ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasadi

The 5th week, the battle of a focus that received this week this afternoon -- RNG battle group is opposite an ES battle group. ES serves as new army this sports season advances triumphantly all the way, show outside anticipation, their 3 C come from RNG battle group. Head bureau match, square RNG chose blue Jia Taitan of crocodilian, spider, Xindela, female gun, square ES chose red monkey, Aolafu, Kasading, Wei Lusi increases female level.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

Before this match smell of gunpowder opens contest thicker, the match undertook 3 minutes, both sides leaves in next wadi dozen, cryin and XLB are crossing-over first poll, next RNG here pursue ES wild area, ES two-men group is miserable be chased after dead, betty was taken double kill.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

? Then the XLB when 5 minutes leaves a way again, catch Wink successfully dead again, subsequently RNG receives the first Xiaolong. RNG here because of before a few rhythm, called a dominant position successfully, the LangX of start off also calls a dominant position to the line. When 8 minutes, the road in both sides hit again, ES here on the offensive leaves dozen, the result is turned over to hit by RNG, fullback of LangX deferent be born takes ES crowd terrific, RNG is hit 0 change 1, and hit incomplete ES someone else, stop van of the first gorge subsequently.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

11 minutes, wei will to start off catch LangX, be escaped by latter success, RNG takes advantage of a favorable situation the pioneer was put in next roads, harvest one blood tower successfully. 13 minutes, RNG leaves hit the 2nd Xiaolong, ES does not want to put the TP difference that uses a monkey however to grab, although this Xiaolong is grabbed to fall by ES, but RNG is hit won round battle to attack killed small C. This poll is taken by Xiaohu, he already the hand grasps 3 build.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

? After this end, the economy of RNG preceded 4000. ES builds up right now 3 people will issue a road to catch LangX dead, poll is received by Kasading. But RNG took the chance to push on one tower, also took pioneer of the 2nd gorge at the same time, in road one tower also is hit incomplete. 17 minutes, RNG is in in the road pushs the one tower of incomplete blood.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

In inferior position bigger case falls, the 3rd Xiaolong is brushed after going out, ES abandons actively was not contended for. 20 minutes. Use gorge pioneer, RNG shatter the on 2 towers of ES. ES is putting resource to maintain calorie of Sa Ding growth ceaselessly, block twinset of classics of Sa Ding Yi right now. 22 minutes, RNG takes the below 2 towers in ES early or late. But ES here everybody protects Kasading to have resource in start off, 23 minutes, ES catchs LangX dead in start off, RNG is to take the chance to take the 4th Xiaolong.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

28 minutes, RNG takes next baron, kasading took 2 towers to reach 16 level at the same time in next roads. But RNG takes the advantage of Aolafu to be attacked to kill in big dragon place then, will hit the 5th Xiaolong. Because RNG of this round battle became much one person, hit 0 change, receive Long Hun subsequently. Taking Long Hun and big dragon BUFF, RNG began in below two cent are pushed. In attack respectively killed ES wild complementary hind, RNG leaves a highland in broken ES repeatedly, develop an upland successfully. Hit on the upland after winning last group, kasading also is attacked to kill finally, subsequently RNG ended the contest, with 1 than 0 obtain banner.

ES the gate of vitality is captured by RNG, 3 expert hero by Ban, the system also did not hit Kasading

Must say, the Huang Zilan of two systems hero that will drop ES with respect to Ban on RNG of this bureau match the fascia hammer stone of rich and auxiliary small C, the fourth system of the Sa that keep card that result ES selects did not play an effect however. And those who block Sa Ding and Aolafu is medium wild combination, be a match by VG beat time what VG head bureau singles out is medium wild. This match, the player of wolf of RNG, lightning and YM one's previous experience is leading role, the result is in in the match in every round battle of later period, the LangX that one's previous experience of group of these 3 battle is not alone only on field grabbed limelight however, a few round battle are he is gotten in the agitate in the crowd snafu, also be the play that he restricted Kasading.

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