If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

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Recently, the friend sends a message to me, "Thin dragon, how to exit low carbon, I did not want to continue. I did not want to continue..

I very understand, because of all sorts of reasons, low carbon of a lot of people after period of time, can choose to roll out, next, the likelihood still can continue to give birth to ketone, this is very normal phenomenon.

I believe, give birth to the person that the carry out of ketone food goes for the most part, basically be such after relapsing, just begin to insist to give birth to ketone.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

Today this article, we will discuss, if one day, you do not think low carbon, how to resume food and drink?

Why should exit unripe ketone?

The reason that retreats ketone is very much, the situation of everybody is not quite same, I thought probably, below a few kinds of following circumstances, may want to exit unripe ketone, circumstance of avery kind of, I want to explain a reason to everybody, hope everybody can think afresh.

→ appears unwell, do not want to continue to give birth to ketone

The person that has 80% exits unripe ketone, it is by early days unwell frighten, I also had written early days the relevant article of unwell expression.

If you appear unwell, to alleviate unwell, can absorb water of a few carbon appropriately, let the body suit slowly, slowly switch is offerred can mode.

To unwell period, my understanding is such, our body response is very actually sensitive, the about-face of any dietary structures, cause possibly unwell.

So, I feel not to want too sensitive, the body meets what suit very quickly, I arrive from tall carbon water low carbon, have a bit hardly unwell, because I am slowly of switch.

→ body is not digested, food of incommensurate unripe ketone

Cannot eat fat, cannot eat adipose, cannot drink ballproof coffee, have oil afflictive, have loose bowels, the body does not like grease.

The ability of grease of human body metabolization, need promotes slowly, if you have oil all the year round very few, the instant promotes the intake of grease, may appear have loose bowels unwell, especially MCT is oily, this kind unwell may more apparent.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

And, mouthfeel preference also is not 9 days of changes, need little time suits.

My proposal, if your not feel like eating is so much adipose, you need not want tall fat temporarily, do not give birth to ketone, it is good to hold to low carbon as far as possible, let the body suit slowly.

Of concerned grease absorb, can try fat to wrap lettuce, the fried dish puts bit of oil more, if still be no good, with respect to not tall fat, can absorb normally adipose, it is good to do not go after low fat, notice those who had absorbed is adipose.

→ feels to do not have the effect, opposite ketone lost confidence

Unripe ketone is not all-purpose really, after some life ketone, discover the effect that reduce fat is not apparent, because everybody is different.

Have the body of some of person, because do it before dietary structure special not the rule, regular be on a diet, guzzle, hormone is disorder, calculate you to give birth to ketone at the beginning, the body also does not know the likelihood you want what to do, state burning fat won't be entered inside short time.

Still having very major reason is, guzzle and adipose, low at the beginning carbon, a lot of person mentally can feel: "Do not let me have carbolic water, I eat more adipose " .

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

This kind of psychology is very common, average person can feel, unripe ketone is big impediment fat, have a lot of oil more.

But, adipose dispute often eats easily much, because quantity of heat compares carbolic water really,want tall.

→ is read to reduce weight related, why should eat fat? | How many meat to eat won't fat?

Unripe ketone does not suggest computation is caloric, because original ketone experience restrains appetite,be, natural meeting eats less.

is not to say, can eat at will, guzzle and adipose, if you return meeting gluttony, the proposal stops to give birth to ketone.

→ is thin too much, do not think second birth ketone

A lot of old friend, after low carbon, successful thin came down, but, a lot of friends say to my feedback recently, thin dragon, I am too thin now, do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

Everybody has to the figure different go after, actually, if you feel the figure is satisfactory, do not want to continue thin body, can have water of a few carbon, do a few exercise appropriately, it is good to use up, without the problem.

→ expert says to give birth to ketone not for a long time, bad to the body

I know, at present to low carbon food, there is rife view on the network, almost everyday somebody objects giving birth to ketone.

A lot of people have such idea, feel low carbon cannot long-term, short-term good, explain clearly even, cannot exceed a few months (seeming is 3 months) , otherwise is sequential very serious.

Actually, I feel, this suffers the effect of Chinese culture a bit a little, our culture thinks, whats want balanced, want middle, cannot go to extremes.

I feel, such view does not have a basis, major person meets so think: "Low carbon food ability is popular a few years, without enough scientific proof, this is the dietary means of a long-term health. This is the dietary means of a long-term health..

Actually, the mankind is developmental history many years 400, 10 thousand years ago, the mankind just begins to enter agricultural society, the society plants wheat, just begin to become cereal staple food.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

Be in many years 400 before, the mankind is to take course, the flesh, with fructification (not sweet) , our ancestor, major while is to be in unripe ketone condition, in the winter, because cannot discover food, it is condition of hungry sex unripe ketone even, there still just are not science and literal account at that time.

Say so, cannot give birth to ketone for a long time, do not have scientific basis, if low carbon can kill the mankind, so, the mankind is early ruined.

Of course, if you fear really, also be to need not continue to give birth to ketone.

How to exit unripe ketone correctly?

Good, see these reasons in front, if you still want to roll out unripe ketone, these proposals that I view below.

Above all, want to understand the grade of carbolic water:

The poorest carbon water, it is refined candy, process sugar, bai Sha candy, fructose and dextrose are contained inside, food source, fruit juice beverage, all sorts of treatment food.

