Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? The sun, Min Xiaolin dates to cafes

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? Around foot leaves

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? The sun is pulling love wife to cross a street heart to heart

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? The sun updates social net again

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? Min Xiaolin updates social net to ever was put on a few days ago same a skirt

Army is obtained off, the sun pulls Min Xiaolin to date to cafes? The sun this year in March enrollment

Korea day is round sun of Big Bang member this year on Feburary 3 with pat the Xiao Lin of female star Zuo that procrastinates 4 years to marry, and on March 12 enrollment, early before be in army in he what spend 30 years old of birthday, obtained yesterday off, childhood carries to illuminate on social net, leave a message simply: " Hi " .

And the netizen expresses to went yesterday the sun and wife Zuo Xiao Lin see accidentally when cafes buys cake, the sun in the photograph wears black Cap cap to reach wear black pants of black unlined upper garment, Zuo Xiao Lin wears fisher cap to reach wear beautiful flower to connect body skirt, two people side by side and sit, the rear foot before this netizen takes below two people again leaves cafes, time drives the 2 people of travel first, but the sun when crossing a street stalls heart to heart love wife, very conjugal love.

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