Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of! The spot is illumina

Han drama " not unripe " explode by last year piece break up send a message, the Eight Diagrams of 3 days of small gain advocate pass occurrence field to film according to and formal document, main actors besides the Zhao Youting that once was passed through by drama, return somebody to enrage small unripe Bai Jingting.

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

▲ Han drama " not unripe " was 2014 of televise classical and Thespian.

According to rich of the Eight Diagrams advocate explode the teleplay of makings pats produce a film to make put on record fair show a watch to show, " not unripe " with " ordinary honor " for the name, and begin from January 2018 film, predict to film 12 months namely a year, complete theatrical work shares 42 collection. Film the spot is poured out of early also with respect to the photograph, can be informed from paper of photography car ahead is " ordinary honor " actor car, one face of Zhao Youting breaks annals ground to sit inside coffee hall, then on the side occurrence Bai Jingting.

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

▲ " ordinary honor " film spot drama is illuminated fully.

At present " ordinary honor " official small gain has been established, but can see stick civil it is 0, zhao Youting and a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch that respect booth in vain comparative etc not as good as, the hope can have official conduct propaganda to illuminate at an early date, " work quality of Zhao Youting is good, the hope also gives power this " , " " not unripe " very good-looking, expect " ordinary honor " , expect Zhao Youting and the performance that respect booth in vain, cooperation is cheerful " .

Chinese edition " not unripe " collect Ga of 2 great male minds makes fun of!

▲ netizen reacts.

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