"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

Before paragraph time

Because PDD goes attending a bottle of fish to appear on the market ring a bell

This goes the dove that put the audience between direct seeding several days

Other go to those who ring a bell attending a bottle of fish to appear on the market advocate sow

Restore direct seeding early

With respect to this coquettish Ju all the time pig much ground

It is plane incur loss through delay what be

The talent before be being done all the time restores direct seeding

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

Restore the Pdd after direct seeding

For redound audience

Fill puts dove these days vacant

PDD direct seeding began to do work to everybody last night

Was in PDD last night when direct seeding

Person of two black clotheses came in abrupt home

Lock up pig sauce larynx

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

At the beginning the audience still has bit of astonishment

Just know later so

These two people are do program effect to come with PDD

Person of two black clotheses launched a challenge to PDD

Requirement PDD foot opens cap

Is this embarrassed pig sauce?

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

(the first Jio, the pose is very handsome, kick directly empty)

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

(the 2nd Jio, cap and water bottle were kicked to fly together)

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

(the 3rd, pig sauce is direct act shamelessly left with the hand)

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

↑ ↑ ↑

For the last time

Coquettish operation came

PDD is direct and reincarnate wine bucket

Come this one bottle came an E skill - the flesh plays impact

Strange is this belly open cap to still succeed

This operation is true drop 666

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

After kicking cap to challenge an end

Person of two black clotheses to Pdd

Launched new challenge, rubbish classification

The first problem

"Is tea with milk wet rubbish or dry rubbish? "Is tea with milk wet rubbish or dry rubbish??

Pig sauce brainwave replies easily: "It is culminating rubbish! "It is culminating rubbish!!

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

View expression of black clothes person incorrect

Pig sauce restores honest: "Wet rubbish wet rubbish "

Black clothes person quizs then

"That crayfish is dry rubbish or wet rubbish "

Pig sauce starts clever head melon seed again

"Shrimp carapace is dry rubbish, shrimp is splanchnic it is wet rubbish "

Chelonian, thank the popular science of female ticket teacher

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

Black clothes person of course won't so easily

Let PDD finish the challenge that this rubbish classifies

Black clothes person takes out a piece

Imprint the placard that has PDD picture

Black clothes person: "What rubbish is this excuse me? "What rubbish is this excuse me??

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling

Pig sauce heart thinks: "Making my state of mind is "

Pig sauce: "This is a handsome young man, it is a handsome boy! It is a handsome boy!!

"What rubbish is PDD? " Hahahahahahahahaha, PDD him answer is stifling


Pig sauce you can be a small argute sinister plot really

Really, this is a handsome boy really


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