Today is on May 17, in this weekend, most let me pay close attention to with respect to two things: Helmet rose in price, pig price rebounded. All sorts of blotting out the sky and cover up the earth message in friend circle is transmitted, it is to sold guaze mask Feburary really, sold equipment March, in April gush flannelette, sold helmet in May, every month does not let person disappear stop! At present just pig price also is in two days this super- drop when rebounding, so does is this pig price met and helmet fly together? Small make up feel everybody still looks happy!
Does fatten pig grow slow? Is swinery resistance poor? How does a fat pig earn 300 yuan more than others? All doctoral fatten - fatten weightening finish gives column much weightening finish 15 days early 30 jins, drive bug hurried of be good at stomach grows, add immunity to fall ill little, replace mildew agent " nod me to examine "
After northeast area rebounded considerably yesterday, countrywide pig price appears really today " blossom everywhere " picture, we also had said yesterday, northeast area is the vane of countrywide each district all the time, yesterday rebounding considerably can not be bagatelle, today if really taking a flock of " little younger brother " begin to rise in price immediately, also gave each district to breed a greater faith so!
But offer a piece of advice everybody is too hopeful to rising in price this to also do not want, in light of the information that passes the near future, rise in price this or exceed drop rebounding possibility is larger, on real significance large-scale how to rise to still do not have opportunity everybody to look it seems that? Welcome everybody discussion to point out.
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