Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

What wake you up everyday is not alarm clock, however knowledge

"By pilfer hind there are 30 yuan of moneys only on my body, living cost was done not have, body of acknowledgment procuratorial work does a good turn to seek fund, the milk powder money of grandchildren has assured source, in my heart ' sweet ' . In my heart ' sweet ' ..

Protect health county to transfer the wife that the bay presses down essence of life to take off deficient door king to pass the sea definitely appreciates the ground to be opposite when have an informal discussion of pay a return visit inquisitor say.

Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

At the beginning of May, during protecting health county procuratorate to be stationed in an inquisitor to begin a talk to leaving Wu Mou of personnel of place serve a sentence, understanding is in to Wu Mou be gone up to catch by the net escape when bringing to justice, 5000 yuan of ready money that its carry are protected of short duration buckles health county public security bureau.

Via further investigation, wu Mou fastens in relief person of four travelling expenses, ceng Yin makes theft twice serve a sentence of put in prison. On January 26, be protected because of larceny again health county court sentences a set term of imprisonment 8 months, punish gold 3000 yuan. Wu Mou has not carry out the belongings punishment that the court adjudicates, and the Wang Chuanhai of a victim that Wu Mou steals is an essence take off deficient door definitely, 1780 yuan also was not redeemed by pilfer loss.

Immediately of the inquisitor that be stationed in place begins belongings punishment to carry out supervise

Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

Basis " punishment tells a way " the 198th [the sequestered, processing that freezes article] regulation: After the adjudicative become effective that people court makes, to be being ceased by spoil of illicit money of sequestered, frozen and its propagate, except return those who return the injured party lawfully beyond, uniform confiscate, treasury of turn over to the higher authorities.

Basis " a certain number of provisions that top people court implements about share of worth of criminal judgment experience " thirteenth: Person be executived assumes criminal responsibility, civil responsibility at the same time in carry out, its belongings can't pay, carry out according to following order: (one) the medical treatment charge in person damages; (2) the loss of the injured party of pay compensation for what one has unlawfully taken; (3) other and civil liability; (4) fine; (5) confiscate property.

Protect health county procuratorate to be given out to public security mechanism instantly " book of procuratorial work proposal " , put forward to handle of short duration to buckle Wu Mou the proposal of 5000 yuan of cash, preferential use at essence of pay compensation for what one has unlawfully taken to take off deficient door king to pass sea loss definitely, odd part carries out fine punishment of the court.

Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

The graph is: Protected health county procuratorate to carry out supervisory case to begin pay a return visit to this criminal on May 23

On May 14, protecting health county procuratorate to supervise harmonious below, the Wu Mou that already was released after serving a sentence dealt with formalities of sequestered money other people in prefectural public security bureau, essence of life takes off deficient door king to passed the sea to get 1780 yuan of ready money on the spot definitely. So far, this courtyard supervises belongings punishment successfully one case to carry out, help essence takes off deficient door to redeem a loss definitely.

Protect law of focusing of health county procuratorate to supervise advocate course of study, insist to begin criminal to carry out procuratorial work job, exert oneself is outstanding supervisory key, widen supervisory channel, normative monitor, reveal supervisory effect. It is a center with people from beginning to end, uphold social order, safeguard through specific judicatory activity human rights, uphold constitution law authority.

Protect health: Begin belongings punishment to carry out supervise redeem poverty door loss

Origin Piao protects health county procuratorate

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