LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfac

(dispatch of contest of You Jiu report) Beijing time on March 27, 2020, LPL spring convention is surpassed all around day of the 5th race. At present a list of names posted up of integral of LPL battle group is as follows:


LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfactory

ES is in after beating IG with 7 get the better of the military successes that loses to continue to get run LPL, after close therewith is IG and FPX; V5 still was not entered one minute at present, by integral mat, and LGD loses VG in the regret in the match yesterday, get the better of at present 6 negative. The first today's match by integral a list of names posted up tertiary FPX is opposite an OMG. FPX rests in the course condition of the player after contest period picks up generally, and same, in greet minister the military successes of the OMG after old enemy is very satisfactory also, does when two puissant lance encounter who can win next today's contests?


LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfactory

In the first today's match, battle array of the medium-term before OMG is taken and in the battle array advantage period was hit wonderful to the line, the sheet on FPX is aimed at in wild faint play, declare of whole bureau match ends, OMG leaves one town first, this field MVP gives dozen of boar younger sister. FPX of the 2nd match was strengthened in wild linkage, be in strong in below wild linkage, FPX executed 4 packets of familiar two tactics to obtain result, win this field contest finally, MVP gives dozen of wild spider. FPX of game ball bureau continued the linkage system that oneself are good at, be opposite line period called economic dominant position, all fronts of 27 minutes of OMG dies dish below the circumstance, FPX stopped the match to win next today's contests.

The first bureau: Chankelie shows invincible might OMG to leave one town first in


LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfactory

Blue square OMG, gules square FPX. 4 minutes, pig younger sister and Kelie come to start off, gram intense hands in flash to attack demon of start off sword kill. 7 minutes, sailasi will leave a way, will female pop is killed, but catch evil spirit of start off sword dead at the same time. 8 minutes, sailasi takes Xiaolong, pig younger sister takes next gorge pioneers. 10 minutes, area of bilateral be out of office encounters wild area, hit change one. 11 minutes, female calm and a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument carry next districts, sword demon is attacked to kill again. Take one tower incidentally. 14 minutes, the everybody that sword demon is come again is attacked kill. Minutes 16 minutes, gorge pioneer is taken by FPX pusher is dropped medium one tower, but OMG is hit 0 change 2. 19 minutes, we take next earthy a surname. 20 minutes, gram intense drives come to start off, hit 2 change 4. 24 minutes, OMG takes next big a surname, attack sword demon kill. 26 minutes, female calm on the offensive arrives after sword demon attack its kill and, introduce to an upland, subsequently OMG everybody catchs up with push crystal, take next competitions!

The 2nd bureau: FPX of field of legend crocodile remount breaks even score


LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfactory

Blue square OMG, gules square FPX. OMG is taken on odd wrist a person of extraordinary powers, FPX is taken out in odd crocodile. 6 minutes, FPX begins to hit Xiaolong, blind monk is grabbed and go. 8 minutes, gorge pioneer is taken by blind monk, but bewitching female singer wants to attack Tai Tan kill, be turned over to kill however. Minutes 11 minutes, FPX comes to 4 packets leave a way 2, group of two-men leaving a way is attacked to kill. 14 minutes, bewitching female singer is caught by start off attack kill. 15 minutes, blind monk and wrist a person of extraordinary powers the iron opposite side male attack kill. 17 minutes, FPX takes Xiaolong, mo Ganna be killed in battle. 18 minutes, a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument is carried crocodile was killed in sheet leaving a way. 22 minutes, bewitching female singer is caught dead, coming a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument is carried also be attacked to kill. 24 minutes, a round fight was made in big dragon place, female pop kills a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of bewitching female singer to carry Moganna. 26 minutes, bewitching female singer thinks a spider, but harm is accused not high by backhand, coming wrist a person of extraordinary powers is attacked to kill. 28 minutes, crocodile is caught be attacked to kill, OMG takes Xiaolong. 32 minutes, FPX took big a surname, a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument is carried be attacked to kill. 33 minutes, a group was made in small dragon place, OMG is hit change 3, FPX pushs crystal. Bilateral score breaks even.

The 3rd bureau: FPX of as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood wins next contests


LPL spring surpasses: FPX2: 1OMG emersion lets chase after 27 Lian Sheng military successes satisfactory

Blue square OMG, gules square FPX. OMG takes female level + the combination leaving a way of female gun, and FPX takes gram sacrificing oneself for a just cause + of huge monster in wild. 2 minutes, huge monster will leave a way, will female pop is killed, after to start off GANK is crouched instead, pig younger sister is attacked presumably kill, OMG3 person is attacked kill. 6 minutes, FPX will to next roads plan to attack kill group of the person on next roads, but OMG response is timely in wild arrive in time, hit change 2. 16 minutes, ONG wants to be in in the road flies a group, be dissolved by FPX strike back. 24 minutes, in in the road began a round battle, OMG is hit 0 change 3. 26 minutes, FPX hit 0 change 4 pusher to drop crystal, the match ends.

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