The home that content couplet blocks: Content couplet blocks industrial catenary to form the value o

Of catenary of industry of content couplet card form element cent to block operation business and industrial catenary for couplet of final user, content other and relevant member.

The home that content couplet blocks: Content couplet blocks industrial catenary to form the value of element to allocate

Of catenary of industry of content couplet card form element cent to block operation business and industrial catenary for couplet of final user, content other and relevant member.

1, final user

Final user shows content couplet blocks the person be benefited finally of industrial catenary, it is the strategic core of its value net, also be the source motivation of value creation activity. Final user reflected the demand direction that blocks application to content couplet, the requirement that adopts contented and final user and desire will realize the value of the product that business of operation of content couplet card offers and service.

2, content couplet blocks operation trade

Content couplet blocks operation business to be in core to lead the position, can be held the position of by telegraphic operation business, also can be held the position of by other member, depend on completely who can provide memory of responsible information government, information and processing platform service. Operation business is designed and put forward to have charming value target and value fixed position, attract relevant enterprise to add value system, and the conformity that the cooperation that in provider of terminal manufacturer, platform, system compositive business reachs service provider to wait cooperates to leave implementation resource, development goes personalized product and application, the channel with appropriate repass provides an user, completed the technological process of activity of value of whole value net. See not hard, want the biggest the value that changes industrial cable length, need undertakes optimizing to each link from angle of value net whole. And real activity is not to be in only interior of a member undertakes, between need member interactive with cooperation, so these primary activities also outside the value system of business of operation of card of couplet of melt into content, if pursue,1 is shown.

The home that content couplet blocks: Content couplet blocks industrial catenary to form the value of element to allocate

Graph system of value of business of operation of card of 1 content couplet

3, on industrial catenary other and relevant enterprise

Content couplet blocks industrial catenary front to basically include chip manufacturer, RFID manufacturer, sensor manufacturer; Among reach network equipment provider, platform provider, system compositive business gives priority to body; Back end basically is provider of application development business, content and service provider. These node members and operation of content couplet card realize the rise in value of respective value activity between business through clasp. Operation business exchanges the kind that wait for cost or raises sales revenue to create value for value net through reducing terminal, equipment, message. The demand that terminal manufacturer satisfies operation business through promoting the technology of research and development of oneself the standard is custom-built, same, compositive business also adopts the system compositive the solution of one a complete set of provides a service for operation business, and the product that operation business satisfies user individuation requirement through offerring or application will attract application development business and content provider. This process realized the value creation in value net, also realized the value rise in value of whole industry catenary namely. The value net of other and relevant member in can getting an industrial catenary from this simplifies model, if pursue,2 are shown.

The home that content couplet blocks: Content couplet blocks industrial catenary to form the value of element to allocate

Graph catenary of industry of card of 2 content couplet is other and relevant member value system

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