The network is not the ground outside the law, the friend encircles abuse policeman to be detained b

Know somebody encircles barefaced dispatch in small letter friend after the circumstance of abuse policeman, height of group of Xi'an policeman Chang'an takes seriously, undertaking to sending post person the identity is checked quickly, inquiry, after obtaining evidence, report a case to the security authorities actively to police station. On June 6, party Yang Mou some is detained 5 days with administration by place of substation of public security Chang'an.

The network is not the ground outside the law, the friend encircles abuse policeman to be detained by administration!

Via checking, late on June 5, yang Mou some is in car illegal place Chang'an area on the west stockaded village street, 6 days morning 7 when make 30 minutes, be on duty by military unit corresponding to a company of Chang'an group order the policeman is opened lawfully " break the law jockey record report is only " . To this, some heart puts Yang Mou malcontent, in the morning 8 when in its 23 minutes small letter friend encircles hair post abuse policeman, utterance is foul, damage policeman reputation badly, cause abominable effect, classics friend is persuaded after, this poplar proper motion deletes hair post. Basis of substation of public security Chang'an " public security management sanctions a method " the 42nd, to Yang Mou the behavior of some barefaced affront other gives administration detains administration of 5 days to punish.

The network is not the ground outside the law, the friend encircles abuse policeman to be detained by administration! The network is not the ground outside the law, the friend encircles abuse policeman to be detained by administration!

Here, xi'an policeman reminds everybody: Internet is not the ground outside the law, ask broad netizen reason to make a speech. To baleful start a rumour, the behavior of abuse bespatter other, public security mechanism will lawfully severe blow.

Xi'an policeman

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