League matches of 2018 worlds women's volleyball (Guangdong river door stands) the 2nd round afternoon 16: In the match of 00, be opposite by American team a Brazilian team. Through 4 bureaus intense contention, 3-1(25-23 of team of final United States, 26-28, 25-21, 25-18) force restrains group of powerful force Brazil, obtain river door to stand two Lian Sheng.
Brazilian team head situation of weather of bureau continuance yesterday, bureau precede all the way, try hard to catch up transcends line of bureau end United States instead score. Two teams sitzkrieg reachs second bureau 26 smooth. Adeniciya writes down team of Brazil of the moment of truth to press punching ball to pull an one bureau. Team of Brazil of the 3rd bureau is depended on deputy attack tactical small score to precede, american team slow and steady bureau end again changeover score. Team of United States of the 4th bureau hopes Er small oblique line, 8-5 of quick attack of Er of Ji Bumei Ye, 18-11 downwind downstream, final Brazil team serves error aids American team 25-18, get victory of total score 3-1.
What evening undertakes is medium Russian big fight, chinese women's volleyball develops stability basically, 3:0Let adversary swallow an egg, 3 bureaus score is: 25-21, 25-19 and 25-22. Statistic of the technology after contest: Liu Xiaotong 15 minutes (27 buckle 12 in, 2 hair 1 bar) , yuan Xin 14 minutes (15 buckle 6 in, 6 bar 2 hair) , zhu Ting 13 minutes (28 buckle 12 in) , gong Xiang eaves 8 minutes (14 buckle 5 in, 3 hair) , yan Ni 6 minutes (10 buckle 4 in, 2 bar) , ding Xia 1 minute. Chinese women's volleyball Yu Ming late 19:3The 0 cent stations that contend for station of door of river of world women's volleyball with American team surpass champion, must get 3:0Or 3:1Get victory just goes.