zhang Jia mouth - price of absolute sincerity egg 195 go up 4
Zhang Jia mouth - price of colourful county egg 191 go up 4
Baoding - price of the egg that decide a city 193 go up 4
Baoding - Baoding egg price 193 go up 4
Baoding - price of the egg that bring a country 193 go up 4
Baoding - the Tang Dynasty prefectural egg price 193 go up 4
Baoding - price of Qu Yang egg 193 go up 4
Baoding - look egg price 193 go up 4
Baoding - price of Xu moorhen egg 193 go up 4
Shijiazhuang - price of egg of travel the Tang Dynasty 193 go up 4
Shijiazhuang - price of new happy egg 193 go up 4
Shijiazhuang - price of Gao city egg 193 go up 4
Han Dan - price of Han Dan egg 193 go up 4
Han Dan - always year egg price 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - plump and smooth-skinned egg price 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - price of jade frog egg 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - abide by changes egg value 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - price of egg of ancient smelt metal 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - price of Luan county egg 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - change brings egg price 193 go up 4
Tang Shan - price of happy booth egg 193 go up 4
Arrive a quote: 44.5 jins
Island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty - price of egg of island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty 192 go up 2
Island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty - price of Lu dragon egg 192 go up 2
Island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty - price of Chang Li egg 192 go up 2
Island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty - price of the egg that stroke peace 192 go up 2
Island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty - price of hill custom egg 192 go up 2
Quote unit: 40 jins
Langfang - Langfang egg price 170 firm
Dark blue city - price of egg of dark blue county 170 firm
Dark blue city - price of yellow Hua egg 170 firm
Dark blue city - the sea promotes egg price 170 firm
Dark blue city - price of saline pheasant egg 170 firm
Dark blue city - become egg price greatly 170 firm
Dark blue city - price of green county egg 170 firm
Shijiazhuang - price of egg of Hao city pink 195 fall 3
Shijiazhuang - deciding powdery egg value 195 fall 3
Shijiazhuang - price of egg of laborious collect pink 195 fall 3
Shijiazhuang - price of egg of pink of goldenrain tree city 195 fall 3
Judge water - price of egg of Rao Yang pink 195 fall 3
Judge water - price of egg of pink of deep administrative division 195 fall 3
Xing Tai - price of egg of Xing stage pink 197 fall 3
Han Dan - price of egg of house contented pink 197 fall 3
Han Dan - price of egg of music week pink 197 fall 3
Henan egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 30 jins
Shang Qiu - Shang Qiu arrives a quote 132 go up 2
Shang Qiu - civil rights egg quotes 132 go up 2
Shang Qiu - Sui county egg quotes 132 go up 2
Shang Qiu - egg of three-bristle cudrania city quotes 132 go up 2
Zhou Kou - Zhou Kou arrives a quote 132 go up 2
Zhou Kou - too health arrive a quote 132 go up 2
Unseal - unseal a quote 1321
Unseal - orchid check a quoted price 132 go up 2
New rural area - new rural area arrives a quote 132 go up 2
Pu Yang - Pu Yang arrives a quote 132 go up 2
Medicinal powder quote case:
Zhengzhou - Zhengzhou arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhengzhou - new Zheng arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhengzhou - ascend seal a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhengzhou - in seek a quoted price 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhengzhou - Xing this world arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Shang Qiu - price of business grave egg 4.4 go up 0.07
Shang Qiu - civil rights egg quotes 4.4 go up 0.07
Shang Qiu - egg of three-bristle cudrania city quotes 4.4 go up 0.07
Shang Qiu - peaceful hill egg quotes 4.4 go up 0.07
Shang Qiu - Sui county egg quotes 4.4 go up 0.07
Luo river - Luo river arrives a price 4.4 firm
Luo river - Lin Ying arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Luo river - dance in relief egg quotes 4.4 firm
Luo river - lasher city egg quotes 4.4 firm
