The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black yo

The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black you, nothing more than these causeIn most love, often be the man goes after a schoolgirl actively, and schoolgirl choice bears passively. Of course, the male talented person that the schoolgirl can like to oneself only can express somewhat, otherwise even if man is again driving, pay again much, below the state that does not have any good impression, you are done do not have any action more again. In the man's driving process, if what you go after a schoolgirl to have good opinion very to you, right now her meeting appreciably gives you a few responses, in early days she can see your sincerity, but won't ceaseless test you, as the extension of time, gradually her meeting is more and more enthusiastic to you. But some feeling let us feel particularly interrogative however, before paragraph time has encountered a man, he asks me: "I she and in the process that get along, did not do the business with ham what, but why, she is not willing to answer my small letter, this thinking that she can delete me sooner or later, but also do not have so do, how don't I know those who want to she is after all? " common encounter this problem, if time is very short, it is a schoolgirl likely so right now mood is particularly bad, a few things were encountered in ideal, but if long it is such, can clarify only she did not love you so, just make you automatic part through this kind of means, and oneself need not active bear parts company brought ashamed regret sense. The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black you, nothing more than these cause

One, be in in the heart kink, want not to abandon you after all, cannot issue resolution tardy

The woman is average special lack feels in safety, and the cause as a result of reason, so the mood often very complex. In the process that gets along in love, if two people think abiding, love and biscuit demand has, after all she is that innocent little girl wants love only before no longer. If you search, is a young woman student, about can not pondering economically too much, reach oneself to still do not like merely, but the woman arrived after certain level can ponder good issue. Pondered so very long later, if want to go down too with you,feel particularly hard, in pondering your ideal for example too not quite aspirant, low without business of money, affection, do not know what she wants to wait various problems a moment, but after all once two people are in pass together, have a few feeling, also once had had honey time after all, the meeting is so special kink, the heart shakes adventitious, put this issue first aside, of short duration does not deal with. The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black you, nothing more than these cause

2, liked to go up its others, but the obligation that does not think bear puts forward actively to part company again

It is OK to there is a person on this world beforehand appraise a paragraph of feeling is final can the ground is long the day is long, in the process that gets along in two people, regular meeting breaks out all sorts of contradiction, down to presents a lot of sealed states, likely two people still pestered lingering continous yesterday, but may not love so however after a chapel, down to fell in love with other. The person has a character -- pursuit is happy, escape anguish, as a result of after all two people once were in pass together, if as a result of oneself a few cause direct choice parts company, can have a kind of feeling that suffer a pain, so she chooses to use this kind of means, let two people between each other gradually germinant alienation.

It is with a schoolgirl in the process that get along, if she loves you very, even if there is contradiction between each other, but because love you,be in after period of time, she also can compromise actively, but if not be willing for long contact you, no matter how you say, choose negligence directly, probable early once divided you from the get rid of in her heart.

Because its others was installed in the heart, but oneself are not willing to load the obligation that puts forward actively to part company again, so the choice is planted through this cold the means that deal with, force you part actively she, between each other not demand has any contact, and oneself can the loves with oneself person of feel at ease and justified is in together.

The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black you, nothing more than these cause

3, do not like you so, but did not find nicer person again, true cannot find a person to look for you again

So meeting essence selects the woman student fine anthology, about your manner, admittedly you have one local the request that agrees with her, but still have one local the request that does not agree with her, can continue so first the man that look for agrees with her to request, if true cannot find other man, next because do not have complete break off relations, she can continue later hold up you.

Once I had encountered a man to love her very much, but the condition is not particularly good, cannot give her wanted corporeal condition, so this schoolgirl must prep according to with respect to continual show more ambiguous, agree with the man that oneself ask in look for ceaselessly usually, to later true cannot find, married with that man.

The woman is not active contact you, do not answer your message, did not pull again however black you, nothing more than these cause

If a schoolgirl is in the process that with you communication gets along, can be on bad terms for long your contact, about you active, she is not enthusiastic also, putting temporarily first namely actually, because she did not love you so,perhaps do not have complete agree with the request in her heart. Also because some schoolgirls are not willing the obligation that bear says actively to part company perhaps reduces the harm to you, via the means that super-cooling deals with, make you active part.

A woman loves not to love you, you a behavior expression that demand intention goes to experiencing her, know sth like the palm of one's hand, not foolish foolish look not to understand.

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