Allow to be not classical ana

1, (from army) after taking a place, incommensurate goods economy, also do not have control its ability, at the beginning I also had been grown when the manager in an electron company with bottle, had been cheated. Later also is nowhere can obtain employment, just be forced to found China be.

2, the company grows even if should develop a batch of wolves. The wolf has 3 big character: It is the smell of acumen; 2 it is inexorable, the aggression spirit that dash ahead without thinking one's safety; 3 it is the consciousness that the group contends.

3, a person leaves the home to struggle is to acquire good life, love is the most important part in good life, but love resembles single-plank bridge same, the family passed, you cannot pass. Leave home already 5 years, when incomplete snow melt, brook gurgles, face the difficult path from the horizontal stroke, do not know others to whether had gone really, how can beloved girl be. The sort of disconsolate, the sort of lose, the sort of confused, succeeded can how?

4, I think the person is to be afraid of painful, too painful not quite good also.

5, the person has difference, want to admit difference occurs, a person's located to oneself environment, want to have contented feeling, do not vie ceaselessly. You have a kind of contented feeling without the effort that gives to oneself, can torment oneself ceaselessly, with painful move, it is to be born in blessing not to tell good fortune really. This is not fate, fate is the person knows difference hind, and be not changed hard.

6, all resource on the world are likely and dried up, only a kind of resource can be born be born do not cease, that is culture.

7, what makes succeed? It is to resemble Japan those enterprises in that way, return via escape from death can well living, this ability is real success. China succeed to do not have, just be in grow.

8, nation of any country, any, on the base that must build the confidence that builds him motherland in him accredit, can go up in the foundation that paddle one's own canoe only, ability can win equality and respect.

9, professionalism, standardization, form is changed, the management that pattern plate turns is very defective still. China be is a flock of earth that come out from the green curtain of tall crops 8, still be used to burying a landmine, job method that carries a blockhouse. Unaccustomed still change at professionalism, form, pattern plate is changed, the management of standardization. The management that repeats labor, jackknife is very much still, this is the germ with not tall efficiency. When introducing new management system, want first become rigid, optimize after, again solidify.

10, should have the courage to think dare do, want to be brave in to move toward loneliness. Not prevalent custom, rough commonplace, do world top-ranking business, this is life contented and intense the basic approach that rise.

11, " Wang Xiaoer sells soya-bean milk, can sell one yuan a bowl, why should sell 5 wool fund? The gross profit of our product, it is certain to want demarcate to be in level, too tall or too low improper. Too tall or too low improper..

Annotate: Sometimes, oneself depreciate to oneself superior goods, after waiting for a competitor to enter, depreciate again, with the doorsill that drive up enters, will prevent new competitor to enter, can gain long-term competitive advantage instead, INTEL is example.

12, 2001, yang Yuanqing comes China to look around when, yang Yuanqing states couplet wants to increase research and development to throw, those who do high-tech associate, ren Zhengfei says to him with the snout of a better: "Development can not be an easy thing, you want a few to make good investment 100 million, a few years of not effervescent preparation. A few years of not effervescent preparation..

Annotate: Research and development serves as a kind strategical investment, its interest and risk exist at the same time.

13, days cannot flow backwards, if the person can begin to come over to live from 80 years old, life is met certainly more wonderful.

Annotate: The youth does not learn from book solely, must learn to learn from inside practice, from the failure of experience and be used to of cross middle school.

14, Ren Zhengfei asks manpower resource ministry employee: "If Deng Xiaoping arrives China apply for for the company, we whether employ? We whether employ??

Annotate: The enterprise is in talent of invite applications for a job when, must consider a person / of duty match, deng Xiaoping is not to cannot be used, but should consider to be clear about first dry what to use?

15, 1999, some deputy mayor comes to inland China look around to make an on-the-spot investigation, welcoming late banquet to go up, the deputy mayor asks Ren Zhengfei: "To promote the development of the enterprise, what should the government work after all? " Ren Zhengfei is laughing at an answer to arrive: "Whats do not fight the government, it is foster cordial relations between countries, good urban afforest road that the government wants only, it is the greatest to the enterprise help. It is the greatest to the enterprise help..

Annotate: The government is in the process of change function, can hear the opinion that comes from an enterprise more.

16, our strategy plans to do, it is research firm 3 -- development strategy of 5 years, not be research firm 10 years, the development strategy after 20 years, I do not know whether the company can have lived 20 years, after if who wants,can speaking 20 years China to become what word, I can prove: The mankind after 20 years will not eat food, change eat human excrement, my truth is...

Annotate: In the market environment of rapid change, plan and cast development of 5 years, already great difficulty, forecast person of 20 years, can make futurology home, but not be to be in the enterprise absolutely.

17, be in China on bed staff plenary meeting, ren Zhengfei quizs: "After 2000 China what is be the biggest question? " everybody replies: Do not know. Ren Zhengfei tells everybody: It is Qianduode does not know how to be spent, when your home buys a house, the sitting room is OK a bit smaller, bedroom is OK a bit smaller, but the balcony must a bit bigger, buy a big prong even, when weather is good, did not forget to often bask in money on the balcony, otherwise your money is completely mildewy.

Annotate: Money much may not is meddlesome, the how uses fund reasonably word that does not know, again much money also can become moldy.

18, China succeed to do not have, just be in grow

Annotate: Hua Weicai developed ten years, cannot calculate consummate result absolutely, can last for a long time survive, achievement hundred years base course of study, just perhaps be successful.

19, Ren Zhengfei quizs on high level conference: "Why does my level compare you tall? " , everybody replies: Do not know. Ren Zhengfei says: "Because of me from each thing (succeed or fail) in, can compare you much style realizes little thing, the thing is done much, horizontal nature rose. Horizontal nature rose..

Annotate: Take an examination of frequently at thinking of, pay attention to be accumulated in practice and learn.

20, " China to do not have academician, have courtyard land only. Want to become academician, do not come China for. Do not come China for..

Annotate: "Courtyard earth " , allow to be not place to say namely " project businessman " . The enterprise starts product research and development, not be to make creation, not be to should defeat Jie Gede Bach to guess, should succeed to the market of the product however (commerce is successful) responsible

21, China it is employee anew, just arrived China when be, with respect to the management strategy question of the company, wrote " book of 10 thousand character " to Ren Zhengfei, allow to be not give an official: "If this person is invigorative ill, the proposal sends a hospital cure; If do not have disease, the proposal is repulsive. The proposal is repulsive..

Annotate: "Small improve, large award; A lunar month of 30 days is discussed, encourage only " . Personnel is the most important still is to should do good own job, do not put main energy in conception " grandiose blue print " , do " the world important matter " above. As a new employee, do not have to the enterprise any understanding, put forward how possibly accord with actual proposal.

22, be in China can go up for company president office, ren Zhengfei asks: "Can Mao Zedong make a gun? Who has seen Mao Zedong makes a gun? He should hit a gun to be afraid on the toe head that should make oneself. But Mao Zedong can move masses, meet athletic cadre. Meet athletic cadre..

Annotate: Controller is through bringing into play others and other natural resources complete the work, the success of your subordinate decides your success. -- the path of HP

23, Ren Zhengfei says on board of directors: "In the future the official language of the board of directors is English, myself still is learning a foreign language 58 years old, you these standing vice-president are looked at with respect to oneself do. You these standing vice-president are looked at with respect to oneself do..

Allow to be not classical ana

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