Remind Piao first 169 break his promise badly the person will be restricted to take train plane!

Remind Piao first 169 break his promise badly the person will be restricted to take train plane!

On June 1, first limitation takes train plane list to be in " credit China " the website is fair show. Fair show list to include 169 people in all, total bureau of Wu of duty of its China home offers 21 people, basically involve not capture or little capture should obtain bill of income of value added tax pay taxes money, illegally to wait; Card inspect can offer 31 people, involve administration of futures of negotiable securities of nonperformance of exceed the time limit to punish the pay that do not have a paragraph obligation and appear on the market nonperformance of exceed the time limit of responsibility main body is open and affirmatory related the company; The civil aviation bureau offers 86 people, because of,basically involve aboard provoke affray, install in the airport jam in check, forcibly occupy, concussion installs check passageway and beat up the other, risk that brings the fish in check to carry state law, code to set in the airport to taste (conceal lighter) wait to be in punish with administration; Railroad head office offers 31 people, basically involve smoke on motor-car group train or smoke in the area of ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade of other train, take a car without the ticket, stand more (banquet) by the car and refus not buy ticket after normal time. The public can click Https:// to examine.

It is reported, this year in March, national hair changes appoint, the branch such as railroad head office, civil aviation bureau releases jointly " restrict appropriately about be inside proper time specific and serious break one's promise the opinion that the person takes the train to drive social credit system to build " and " about be in certainly. The file is clear, list is from 7 weekday since released day fair show period, fair show period inside, by fair show a person but to concerned branch demur, fair show expire, by fair show a person not demur or demur did not grant to support via examining, relevant section according to fair show list to implement chasten measure. Will be in henceforth every months the first weekday publishs limitative list.

Remind Piao first 169 break his promise badly the person will be restricted to take train plane!
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