Now, in the light of the negative article of the concerned OK group that circulates on the net, xu Mingxing sends friend circle to strike back:
To an enterprise, if leave office staff to not be willing to say those who come out to he is this company, just be the tragedy of this company and disgrace.
OK is so old come, the OKCoin before the young associate that each leaving one's post adds him title at least combines general manager of department of father, CXO, career to wait, showing OK is to everybody add cent.
Certain company expenses is tremendous endowment, organize and aid financially personnel make trouble, write OK black draft, elaborative.
Proposal media friend the company inside every family property leave one's post CXO gathers up, row renown, measure of company of home where seeing the first!
OK group can be in of the person of the same trade v/LIT flog below, with higher standard him demand.
Xu Mingxing, author of OKCoin of exchange of domestic bit money, before CTO of fabaceous fourth net. Joined the Yahoo China that ever jackarooed subsequently, be in charge of searching a technology.