The preexistence this life of Jerusalem

The history of Jerusalem is the history of whole world, it also is at the same time still inferior the annals of an agelong and barren small town between hill. Jerusalem ever was regarded as the center of the world, now it wants be worthy of the name than allowing when to await before: This city is the focus that Abraham struggles between department religion, it is more and more welcome christian, Judaism and the bethel that Mohammedan basic religious doctrine sends, it is the strategic wrestle field that different civilization conflicts, it is atheistic the front that confronts each other with theistic engage in a battle, it is the focus that fixes eyes upon after the flesh, it is the hair virgin soil of plot of be puzzled person and network myth, it is the dazzling arena of focusing of camera of the whole world in times of 24 hours of news. Religion, politics and media interest are mutual and alimentary, under the look that makes today's Jerusalem exposes alive person often.

Jerusalem is divine city, but mix with superstitious, legerdemain to the person cranky impression; It is Caesarean desire and award, but unlike what they expect have strategic value in that way; Jerusalem is the collective home of a lot of denomination, but every denomination thinks this city belongs to him only; Jerusalem is a city that has a lot of names -- but every tradition repels so crankily he person, mere him homage appellation. This place is such tender beauty, so that the Jew is in allusion of its god Bible,describe it with the female's snout -- saying her normally is a fresh stunner, a pure belle. But some people also depict her into shameless slut, the get hurt princess that perhaps is abandoned by the sweetheart. The bethel of the capital that Jerusalem is two a magical hall, nations, 3 old religion, it has the city that dimension of two kinds of existence spends country and day of this mortal life exclusively still: And of the city on the ground absolutely beautiful incomparable the brilliant honor of the city with the sky is compared, appear in that way negligible again. It is OK that the fact that city of Jerusalem since sky is the city on the ground means this town consist in anyplace: New Jerusalem can spread all over a whole world, everybody has the Jerusalem in him heart. Allegedly, these prophet mix Abraham, David, Jesus and Mohammed presbyterial, stop on the stone that ever was here. Abraham fastens religion to be born here, and the world also will be here at doomsday tries terminative. To " of holy book civilian " for, very divine Jerusalem is " the city of holy book " : " Bible " from Jerusalem is for a lot of respects the annals of this city, and " Bible " reader, mix to Moslem conqueror from Jew and inchoate Christian the Crusades, send to today's American good news again, the history that the over and over again is changing Jerusalem in order to come true " Bible " fatidical.

BC 20 centuries around, show rice spy a group of things with common features Canaan person is resident the coastal peace in Palestine former.

BC 13 centuries the person is in Feilisi to build a nation littoral.

BC 13 centuries end is Hebraic each tribe ingoing is resident.

11 centuries Jew builds BC Xi Bailai is regnal, hind the people not of the same clan such as Assyria, Babylonian, Persia ever occupational Palestine.

Republic of 1 century Rome invades BC, majority Jew is exiled world each district.

The preexistence this life of Jerusalem

A overcomes Sa mosque

7 centuries become the Christian era the one part of Arabia empire. The Arab is ceaseless and immigrant, mix local aboriginal absorb, formed contemporary Palestine Arab stage by stage.

The Crusades captured Jerusalem founds a state 1099, by the feudal country of the Frank formula that seigneur establishs.

Famous 1174 Jerusalem legend is kingly, accession of Bao heart Wen Sishi, died young because of leprosy disease 1185 after, year only 24 years old.

On September 2, 1187, below the aggression of Sa Latin, jerusalem defending troops surrenders, sa Latin is chosen in the section that ascend clouds this day enters Jerusalem, in order to commemorate prophetic Mohammed ascends clouds in Jerusalem.

After World War II, the Jew is many from other area ingoing, drive out at the same time Palestinian, changed population class status of place.

It is before 1948, jerusalem basically is the Palestinian is given priority to, the city also is controlled by Palestinian place. Subsequently the England in a few years begins to aid financially a Jew to emigrate to Palestine, the Jewish amount of Jerusalem begins to increase.

1948, cling to treat in order to divide, jerusalem delimits Palestine churchyard. Subsequently the war erupts, israel inbreaks and occupational on the west Jerusalem, under the management that Jerusalem is in Jordan east. Israel choose a site for the capital pulls Wei Fu especially.

1967, israel of war of the 3rd middle east is occupational whole Jerusalem, the Palestinian that forces place leaves Jerusalem.

1980, israel congress legislation decides Jerusalem is this country " forever and cannot intersected capital " . But, do not have a few countries to admit Jerusalem is the capital of Israel besides the United States, think the final position of this city has not decide, remain Israel and decision of negotiation of Palestine both sides. Most country sets embassy in Telaweifu. And the capital that Palestine autonomy government also announced to Jerusalem will be prospective Palestine country 1988. Accordingly, jerusalem is remained cling to the center with conflict.

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