Hold A kind the driver majority of the driver's license is professional driver, driver's license exceed the time limit did not change card or exceed the time limit not the work that careful check affects oneself not only, also violated traffic law statute.
Basis " the Ministry of Public Security of People's Republic of China makes the 139th " , namely " motor vehicle driver's license explain get and use a provision " :
The 77th, exceed period of efficacy of motor vehicle driver's license one year above did not change testimony, place of registration of vehicles ought to cancel driver's license of its motor vehicle;
The 78th, hold is large passenger car, bus of tractor, city, medium-sized passenger car, large of van driver's license drive the person is successive 3 billiard-marker cycle does not enter careful produce the expected result, place of registration of vehicles ought to cancel his highest drive a model to drive definitely qualification;
The 95th, exceed the time limit does not attend careful check to still drive of motor vehicle, be in 200 yuan of above by management department of transportation of public security mechanism next 500 yuan of one amerce.
Via esteeming left city to make a valve sectional platoon is checked, end on June 5, 2018, the our city still has a part to hold A kind driver's license exceed the time limit did not change card, exceed the time limit not the driver of careful check. To do not affect the normal travel of car, ask list to go up each driver is in charge of place business window to undertake the driver's license changes card and careful check to the car as soon as possible.
Driver's license exceed the time limit did not change card list
Driver's license exceed the time limit not careful check
Warmth reminds:
The driver's license changes what require data: Colour of 3 pieces of photocopy of driver's license original, Id, a inch of white bottoms are illuminated, and individual check-up watch.
The driver's license that is like a driver not of exceed the time limit, and what had dealt with a face to sign business in car canal, can deal with on the 12123APP that make a valve change testimony. Place of the business that change testimony deals with to require data on the net: Without hat of near future of a piece of 1 inch of white bottoms illuminates electronic edition; Individual check-up expresses electronic edition.
above 2 electrons edition uploads to ↓
"Make a valve 12123 " mobile phone App
Or after traffic safety serves administrative platform integratedly
Await photograph and check-up watch examine and verify to pass, you can deal with a driver's license to trade card business by oneself. After the business that change testimony has been dealt with, china is postal will pay for your generation change testimony relevant charge, the address that fills in according to you is sent give excellent. You need COD of sign after receiving sth to be able to obtain new driver's license only.
Esteem date of public of small letter of detachment of policeman of left city public security bureau
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