Road is carried shed will severe check

Road is carried shed will severe checkRoad is carried shed will severe check

On June 8, city traffic carriage bureau takes the lead, city public security bureau cooperates, carry to road shed uncivilized behavior to undertake executing the law checking, have check to storage yard of freight of along the line of red elegant line. Come since March 15 on July 31, the our city begins by a definite date centrally the freight traffic of 3 months sheds pollution special punish acts. Since this year, city traffic carriage bureau in all course of development of road of go on a tour of inspection 14494.9 kilometers, accumulative total checks freight traffic 2746 second, correct not cover tarpaulin or cover tarpaulin are non-standard car 1379 second. Next, execute the law jointly group general continues to increase execute the law strength, punishment strength and conduct propaganda, guide, exposure strength, discover the problem is rectified and reform in time, build road raise dirt to administer lasting effect mechanism, normalization administers freight traffic to shed a phenomenon. (reporter Tan Jiangong)

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