Unseal - unseal the egg quotes 4.4 go up 0.05
Unseal - Wei egg quotes 4.4 go up 0.05
Unseal - orchid take an examination of an egg to quote 4.4 go up 0.05
Unseal - a surname county arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
Unseal - command a quoted price 4.4 go up 0.05
Nanyang - Nanyang arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Nanyang - Deng Zhou arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Nanyang - square city arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Nanyang - company division arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Nanyang - Tang He arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Mesa - arrive an egg price 4.45 go up 0.05
Mesa - price of your city egg 4.45 go up 0.05
Mesa - price of treasure abundant egg 4.45 go up 0.05
The inn that be stationed in a horse - the egg arrives a price 4.45 firm
The inn that be stationed in a horse - price of the egg austral you 4.45 firm
The inn that be stationed in a horse - average egg price then 4.45 firm
3 gorge - the egg arrives a price 4.35 go up 0.05
3 gorge - price of clever treasure egg 4.35 go up 0.05
3 gorge - price of justice horse egg 4.35 go up 0.05
Anxious make - anxious make a quoted price 4.4 firm
Anxious make - lukewarm county arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Crane wall - crane wall arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Crane wall - dredge county arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Crane wall - Qi county arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Zhou Kou - Zhou Kou arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhou Kou - too health arrive a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhou Kou - Lu Yi arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhou Kou - Xi Hua arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhou Kou - business water arrives a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
Zhou Kou - help channel up to arrive a quote 4.45 go up 0.05
The letter is open - solid only then arrive a quote 4.4 firm
The letter is open - Luo Shan arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Luoyang - Luoyang arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Luoyang - Ru Yang arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Xu Chang - Xu Chang arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Xu Chang - Yu Zhou arrives a quote 4.4 firm
Xu Chang - Yan Ling arrives a quote 4.4 firm
An Yang - An Yang arrives a quote 4.4 firm
An Yang - slippery county arrives a quote 4.4 firm
An Yang - inside fizzle out a quote 4.4 firm
New rural area - new rural area arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
New rural area - Wei Hui arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
New rural area - brightness county arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
New rural area - Yuan Yang arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
New rural area - Feng Qiu arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
Pu Yang - Pu Yang arrives a quote 4.4 go up 0.05
Heilongjiang egg price rises drop
Price of Zhao Dong egg 4.2 go up 0.1
Harbin egg price 4.4 go up 0.1
Price of twin city egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Price of Hu Lan egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Bank prefectural egg price 4.4 go up 0.1
Price of egg of beautiful Mu Si 4.3 go up 0.1
Prosperous 5 eggs price 4.3 go up 0.1
Price of peony river egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Price of A city egg 4.4 go up 0.1
Peaceful change egg value 4.4 go up 0.1
Chicken on the west egg price 4.4 go up 0.1
Pull forest egg price 4.3 go up 0.1
Jilin egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 45 jins
Changchun egg price 192 go up 4
Jilin egg price 192 go up 4
Price of distant source egg 192 go up 4
Price of plum bayou egg 192 go up 4
Price of 4 smooth eggs 192 go up 4
Price of heart benefit egg 192 go up 4
Liaoning egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 45 jins
Sunny egg price 192 go up 4
Price of approach source egg 192 go up 4
Price of left egg of noise made in coughing or vomiting 192 go up 4
Establish smooth egg price 192 go up 4
Price of calabash island egg 192 go up 4
