Fraud of the part-time job on the net is much, individual tears of blood history, the novice must no

Fraud of the part-time job on the net is much, individual tears of blood history, the novice must not be cheated again!

Information age, information of the part-time job on the net arrives more explosion, message without number holds two or more posts concurrently on all sorts of nets. As a veteran, flatter oneself won't be deceived, did not think of or crossed a ship. The tears of blood that uses me history, disclose the fraud of the part-time job on the net to everybody.

Knowing is when to see in friend circle cut of one Zhang Zhuai Zhang pursues, amount is about 100+ , look like even if joined a platform that brushs sheet, the pay that others gives. When seeing for the first time, I did not manage, the 2nd I still apathetic, when the 3rd when I go illicit talked about that young associate to ask a circumstance. After be being told by that young associate very enchanted, because that moment also wants to earn bit of money, plus this the part-time job still need not go out, and also did before young associate, the feeling returns pretty to rely on chart, one'sed mind disturbed.

Hand in money to sign up with technical person namely next. When I remember becoming, be to have 3 class, one hands in 199 yuan, one 99 yuan, still one is like is 599 yuan, it is to say a few months accept the order next cost signing up returns the amount with be achieved certain entirely still. Because of end, so I was chosen of 199. Some speech software downloaded according to the requirement after making money, changed a name to join a certain groups of groups according to the requirement, next the teacher attended class.

I just discover this is a huge hole when attend a lecture, before signing up, saying is to accept the order casually, hearing class hour is to say date of a Zhang can receive one sheet only inside 15 days, if want to accept the order more, be about to file order of a few Zhang more, and the brand-new Zhang date of firm application still cannot accept the order. Anyhow is hole was opposite.

Holding money in the arms to be handed in, can earn come back is a bit state of mind listened to a class, gave a title next, saying is to finished to be able to accept the order, finished seriously, leaving one job next is to write the identity information that keeps real name, and hold id card take a picture upload. Clean out treasure to brush a sheet excuse me even my identity information is to do what kind of, decisive abandon!

Just know that young associate finally every time income is true, but do not obtain through brushing sheet, sign up through introducer however those who obtain because if brush single word only,earn at all actually,be less than how many money!

This bitter experience lets me also do not cherish a hope again to the part-time job on the net simply. Train battalion till the table of article of a part-time job that one day I see early rice gentleman does inadvertently, in view of last time brains gives out heat the impulsive act below, this I surveyed a month, from training camp first phase begins when the 2nd period, just fall to decided to sign up surely eventually.

Under photograph comparing this training camp simply conscience arrives be no good, sign up there is redundant thing after joining, can see curricular content undertake study directly, compose course of study to send mail to give a teacher next, the teacher can undertake modification. Arrived after the 2nd phase enter actual combat, early rice teacher can give the actual combat that everybody offers at least one times the chance, it is conscience arrives anyway be no good.

Pluralistic article table this thing, I had been analysed well later why feasible, why unworkable.

Feasible the influence that depends on it getting time and place, want you to be able to write the plan that has come out only, absolutely meeting has the market.

Unworkable depend on it needing an exercise, had better be much practice chance, and if yourself goes seeking pluralistic article record, had not written a few plan basically, also do not have what experience, any Party A father see little white experience you, basically be dead.

Of early rice creativity made a group of pluralistic article table, and sought experience of table of old brand article fizzle out a teacher reveal all the details, again collective accept plan, early rice talks about Party A, fizzle out a responsible manuscript quality, each young group leaders are in charge of managing, still have Party A of butt joint of of all kinds person, made sure quality of Party A draft has level already so, also assure to be below this group, your even if is small Bai Ye OK and organic meeting goes contact a manuscript, grow quickly.

Till now, I had earned 2000+ from hand of early rice gentleman. After the company of record of article having a fish that joins early rice gentleman, every month has fixed pluralistic income, also have had recommended the friend beside.

Say so, although although fraud pretty is much,hold two or more posts concurrently on the net, but still conscience holds two or more posts concurrently, need serious mining, if you are decisive to piling up a word to have fun at,recommend have a fish, what have other strong point of course is OK magnify the eye searchs again search other, wish everybody can find the part-time job on satisfactory moral net here finally!

Fraud of the part-time job on the net is much, individual tears of blood history, the novice must not be cheated again!

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