Price of egg of countrywide major area keeps balance basically now, hunan area goes up bigger, but do not change trend of concussion of near future whole.
On May 29, 2020 egg price introductionNow countrywide egg price 5 provinces city rises, price of egg of 5 provinces city drops, price of egg of 15 provinces city keeps balance
The egg rises in price province: Liaoning relatively rise yesterday 0.01, jilin relatively rise yesterday 0.02, anhui relatively rise yesterday 0.02, hubei relatively rise yesterday 0.01, hunan relatively rise yesterday 0.07
Province of egg price fall: Shanxi relatively drop yesterday - 0.01, jiangsu relatively drop yesterday - 0.01, shandong relatively drop yesterday - 0.01, shaanxi relatively drop yesterday - 0.02, qinghai relatively drop yesterday - 0.05
Egg price keeps balance province: Beijing, tianjin, cheat inside, heilongjiang, shanghai, zhejiang, fujian, jiangxi, henan, guangdong, sichuan, guizhou, gansu Province, ningxia, xinjiang
On May 29 detailed information of countrywide egg priceEach saved egg price forms for reporting statistics on May 29End price of main province egg went the near future on May 29 situationEggMore releases information of # of price of egg of daily and newest # , examine more history quoted price, pay close attention to an author please.