Morning paper: Yamaxun fake runs rampant to be sued by much brand, the whole world first piggy admir

An information

1, the whole world Eden of strange indoor theme garrisons first piggy admire Shanghai LCM

Morning paper: Yamaxun fake runs rampant to be sued by much brand, the whole world first piggy admire is strange indoor theme garden

Eden of strange indoor theme will garrison admire of pig of global head wife and children Shanghai LCM buy collects Xu Hui square. It is reported, the piggy admire that garrisons this certainly is strange indoor theme Eden, it is the new store that division of silent forest group leaves England to enter a member newly to garrison China to open first, this Eden includes 1100 of smooth rice exceed large space, 10 themes area, the setting in strange animation of admire of vivid and reductive piggy. (couplet dealer network)

2, program of network seeing and hearing paid cost the user 2017 280 million, habit of consumption paying fee is preliminary form

Total bureau of national broadcasting television announces " 2017 bulletin of statistic of trade of countrywide broadcasting television " show, 2017 service revenue of program of domestic network seeing and hearing forteen billion two hundred and ninety-eight million yuan. Among them, the user pays fee income eleven billion two hundred and seventy-five million yuan, occupy program of network seeing and hearing to serve gross income 78.86% . Network seeing and hearing pays charge door number to amount to 280 million, grow 62.79% compared to the same period, habit of consumption paying fee is preliminary already form.

3, Yamaxun fake runs rampant to be sued by much brand, intermediary is raised outside action learn the holiday is made in A

American media announces Yamaxun fake is flush, increasing brand just is stopped cooperate with Yamaxun, sue Yamaxun even. Outside intermediary enrols with raising for openly model citing in A: Yamaxun should learn the holiday is made in A. Increasing brand just is willing with the collaboration in A. Intermediary points out outside, yamaxun is made work by doubt when the holiday, often can shift responsibility to tripartite, even if through FBA (content shedding matchs Yamaxun send) trade, it also is in charge of memory only with oneself, carry and processing pays, commodity of and rather than is possessory for, do not assume responsibility. (round-the-world net)

4, British finance times: Alibaba and Tecent requirement are cast row " the station that choose a side "

Occupy personage of know the inside story to divulge, alibaba and Tecent ask to be what he provide a service to cast must not be the other side to provide a service all right, this actually cast a cent to become two a group of people of same interest. A banker expresses, ant gold takes a demand a few banks are signed " the blame with very rigid limitation competes " agreement, the entity that the agreement sets to they must not be Tecent provides a service. (FT Chinese net)

Periphery weak point is heard

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China make progress to announce car couplet net: Car of couplet of 100 thousand net will be covered inside year

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65 environments day " the brigade of viatic frog commonweal " appear, appeal of the fish in A protects endangered animal

Be able to bear or endure the gram releases can develop a report continuously: Last year 75% dress shoe kind use can reclaim material

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Cast be in harmony fast give

Electronic financing knocks Yan Dongwei calm " big fund " present as leading role many national endowment opens up 2.8 billion become a shareholder, appear on the market company electron city cast again 1.2 billion

Ka cruel is finished found one year to come the 3rd times financing, amount 50 million RMB

Group of overseas Chinese city invests the strategy group of the tourism that be the same as Cheng, total investment spends more than 2 billion yuan

Flavour BACK (issue cate of countrywide high grade special local product) finish 10 thousand yuan of thousands of Pre-A annulus financing invests by brothers capital

Taste titanium (PINTEC) the add up to that finish the series financing of 103 million dollar, by capital of sina, graceful picture (Mandra Capital) get cast

Auger be filled with obtain millions angel annulus financing, epicycle appears on the market by Hong Kong company China collects finance of be in harmony to accuse a capital of limited company He Huiyi to invest jointly

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Quick worker is wholy-owned buy Acfun (platform of network barrage video)

I am very busy, busy move is grown, busy still move is lovely. ?

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