Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during t

Be apart from the time that the university entrance exam began to return remnant to be less than a hour 2018, during the exam, child psychology wave motion will be very big, this moment needs those who do father and mother to had done communication work for the child, want to note the following problems

1: Do not produce any conflict with the child. The main turning point of the life when the university entrance exam, so this moment does not produce any conflict with him, lest affect play.

2: After the university entrance exam comes out, enquire the circumstance of child take an examination ofing not overly. The subject that has studied, do not want exorbitant to find out, already became finality, examine minutely also do not have any meanings, if the child is taken an examination of not ideal, this moment parents does good psychology to communicate with respect to need, although this is taken an examination of not ideal, but below not certain delegate one not ideal, do not take the place of negative sentiment into an exam.

3: Company is most softhearted confess, it is good that these two days of parents had done the university entrance exam to accompany the job, do not want to get angry before the child as far as possible, perhaps discuss working issue, lest let children cause misunderstanding, and generation psychology burden.

4: If the child rests during the university entrance exam bad, this moment also does not want to conflict with the child, tell him what makes shut eye repose, according to scientist explanation, below the circumstance that centers in spirit, successive a few hours are no problem, want to do good psychology to work so.

5: The proposal is in afternoon before entering examination room ten minutes, drink a cup of strong coffee, do not drink overmuch water, lest toilet lose time attends during the university entrance exam.

6: Interior chicken broth still should prepare a few bowls, what a few bowls of chicken broth feed to be able to arouse the child when the state that becomes this moment of parents to be aimed at the child is proper is bit more excited! That is afraid that taking an examination of more also is a victory!

Last one language: No matter outcome is successful, can stand on examination room today, had been a victory! Of course win victory in the first battle is best! , children are cheered!

Old hind, you can feel for today's effort proud!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

Parents should notice a few small issues take an examination of a minute to win namely more during the university entrance exam!

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