Sincere letter, should come with life carry out goes

If can 2 choose one, want to obtain money, still want to obtain sincere letter, the answer that before 10 years I can hesitate none " fortune " , I had brand-new understanding to fortune and the value of sincere letter and meaning today, fortune can bring economic freedom and heart to satisfy to the person, also can bring to the person approbate and respect, but if fortune is to come from plunder and embezzlement, you obtain approbate and does esteem have He Yiyi again? If fortune is to come from bully cheat and spec, do the economic freedom that you gain and heart satisfy the deformation that will be what kind? The tears of blood that is your hair family history others history? Can your fortune make what your soul gets moment quiet? Sincere letter, should come with life carry out goes

If can 2 choose one, I choose certainly " sincere letter " , sincere letter is impayable, accredit is a kind of appreciation to the person and approbate, sincere letter is a kind of force of a kind of character, great mind. You are overhand to me " accredit " the eyes, this is satisfied than letting me have fortune to be able to be brought more and cheerful, accredit is a kind of clinking spirit is enjoyed.

Perhaps some people can say, in the actual society of this each trying to cheat the other, persistent " accredit " be to be stupid? The force that what experience can allow you to be like this holds to " sincere letter " , the beguiling story that this should encounter a few this years from me speaks of. Sincere letter, should come with life carry out goes

Once cooperated together 2012 the Li Mou of deal, say to want to decorate a house to lack cash to me inadvertently in, I what demur does not say give him 100 thousand yuan without breath loan to help a friend, way researched in Anhui 2012 in, li Mou says to me again, liu Mou is doing investment to assure the company needs financing, let me invest Qian Fang there Liu Mou, considering Liu Mou also is familiar friend, and be the partner of one door inn together, I am frank turn 600 thousand yuan Zhang arrives Zhang date of Liu Mou, liu Mou issued receipt for a loan and affirmatory accrual, till September 2014 Liu Mou stopped payment of interest, I call for many times again in road reimbursement of urgent Liu Mou, liu Mou says he is very innocent actually, li Mou for diddle my accredit, the lie lends money with his name, money is was used by Li Mou, just passed on his Zhang at that time, I read aloud the deceit that the affection in the friend excused them on the portion, give them two years money of time happen by chance, the result also should not return a minute of money to now.

In this process I once had lost the faith to the friend, feel the anguish that is cheated deeply also at the same time, so old come I never had lent money to the friend, it is to be afraid that oneself still do not go up lose credit, 2 it is to be afraid of refuse by person distrust, but this does not affect my accredit to the friend, always feel to the friend also is met and acceptance is abided by like me, what I see credit is more important than life, dropped because of trustful friend however one Jiao. Sincere letter, should come with life carry out goes

The feeling that is cheated is painful, one has experienced the person with be cheated painful, or can produce more distrust to the person, because be cheated,or is met and " sincere letter " the cover that read is sufficient precious, I choose latter, cherish beside the friend that keep good faith, tell the person of sincere letter, just be the most honorable person, those had cheated the friend's person, although you pass very easy and comfortable, perhaps you have a lot of money, but make mind in I look down upon you, I feel the person is living on earth, because how much you have,not be, and each issue that laying you to had been done hereat whether unashamed.

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