" alarm battalion elegant demeanour " you are " south the upper Changjiang region of a place of s

Traffic facilities

These traffic facilities

Your scarcely is unfamiliar

Traffic safety facilities is safe to ensuring drive a vehicle, reduce potential accident hidden danger, having main effect. Good safe facilities system should have traffic administration, safety to defend, traffic revulsive, segregation closes, prevent a variety of functions such as dazzle, to prevent traffic accident, make sure traffic is suitable comfortable, develop viatic function in the round, must set traffic safety precaution, the need that flows according to traffic reachs the situation of landform, surface features, establishment of the barrier, illume, line of vision should be set when necessary on road revulsive mark, etc of urgent contact establishment is similar establishment.

Have a such teams

Face a river to hand in tubal group basis to face transportation of road of river the city zone actual state, it is a target in order to satisfy the traffic demand of traffic participator and traffic administration requirement, to traffic establishment management job undertakes the standard is perfected ceaselessly; Make sure graticule of signal lamp of of all kinds traffic, traffic sign, segregation protects handrail clean, all ready, marked, all transportation facilities accords with national level.

Policeman of the bend of a river is expedite overlook a river

They not Wei harships and cold hot weather, the guardianship of cautious and conscientious is worn the traffic facilities with these how-to happiness and safe defend. Because, once they gave an issue, will naturally cause the hands in an accident even mussily happening of traffic order.

No matter cold wind, not Wei rainstorm, not dread intense heat of summer, want the city zone only facilities of any one point liaison man are damaged, 24 hours of on call installation service groups are met without a stop is driven toward spot rehabilitate establishment, they also bear responsibility and mission, walk the front that coming to help.


Close, task weighs time, the staff member of installation service group holds to one everywhere the platoon is checked, facilities of maintenance liaison man, mobile phone of year in year out switchs on the mobile phone 24 hours, prepare to receive at any time listen to a newspaper to write a telephone call, at dead of night receives urgent telephone call had been common occurrence.

Namely such a flock of common people, look in each seem ordinary day, the life property that defending people silently is safe, they face the liability of the river with beefeater of traffic language narrate. They, it is the most beautiful policeman that overlook a river!

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