The activity sponsors square dark traditional Chinese clothing to act the role of a city to engineer department manager Li Hao exclusive response says, favor of city of adornment of deep China border invests commercial limited company to do not have any behavior that default project money, also do not have a society any debt behavior.
South center of dispatch reporter Xiao Qian is pricked to Ren Dahua incident, the netizen says to development business defaults project money, somebody looks for a person to prepare disclose to develop business, the result acknowledged a mistake person. To this, the activity sponsors square dark traditional Chinese clothing to act the role of a city to engineer department manager Li Hao exclusive response says, favor of city of adornment of deep China border invests commercial limited company to do not have any behavior that default project money, also do not have a society any debt behavior. In addition, he emphasizes violent to current network reservation seeking the limits of authority of responsibility of law of the other side. Cooperating police actively now at the same time, await police pertinent information comes out.