Prosperous graph comes loose casing egg price 192 go up 4
Price of boreal ticket egg 192 go up 4
Dalian egg price 192 go up 4
Red east medicinal powder casing egg price 190 go up 4
Zhuang He comes loose casing egg price 189 go up 4
Quote unit: 40 jins
New civilian egg price 170 go up 2
Bright and beautiful city comes loose casing egg price 170 go up 2
Price of egg of box of paper of bright and beautiful city 170 go up 2
Quote unit: 30 jins
Price of the egg that connect distant 129 go up 3
N egg price 129 go up 3
Benxi egg price 129 go up 3
Price of distant in relief egg 129 go up 3
Beacon egg price 129 go up 3
Hubei egg price rises drop
New continent egg price 4.4 go up 0.05
Price of hemp city egg 4.4 go up 0.05
Price of egg of filial piety feeling 4.4 go up 0.05
Price of Wu Nagong egg 4.8 go up 0.05
Price of egg of pink of celestial being peach 215 go up 5
Price of egg of pink of filial piety feeling 215 go up 5
Price of egg of Xi soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes 215 go up 5
Price of egg of the pink austral fierce 4.7 go up 0.1
Anhui egg price rises drop
Quote unit: 30 jins
Price of egg of the city austral the Huaihe River 135 go up 2
Price of egg of city of north of the Huaihe River 132 go up 2
Price of egg of clever a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center 132 go up 2
Price of desolate county egg 132 go up 2
Price of Si county egg 132 go up 2
bridge arrives a price 132 go up 2
Mussel port arrives an egg price 134 go up 2
Chu city arrives an egg price 135 go up 2
Hefei egg price 145 go up 2
Mound this world arrives a price 4.35 firm
Decide value of door of prep so far as 4.35 firm
6 bring a price 4.35 firm
Zhejiang egg price rises drop
Establish heart egg price 4.55 firm
Price of justice black egg 4.55 firm
Sichuan egg price rises drop
Sichuan - Chengdu white egg 4.6 go up 0.1
Shanxi egg price rises drop
Jincheng egg price 4.2 firm
Price of the egg that face Fen 4.2 firm
Price of the egg in advance 4.2 firm
Price of Lv bridge egg 4.2 firm
Price of Gansu Province egg rises drop
Silver egg price 4.7 go up 0.1
Price of day moorhen egg 4.5 go up 0.1
Price of smooth cool egg 4.6 go up 0.1
Price of fierce power egg 4.6 go up 0.1
Price of the egg that celebrate this world 4.6 go up 0.1
Calm on the west egg price 4.6 go up 0.1
Ningxia egg price rises drop
Halfback - 4.5-4.6 of halfback egg price is firm
Jiangxi (45 jins) egg price rises drop
Price of 9 rivers egg 222 go up 5
Jingdezhen egg price 222 go up 5
Nanchang egg price 228 go up 5
Price of the egg that stroke a city 225 go up 5
Price of appropriate spring egg 227 go up 5
New price of more than egg 227 go up 5
Auspicious brings egg price 229 go up 5
Price of egg of city of another name for Jiangxi Province 229 go up 5
Hunan (45 jins) egg price rises drop
Hunan - price of Chang De egg 213 firm
Hunan - 3 pointed companies 213 firm
Gansu Province is smooth cool 4.7 go up
Gansu Province short for the Jinghe River plain 4.6 go up
Fujian - Fuzhou egg price: 4.8
Fujian - price of Fuzhou pink egg: 4.9
Fujian - price of blessing clear egg: 4.8
Fujian - price of fontal city egg: 4.8
Fujian - price of Pu frog egg: 4.8
Fujian - price of Na Ping egg: 4.8
Fujian - price of egg of Na Ping pink: 4.9
[handsome egg is much] promotion laying rate, lengthen fastigium yield an egg
The tendency that sees such going up not? How Where is the raises chicken yield with better ability? What to produce an egg to be meant more? It is an interest of course bigger, might as well with handsome egg much, handsome egg basically has the following characteristic more:
1, produce an egg to improve alvine path environment more, raise feed to change rate, eat less makings is productive egg, increase an egg to weigh;
2, color of chorion of egg lubricious Xian Xianliang, improve egg products quality;
3, the height grows promotion laying rate, lengthen fastigium yield an egg;
4, little come on remove inferior healthy, reduce tubal phlogistic incidence of a disease.
The basis breeds a feedback, can raise to nod the least commonly, breed door what do you think this is meant? Opportunity control is in him hand, act at once, if you have more birds kind breed a problem, OK and online seek advice from me.