| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

This period content we exposure overspeed and break the law jockey to violate act twice, ask broad driver friends learn a lesson, do not put in fluky psychology.

Illegal behavior builds up date| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Speed and passionate series

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash B 2HK72

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash Q A13Q7

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash Q G2380

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash Q Z8800

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Comfort A V611P

Illegal behavior

Is detachment of policeman of sunshine high speed caught automatically through electronic monitoring pat: of the following car? Chang 2HK72, rash QA13Q7, rash QG2380, rash AV611P of Q Z8800, comfort stipulates in the travel on the freeway 10% above are not worth speed per hour more than 20% , illegal behavior is secured through video supervisory system by command center policeman evidence, type traffic administration to use platform.

According to " law of safety of transportation of road of People's Republic of China " the 90th, " Shandong saves highway traffic securing rules " the 45th regulation, buckle 3 minutes, be in 200 yuan of amerce.

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

" jockey to be troubled especially " series

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash B 0JJ91

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash B W156C

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Rash P M2562

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Revive G 30Y61

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Number: Comfort U K6278

Illegal behavior

The following car discovers when detachment of policeman of sunshine high speed directs the video on central policeman net to patrol rash B0JJ91, rash BW156C, rash PM2562, revive U K6278 of G30Y61, comfort is not emergency to break the law on freeway lash-up driveway jockey, illegal behavior is secured through video supervisory system by command center policeman evidence, type traffic administration to use platform.

According to " law of road transportation safety " the 90th, " Shandong saves highway traffic securing rules " the 42nd eleventh regulation, buckle 6 minutes, be in 200 yuan of amerce.

| of nomination of black a list of names posted up breaks the law build up date is broadcasting...

Today's exposure stage arrives here,

Ask driver friends,

Do not forget first heart,

Drive well!


Still can drive the opportunity that take an examination of to you again.

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