Ordinary carbolic water, amylaceous kind, purificatory rice face (rice actors or actress than the face) , basically be amylaceous, if your carry momentum is enough big, OK and right amount have these carbolic water, had better eat in athletic around.

Possible still carbolic water, coarse food grain and rootstock kind, these indexes rising candy are slow, contain a lot offiber, but, the quantity of carbolic water still is in, also do not suggest to eat more actually, had better eat in athletic around.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

→ exits 10 proposals of unripe ketone:

1, decrease adipose, increase coarse food grain appropriately

Reduce adipose intake appropriately, tall fat turns into to be absorbed normally, carbolic water is OK need not complement first, if feel body energy is insufficient, can come with carbolic water collect, if did not appear any unwell, need not complement carbolic water.

In so low carbon adipose after a chapel, see the effect, if can, can continue after you such dietary means, fixed (3 days or so) complement carbolic water can.

2, carbolic boiler circulation law

The athletic fan that trains a habit to strong volume, try food of intermittence tall carbon, I suggest you train athletic around in force, the carbolic water that absorbs certain amount (the carbolic water that can have a few refining) , other time as far as possible low carbon, see the effect.

Carbolic boiler circulation is sent, can raise metabolism appropriately, also can achieve add flesh well to reduce fat effect.

3, use beguiling day ably

If feel force trains the boiler circulation that add carbon to return insufficient word, can be in every week carbolic water is once compensatory, this is day of so called deceit Cheatday.

Day of compensatory carbon water had better be to increase motion to measure, the origin of carbolic water can be coarse food grain, also can be rice.

But, do not have water of too much carbon really, guzzle carbon water can cause hormone likely disorder, may affect female physiology period.

4, add carbolic water and carry momentum

Do not think low carbon, want to restore carbolic water to absorb, that has a few coarse food grain, when to want to eat, keep away from as far as possible purificatory rice face is OK.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

If you want to rise,erupt force, the athletic around of high strenth can eat appropriately a few purificatory rice face, the proposal has rice, is not a face.

5, must cooperate to feed, eat less, eat less.

The reason is very simple, carbolic water stimulates appetite easily, let you eat much, do not cooperate to feed, gain flesh very easily, if can, cooperate to be broken gently as far as possible feed, decrease into appetite, e.g. , a day of two eat, 7 minutes full this appearance.

I feel, the person of modern society needs to feed really, a day of 3 eat are very insalubrious, if not low carbon, each meal has very easily much.

Because present food is too delicious, each can exceed the demand of the body suddenly, cooperate to feed only, ability can carry a figure, maintain health.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

So, if you are not low carbon, must think method eats less, eat less, eat less.

6, scarcely wants guzzle carbon water

Cruel carbon water may harm you at the same time " the body and psychology " .

Guzzle itself may cause hormone disorder, the likelihood causes period abnormal, the body is unwell.

Still have, the most terrible is, you may break down, be fed up with oneself, regret, vexed, run quickly in the heart;burst;ulcerate;fester, broken jar is broken fall, feel oneself are incorrigible, had such mentality, meet very terrible.

7, the fruit is right amount eat

About the fruit, do not eat forever much, because eat much, gain flesh very easily also, a day most a fruit, e.g. an apple.

Do not have the reason of fruit and fruit juice more to oneself.

8, nut can take a place more appropriately

Nut is good adipose origin, as snacks, also be very healthy, but some people may eat easily much, do not prepare too much, eat 40-50g everyday can.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

9, eat health, be not treatment food

Eat health is very importantly, although some people do not have low carbon, but do not touch treatment food, eat very healthily.

Do not drink the beverage that contain sugar, do not take treatment kind biscuit mug-up, the fleshy products of deep treatment, eat fresh food as far as possible, vegetable, the flesh kind, if can, choose organic or oneself cultivate.

10, diabetic person exits proposal giving birth to ketone

If after low carbon, your blood sugar was stabilized, want to insist to give birth to ketone not quite now, my proposal is, avoid purificatory candy rice face as far as possible, the word of coarse food grain, right amount eat, will eat according to low index rising candy, OK also and should stable blood sugar.

Nevertheless, must seasonable him monitoring blood sugar level, if blood sugar became tall, still suggest to continue low carbon.

Must insist to take exercise, not sedentary, do force training more, think method raises insulin susceptibility even, I am mentioned inside the literary works that how raises insulin susceptibility, want to eat following food more, vinegar, mineral magnesium, drink tea, have bitter food, ferment food, turmeric, animal liver is waited a moment.

Crucial thin dragon says

Healthy life style is very much, I chose to give birth to ketone, because give birth to the profit that ketone brings to oneself, the change of energy, the change of the body, these are my personal experience.

If you choose to abandon giving birth to ketone, irrespective also, I believe, truly low carbon lays the person that ketone passes, the metropolis is more and more healthy, because it affirms meeting escape candy, process food, reduce the food of tall carbon water.

Basically, can accomplish these, a lot of more healthy than a lot of people, exit unripe ketone, do not represent left health.

If you cannot give birth to ketone really, did not concern, health is the most important, oneself are happy very important also.

Wish everybody unripe ketone is happy, not unripe ketone is happy also.

If one day, I do not want to give birth to ketone, how to do?

(be favored with of be favored with was over, how to say again? )

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