Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effig

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

These days by " Lv Jia allows atelier to publish dimension authority to state " brush screen, our Lv Jia allows young lady elder sister again because of the statement of atelier be served small gain to heat up search, the reason is ill will of a certain undesirable businessman uses its effigies to regard as " Macao some gambling house " false advertising conduct propaganda.

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Common saying says well, person red dispute is much, once the actor had famous degree, subsequently and the troublesome work that come is much also. Is to effigies authority encroached can be this kind of thing borne? Couldn't bear of course, our Lv Jia allowed atelier to make bully gas dimension quickly counterpoise: You dare embezzle, we dare accuse you! Looking is you false advertisement is publicized further, be still sanction of our use statute are you faster?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

In recreational group similar the incident that such effigies be encroachmented counterpoise is already incomputable, having a person to enrage the star with tall, high temperature so like Lv beautiful look especially, grow good-looking, figure is hot, often can be taken by those cankered businessmen the photograph goes bilk masses, grow beautifully to be embezzled with respect to this effigies? A lot of netizens say he get this kind false ad short message via regular meeting, and the vermicelli made from bean starch that Lv Jia allows people it is her in succession aggrieved: Good energy of life, bully elder sister of our young lady by what!

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Nevertheless, be embezzled to effigies this thing, lv Jia allowed him to make the return fire that safeguards oneself rights and interests immediately, its atelier also is make a statement to this immediately, ask this illegal businessman immediateness deletes embezzling picture and information, and make it clear that to the masses this kind of advertisement all is bilk. Lv beautiful look regards a public as the character, made to dimension authority action personal set an example correctly, she is such at the same time the dimension authority means of bully gas also lets netizens express: True by handsome arrived!

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Look elder sister of our Miss Lv Jia look is not only in play the goddess that is full of tough temperament, also be one works more in the life the schoolgirl of frank, with the power of a thunderbolt and the speed of lightning, to oneself legitimate rights and interests, if where,she is known go safeguarding for a short while, also made a good example to everybody, the act that uses oneself will tell the public: Must punish severely illegal element, raise oneself dimension authority consciousness! Do not use oneself rights and interests to come so like her female star of hype, true unmannered, small tabulating shows: Already the road turns pink!

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

Lv Jia allows bully gas dimension to counterpoise: Grow beautifully to deserve to be embezzled effigies?

The event that this Lv Jia holds effigies be encroachmented to counterpoise was to give a lot of businessmen a caution more: Must get the access of effigies through legal means, and cannot embezzle illegally the photograph of others, it is pair of star not only, it is such to everybody! And to masses, what our everybody should accomplish is the illegal behavior that be hit with the action and punishs severely undesirable businessman, do not grant to pay attention to to shocking or false advertisement, boycott the conduct propaganda of all and illegal businessman!

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