61 that day, talk about child of urban welfare courtyard to receive gift of a lot of festival

On June 1, to talking about the children of courtyard of urban children welfare for, it is a red-letter day that is worth to celebrate, also be a special day. Walk into hall of children welfare courtyard, above all of greet is two eat feed, oil of rice, flour, edible waits, the fruit that still a lot of children like to eat, desert. This is the Children's Festival gift that bureau of municipal government talking about a city, civil administration and social love personage give them.

61 that day, talk about child of urban welfare courtyard to receive gift of a lot of festival

61 Children's Festivals that day, children welfare courtyard is special held celebrate " 61 " literary joint performance acknowledges will be offerred to children all the time for years help the social all walks of life that support and love public figure energetically.

Talk about the child of courtyard of urban children welfare, some has been taken an examination of attend a college, some is in on elementary school or middle school. Besides normal study, welfare courtyard created interest class technically still, children can like an option according to his.

Children welfare courtyard shows some children, because,be more very body disease by parental abandon. Serve ability to rise ceaselessly, talked about courtyard of urban children welfare to introduce foundation of half the sky technically " seminal project " , make " is lying child can stand up, is standing child can leave, the child that is taking can run " , create all advantage to the children that go to school, till school of implementation elementary school, middle school, old technical secondary school goes up the dream of the university, strengthen the safe consciousness of staff member and children ceaselessly at the same time, safeguard children have a safe and comfortable life to study growing environment.

Current, try hard through each, the children here live carefree, ill incomplete gets effective treatment and rehabilitation, go to school gets equality is treated.

Shao Weijun of assistant dean of courtyard of city children welfare expresses, pass " 61 " condolatory activity, many people are promotional the understanding to children welfare courtyard. A lot of love personages express to often can see the Gu incomplete children inside the courtyard, company children grow, let children own a warm home.

What this second activity receives government, civil administration and love organization to deliver is condolatory article, include make water of pants of make water of rice, face, oily, paper, satchel, milk powder, paper pants, bumf, toy, fruit, desert, total prices is worth 30 thousand multivariate.

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