He Youjun sends long article to refute a rumor infection new coronal is pneumonic Xi Mengyao second

He Youjun sends long article to refute a rumor infection new coronal is pneumonic Xi Mengyao second turns support

Dispatch of 1905 films net is late on April 10, he Youjun sends long article to refute a rumor in small gain " have new hat pneumonic " be related, deny eat antipyretic to hide the truth from a newspaper to return the report such as harbor: "If I am in Shanghai,get new hat, I still do not look for Zhang Wenhong's group to be treated in Shanghai rapidly? The unreasonable dot so much in the rumor, had not seen Ke Na you also can see? " at the same time, to because deny Xi Mengyao to be pregnant to be criticised suspect past also makes for many times,responding to: "Does epidemic situation follow be pregnant can you contrast? " wife Xi Mengyao also subsequently force of transmit small gain is held out.

He Youjun sends long article to refute a rumor infection new coronal is pneumonic Xi Mengyao second turns support

On April 8, media of Chinese Hong Kong explodes makings say, he Youjun was affected in Shanghai January this year pneumonic, to answer harbor to accept treatment He Youjun passes the kind that takes patulin to take private plane to answer harbor.

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