Before cummer, is Zhang Han's manner disparate?

Zhang Han's amour also is dynamic, he has had two paragraphs of feeling very provoking fix eyes on. Nevertheless finally is it is ending in order to part company, nevertheless to these two paragraphs of feeling, the manner that Zhang Han treats is disparate however. The first his girlfriend is Zheng Shuang, two people have feeling of 5 years, knowing finally is part company because of what, two people also did not make overmuch explanation at that time, so a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch are him guess.

Before cummer, is Zhang Han's manner disparate?

Guessed result lets graceful plunge into got a lot of grievance, after Zhang Han and Zheng bright part company at that time, be plunged into together with respect to He Na without how long, so a lot of people graceful plunge into regarded as a third party. After Zhang Han and Zheng bright part company, two people as stranger general, two people once were patted encounter in the airport, everybody pays no attention to the scene that two people brush a shoulder and passes next at that time who, should OK saying is familiar stranger.

Before cummer, is Zhang Han's manner disparate?

And treat graceful plunge into, statement was published when two people part company, state peace parts company two people, after parting company, still resembling is a friend same. Actually to graceful plunge into, a lot of people are touched regrettablly, when Zhang Han talks about love at that time, graceful plunge into still be a new personality, but because of the love in He Zhanghan, was regarded as small 3, be scolded by a lot of netizens, still got even thing of a lot of bloodcurdling.

Before cummer, is Zhang Han's manner disparate?

Allegedly graceful at that time plunge into for a time depressed, experienced such thing, it is painful to got so big grievance is mixed, accept them when everybody when, two people chose to part company however. Let a person feel regretful so, nevertheless perhaps this to graceful plunge into for also be a new beginning, and right now Zhang Han also experienced a few things, mature somewhat on intelligence and age, the means of processing is more some more mature also.

With Zheng Shuang's love, the Zhang Han at that time is a little young still, so personal feeling of hard to avoid is in power, zheng Shuang and he has become mature nowadays, but past is to answer did not go, become stranger to get along nowadays so condition perhaps is best. Actually nowadays, 3 people had his development future and cause, no matter previously how, wish a few people can happier and happier!

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