Surround view! Luoyang is newest the announce that ask for the ground! Involve these places...

Surround view! Luoyang is newest the announce that ask for the ground! Involve these places...

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Surround view! Luoyang is newest the announce that ask for the ground! Involve these places...

Government of Luoyang city people

About collecting sewage treatment plant of Luoyang city newly-added district 2 period the announcement that extend project uses the land

Politics of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces connects 〔 2019 〕 7

Basis " land of People's Republic of China administers a law " the 46th, " method of management of land of People's Republic of China carries out byelaw " the 25th regulation, province government allotted on May 17, 2019 " about sewage treatment plant of Luoyang city newly-added district 2 period the written reply to a subordinate body that extend project uses the land " (2019 〕 of 〔 of comfort politics earth 564) , agree with an our city to turn to use and collect native place of Li Lou of area of dragon of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces 2 south village collective other is agricultural the ground 7.089 hectare, collect native place of Li Lou of area of dragon of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces 2 south village collective construction uses the land 0.5328 hectare, add up to 7.6218 hectare, as sewage treatment plant of Luoyang city newly-added district 2 period extend project project uses the land. Show what will approve to impose plan main content and concerned item announcement are as follows:

One, the droit person of land be expropriationed, ground kind, area, position and utility

Collect native place of Li Lou of Luo Long area 2 south 7.6218 hectare of village collective land, among them 7.0078 hectare of 0.0812 hectare, hole pond surface, construction uses rural way 0.5328 hectare of ground. Limits of the four boundaries of a piece of land or a construction site: Come east 2 south village country way, come on the west 2 south surface of village hole pond, come south 2 south village dweller dot, north comes 2 south dot of village farmland, dweller. Plan to regard new developed area as sewage treatment plant 2 period extend project uses the land.

2, standard of the compensation that ask for the ground

Land compensation expenses, find a place for allowance is expended according to " government of Henan province people collects an area about announcing executive Henan to save piece the announcement of integrated price level " (〔 of comfort politics earth 2016 〕 48) the regulation is carried out; The attachment on the ground amends a standard according to " the announcement that office of government of Luoyang city people collects the attachment on collective land land to amend a standard about construction of state of city of Luoyang of print and distribute " (politics of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces does 〔 2018 〕 49) the regulation is carried out.

3, the time that handles the compensation that ask for the ground to register, place

4, the droit person of land be expropriationed, use person did not undertake those who register compensating will undertake handling lawfully inside formulary deadline.

5, the sun from announce rises, any units and individual must not be built in the do sth without authorization inside the limits that ask for the ground build (compose) build thing, undertake indoor decorate, demolish by illegal building free otherwise.

6, any units and individual must not be inside the limits that ask for the ground rush-planting, grab grow arboreous, flowers and plants and add ground attachment. To listening to the person that dissuade, uniform do not grant to register, do not grant to compensate, the clue is serious investigate by the judicial department.

7, this batch uses the land ask for the ground to tear open change to work government of You Luolong district is specific and responsible, unitary organization is harmonious. Ask for the ground to tear open change to involved unit and individual should support actively and cooperate, do well jointly investigation, register, affirm and compensation finds a place for the job.

On June 14, 2019

Government of Luoyang city people

Establish Cheng of hand over a completed project to build the announcement that uses the land about collecting general formula of each other of river of of Luoyang of 2 wide freeways

Politics of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces connects 〔 2019 〕 8

Basis " land of People's Republic of China administers a law " the 46th, " method of management of land of People's Republic of China carries out byelaw " the 25th regulation, province government allotted on May 3, 2019 " tell the give an official that establishs construction of Cheng of hand over a completed project to use the land about each other of river of of Luoyang of 2 wide freeways " (〔 of comfort politics earth 2019 〕 513) , agree with an our city to turn to use and collect historian of rural area of river of of river area temple of white horse of bay village and area of dragon of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces presses down Yang Wan village organization of 2 countries collective economy is collective and agricultural 9.2145 hectare of ground (among them farmland 6.1633 hectare, garden, collect bay of historian of rural area of river of of river area temple of white horse of village and area of dragon of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces presses down Yang Wan village 2 countries collective economy organizes collective construction to use the land 3.1126 hectare, did not use the land 0.1545 hectare. Above adds up to 12.4816 hectare, establish construction of Cheng of hand over a completed project to use the land as general formula of each other of river of of Luoyang of 2 wide freeways. Show what will approve to impose plan main content and concerned item announcement are as follows:

One, the droit person of land be expropriationed, ground kind, area, position and utility

Collect land of collective of village of bay of historian of rural area of river of of river area 3.9851 hectare, among them farmland 3.0011 hectare, village uses 0.11715 hectare, field 0.0059 hectare of road, construction uses the land 0.6681 hectare, did not use 0.1385 hectare of ground. Limits of the four boundaries of a piece of land or a construction site: Plot one east to farmland of historian bay village 2 wide high speed use the boundary of a piece of land, garden of historian bay village comes on the west, district of the city in coming south, north comes group of village of Yang Wan village; Plot 2 east to farmland of Yang Wan village, the boundary of a piece of land is used to 2 wide high speed on the west, farmland of historian bay village comes south, north comes farmland of Yang Wan village, highway. Plan to carry a project to use the land as traffic.

Collect temple of white horse of area of dragon of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces to press down land of collective of Yang Wan village 8.4965 hectare, among them 5.9918 hectare, village uses farmland 0.0442 hectare of road, construction uses the land 2.4445 hectare, did not use 0.0165 hectare of ground. Limits of the four boundaries of a piece of land or a construction site: Plot one east to farmland of historian bay village 2 wide high speed use the boundary of a piece of land, farmland of Yang Wan village comes on the west, group of village of Yang Wan village reachs south, north comes farmland of Yang Wan village; Plot 2 east to farmland of Yang Wan village, the boundary of a piece of land is used to 2 wide high speed on the west, farmland of Yang Wan village comes south, north comes farmland of Yang Wan village. Plot 3 east to farmland of Yang Wan village, group of village of historian bay village reachs on the west, farmland of Yang Wan village comes south, north comes farmland of Yang Wan village. Plan to carry a project to use the land as traffic.

2, standard of the compensation that ask for the ground

Land compensation expenses, find a place for allowance is expended according to " government of Henan province people collects an area about announcing executive Henan to save piece the announcement of integrated price level " (〔 of comfort politics earth 2016 〕 48) the regulation is carried out; The attachment on the ground amends a standard according to " the announcement that office of government of Luoyang city people collects the attachment on collective land land to amend a standard about construction of state of city of Luoyang of print and distribute " (politics of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces does 〔 2018 〕 49) the regulation is carried out.

3, the time that handles the compensation that ask for the ground to register, place

4, the droit person of land be expropriationed, use person did not undertake those who register compensating will undertake handling lawfully inside formulary deadline.

5, the sun from announce rises, any units and individual must not be built in the do sth without authorization inside the limits that ask for the ground build (compose) build thing, undertake indoor decorate, demolish by illegal building free otherwise.

6, any units and individual must not be inside the limits that ask for the ground rush-planting, grab grow arboreous, flowers and plants and add ground attachment. To listening to the person that dissuade, uniform do not grant to register, do not grant to compensate, the clue is serious investigate by the judicial department.

7, this batch uses the land ask for the ground to tear open change job to part by river area, Luo Long district government is specific and responsible, unitary organization is harmonious. Ask for the ground to tear open change to involved unit and individual should support actively and cooperate, do well jointly investigation, register, affirm and compensation finds a place for the job.

On June 14, 2019

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Surround view! Luoyang is newest the announce that ask for the ground! Involve these places...

Stage of broadcasting television of website of government of people of city of origin Piao Luoyang, Luoyang

Surround view! Luoyang is newest the announce that ask for the ground! Involve these places...
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