One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbrev

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

" one fist is preterhuman " the 2nd season replaces the 9th part now, in this concentration, champion of wushu congress the first to be appointed to an office " hero " , show a body with the identity of eccentric association cadre, the purpose of eccentric association is shown. The young associate that just has read caricature edition people, affirmation is very dissatisfactory to this one collect. So, overflow bacterium when to spit groove in the light of this one collect by the country.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

01. explodes why is hill called dragon shame

Be in " one fist is preterhuman " the 2nd season is newest one concentration, to fire hose envy and hate explode hill, eat all eccentric cells, do not leave fire hose eccentric the chance that turn, this also are to explode hill is judged to be " dragon shame " one of reasons, its behavior makes a person despise really, and this animation comes out now without body however, and this difference, will bring about from the back the collapse that gut person sets, my meeting retell arrives from the back.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

Explode the actual strength after hill eccentric is changed is cruel add, let eccentric association cadre even " hero " the evaluation is dragon class, but its show the actual strength that come however far class of short of dragon. It is animation edition abbreviating section likewise, explode actually hill and hero are the tussle that has episode, is not like the hero in animation one fist teachs explode hill does eccentric. Hero is standing to be kept out with a hand explode hill attack, the result explodes hill still is flown off by shake all the time, hit adult like dot general, which have the look of dragon class eccentric.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

When the fire hose that dallying with serious injury even, still all let fire hose break his toe like that, explode this actual strength has mountain after all much water, next this paragraph also is not reflected in animation, as a result we give us a kind illusion in animation, this explodes hill is quite strong still. But you see original work medium these, you meet those who feel eccentric is changed explode the fire hose that hill still issues as flourishing condition, you say to explode hill is not " dragon shame " what be.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

02. tussle simplifies, the picture is perfunctory

Although early the name that knows JC company, but the difference that did not think of the standard that make will be such, it is to play low day completely time level. Picture line simplifies not to say, give a person the sense of a kind of muddle through one's work even chromatically, resemble below hero teaching explodes this one screen that hill makes eccentric, that piece of face is also too muddle through one's work, this piece of face lets me be not borne for a time giving this is to explode hill, again muddled force the face also has a limit.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

Still you see that body body, it is normal person bodily form at all, tremendous and clinking two people now unexpectedly such thin and small. Tussle picture is very miserable and shabby also, the tall that the fire hose in animation and eccentric change treats tussle, use picture flutter already flashy collision, try to build intense tussle with this.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

You read caricature edition again now, the hero of stand erect inter has many handsome did not say more, can see fire hose and tall manage the incomplete image of intense collision in glitter, so wonderful one part, JC company has been taken with the sort of clumsy gimmick brushstroke actually, do not say to grow when the consideration, this is jerry apparently, adjoining arms is long throwing clever boy also is a few seconds, this difference has how old.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

Obviously this one collect is wonderful very in original work, the stuff that should show is very much. The result is in animation, giving a person a kind of the plot of a play however is laggard feeling very, and this one collect deleted a lot of good-looking clues however, because this is made,just be in of the clue accept or reject the respect is done really goodishly, tussle occasion is done not have more very much do, let a person have kind of feeling that whole journey prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan in the mouth, as a warm blood time true failure.

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

This period country overflows bacterium to share here first, young associate people if have other view,also can comment on an area to leave a message with lower part.

Achieve formerly not easy, your dot assist, collect, attention is pair of countries the support with free the greatest mushroom, thank everybody watch, we fall period see!

One fist is preterhuman the 2nd season 09: Explode why is hill called dragon shame, animation abbreviates the part uncovers secret

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