New city this place water supply how abnormal? Listen to water supply company how to say...

Zhang Xuetong of reporter of entire media of red hill evening paper's trainee plum dim, new city of report of Xin Yan of Liu Songjie, Hou is homocentric round village dweller mirrors to our newspaper: Since last year, village the water supply in home of 67 buildings resident is unusual. The personage communicates reporter and Chi Feng related company of finite liability of 9 dragon water supply know: Water supply fastens unit of a construction to dig be caused by of feed pipe line out of order. The branch is harmonious related classics, water supply hopeful returned to normal recently.

New city this place water supply how abnormal? Listen to water supply company how to say...

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On May 29, profess to live in new city homocentric circle a building 3 unit the resident of 6 buildings Mr Zhang is mirrorred to our newspaper, the tap water of his home is measured to much at 9 o'clock Zhong Shui from early much at 6 o'clock bell especially small, this kind of circumstance has lasted already a year many. Since a month, this time paragraph complete cut off the water supply, "Much at 10 o'clock today Zhong Cai comes water! " on May 30 11: 05, mr Zhang sends small letter to say to the reporter: Already much at 11 o'clock, had not come water! On June 1, mr Zhang is mirrorred to the reporter again, these two days are daylong do not have water, just came quickly in the evening a bit at 8 o'clock.

On May 30 afternoon, with homocentric round village all the way the gentleman of king of resident of scene of fine horse of new city riverside that lie between is mirrorred to our newspaper reporter, scene of riverside fine horse reached homocentric round village that day 1 do not have water in home of 6 buildings resident, "Also be morning old cut off the water supply so, just come midday. Just come midday..

Additional according to living in homocentric round village the dweller week gentleman of 7 buildings reflects 9 buildings, everyday what the problem of morning cut off the water supply has put in a few months is long, good when nodding, much at 9 o'clock in the morning Zhongneng comes to water. Since nearly half month, sometimes 5 buildings above does not have water; The most serious when, do not have even 4 buildings water. "Stop every day, who to hold the post of to also be overcome. Rise in the morning the meal cannot be done in the home, wash a face, on the toilet is debatable also. " for this thing, dwellers had sought village property company and water supply company, but the problem did not get settlement tardy.

On May 30 afternoon, the circumstance of will homocentric circle and report of dweller of village of scene of riverside fine horse mirrors the reporter to Chi Feng relevant personage of company of finite liability of 9 dragon water supply. On June 3 morning, the personage communicates reporter and Chi Feng related company of finite liability of 9 dragon water supply relevant circumstance learns: Homocentric round village this the reason with abnormal water supply is unit of a construction digs feed pipe line to bring about. Introduce according to its, in April 2017 end, osaka road and side of southwest of the ave that face zhuang1huang2 will be located in to kiss an inlet when construction of one construction unit among them all the way privately of feed pipe line is destroyed. Use water to do not affect resident of close inlet village, water supply enterprise had repair, signal position of cop of construction unit water supply again, lest be destroyed again. But in June 2017 portion, as a result of this construction apply man-hour to dig this paragraph of service pipe line an earthy surface entirely, not any safeguard, bring about bend of water supply conduit to fall off 2 times, cannot consolidate processing, stop water supply thoroughly. To do not give an user cut off the water supply, water supply enterprise takes lash-up step, the decision will be out of line the two end of conduit install valve respectively, by Ying Changjie all the way feed pipe line is village water supply. Around village and user of short duration by Ying Changjie all the way water supply. Ever since, unit of construction tubal corridor was not undertaking with water supply enterprise any cases that communicate and coordinate fall, dig privately of conduit of this paragraph of water supply entirely except. Then, bring about homocentric round village this water supply that is as long as nearly one year is abnormal. This year on May 30 around, because air temperature is higher, water consumption of together with afforest increases, bring about homocentric circle and area of periphery of village of scene of riverside fine horse cannot normal water supply. Be aimed at the condition with abnormal water supply of area of homocentric circle and periphery of village of scene of riverside fine horse, classics city lives build appoint wait for relevant section to communicate harmonious, begin to undertake cop is maintained, "Today bright two days of maintenance end, water supply is recoverable normal. Water supply is recoverable normal..

Reporter hand writes down: Every arrive construction is seasonal, as a result of construction unit operate by accident, dig cut off the water supply, the incident of the cop below communication and other places has occasionally happen. Reporter and cop authority belong to an unit to communicate be informed, produce the reason of this kind of accident to depend on, construction unit and cop authority belong to unit lack to communicate. "Actually, construction unit wants to wait for relevant cop authority to belong to an unit with central heating of water and electricity before construction only ' make next call ' , can avoid this kind of accident happening. " some cop authority belongs to an unit relevant personage says.

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