Congratulation Mabuli! North accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian Wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes

Late on December 9, CBA convention is surpassed, final, north accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian, congratulation Mabuli! First half, fujian is maintaining banner, but the advantage is not clear, the 3rd begins Xiaosi to be punished to fall, north accuses to took the chance to narrow cent is differred, more exceed instead for a time, two teams hit minor details so that ankylose quite, not case 3+1, penalty shot notchs continuously, help north accuses to laugh finally. This battle, wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes for nothing, sun Yue 10 minutes.

Main player data, fujian: Lawson 29 minutes, wang Zhelin 25 minutes, old Lin Jian 14 minutes, block Mi Ran 8 minutes, why to heft 14 minutes, xiaosi 8 minutes; North accuses: Not case 40 minutes, sang Ni 12 minutes, sun Yue 10 minutes, wang Shaojie 10 minutes, thompson 17 minutes, princely luck 10 minutes

Congratulation Mabuli! North accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian Wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes of Sun Yue 10 minutes for nothing

First, princely luck jumps cast hit into, wang Zhelin turns over jump cast, old Lin Jian and in blocking Mi Ran to connect 3 minutes, wang Shaojie rises on basket is hemostatic, lao Senzheng face also has 3 minutes, fugeliande 4 minutes, basket is put since king sagacious Lin Jiang. After the government pauses, block room of the corner end Mi Ran 3 minutes on add, not case stops urgently jump cast, block Mi Ran filling basket, sun Tong forest presses chirp 3 minutes in violent wind, why to heft exterior line to also leave, thompson 2+0, xu Mengjun front 3 departure are introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad, thompson is cast cast. After first pass, fujian 27-22 precedes north accuses 5 minutes.

Congratulation Mabuli! North accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian Wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes of Sun Yue 10 minutes for nothing

The 2nd, xiaosi connects 6 minutes, thompson 2+1 is hemostatic, fatigue dark beater hits the target, not case middle distance also has, the horn end old Lin Jian on 3 minutes of add, not case is hit into 2+1, filling basket of Sun Yue follow-up, wang Zhelin takes 6 minutes repeatedly. After north accuses time-out, lawson 2+1, sang Ni is hit into eventually hemostatic, both hands blast buckles Wang Zhelin, not beater of division smooth bottom line, xiaosi is cruel buckle, thompson is low tick off a hand, sang Ni is cut for nothing retaliate. After Fujian pauses, sang Ni is hit into again, wang Zhelin is buckled again. After half of a game or contest passes, fujian 53-46 is banner 7 minutes.

Congratulation Mabuli! North accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian Wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes of Sun Yue 10 minutes for nothing

The 3rd just began, xiaosi violates body to be driven out to come on the stage with respect to two! North accuses to chase after 4 minutes to arrive to differ 1 minute only repeatedly, wang Zhelin 2+1 is seasonable and hemostatic, old Lin Jian chases after a body 3 minutes, thompson fills into, sang Ni stops violent wind urgently in, not case flying body hits the target. After Fujian pauses, why to heft bottom horn 3 minutes, the basket on Wang Shaojie is procurable, fatigue dark room moves, subsequently north accused a small climax to finish exceed instead dozen stop Fujian. Why to heft penalty shot hemostatic, sang Ni basket falls to rise by force, why to heft again medium 3 minutes, wang Zhelin is connected so that precede 4 minutes again, lawson presses chirp 3 minutes. After 3 pass, fujian 81-79 is banner 2 minutes.

Congratulation Mabuli! North accuses 105-100 changeover to beat Fujian Wang Zhelin chops 25 minutes of Sun Yue 10 minutes for nothing

Minor details, sang Ni penalty shot breaks even, in why hefting 3 minutes to return, fatigue dark middle distance, old Linjian flies to be hit into personally, not case is cast 3 minutes eventually in. After Fujian pauses, hard 2+0 of king sagacious Lin Jiang, wang Shaojie is successive cruel buckle, lawson is advanced notch, sun Yue chases after a difference 3 minutes 1 minute, wang Shaojie filling basket exceeds instead! Dichotomy of sousaphone of old Lin Jian is hemostatic, not case is hit into 3+1, wang Zhelin is cruel buckle, 12.1 seconds, north accuses to precede 1 minute. Fujian fouls tactics, not case two punish completely medium, fujian fails to break even, north controls win by a narrow margin.

Both sides head sends:

North accuses: Sang Ni, not case, princely luck, Sun Yue, Wang Shaojie

Fujian: Mi Ran of Sun Chun canopy, old Lin Jian, card, Lawson, Wang Zhelin

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