The war with the greatest casualties on Chinese history: Number of death of war of the Taiping Heave

War of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history basically is in Jiangsu 5 provincial undertake, 1851 Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang the view that population of 5 provinces estimation reports according to a few research is -657379968, 5 provinces gross is only 1911 more than 100000000 people, the amount reduces at least 65 million person. The scholar points out, because Qing Jun is mixed,population dies in great quantities the chaos caused by war of army of peace and tranquility, "A lot of historical data show army of peace and tranquility sympathizes with a poor on certain level, sometimes good-tempered even wealthy person, and Ceng Guofan and his colleague people hold to view general army of peace and tranquility kills all, the person that although be opposite,surrender and captive are not exceptional also. " the main and factitious account that reduces for population acute below:

The war with the greatest casualties on Chinese history:

War of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history, too clear both sides launchs seesaw battle, be forced in people of Zhejiang and other places harbour hair, the person that Dan Qingjun is sent to harbour after recover still maintains stay send the attitude that does not take a head, and because the army such as Hunan army breaks a wall,slaughter namely, cause many population death. The Ceng Guofan, Suzhou massacre that starts to the flourish, person such as Li Hongzhang, Changzhou massacre, river shade massacre, fine promote massacre, Hangzhou to slaughter, city of big massacre of city of Nanjing big massacre, Anqing, 9 rivers are old Tu Cheng, kill number to come every time tens of 10 thousand people, and create a large number of population die at next famine and plague.

Li Hongzhang was 1860 intercept cavalry of the Nian Army, and mining Yellow River, make yellow extensive division. Uprise of the Huis of pleasant of Yunnan, short for Shaanxi Province and north 5 provinces big be hard pressed for money. People of choleraic, each province uprises, suffer Qing Jun astringent suppress, undertake a massacre, foray belongings, food, burn down their building, bring about a large number of people to be forced to freeze hungry and die or become stream civilian, die at plague and disease. Ge Jianxiong is in population history mention, dead population has hundred only 30 as a result of,be warlike itself, the others hundred 70 as a result of,be spirited contagion namely choleraic. Food of legionary plunder civilian, create big be hard pressed for money, the body cannot get bury, pollute air, source of water again.

The war with the greatest casualties on Chinese history:

Hunan army slaughters when 9 rivers, the men and women inside the city old young overall cut is used up, meritorious service of cable of the achieve on lake wide governor says " should go against (the army and the people inside the city) can run quickly without the road, the reputation that wail makes is miserable inaudible, from Mao Zhiwu, annihilate is used up except almost, cadaver body piles up, running water blood-red. " Xiang Rong thinks Tu Cheng is very reasonable, because " set be an accomplice under duress civilian " if, also should " design transgression " , the affirmation that did not escape is " thief " . Xian Feng 11 years in August, anqing of Ceng Guofan breach, undertake Tu Cheng, the man of wheel tall above kills light entirely, "More than 10000 people of woman are provided go out to sweep past " , "The person that cleanse has no such cruel " (Zhao Liewen diary) .

After Anqing of Ceng Guofan breach, "Desirable content altogethers in the city, sweep the floor and use up, the person that cannot take all destroys, to property of analyse coffin in an attempt to " , grab light people's food and belongings, the population that bring about dies in great quantities is not to have avoidable. When breach day Beijing, hunan army forces grown man to carry for Bing Yong carry rob the property that come, kill next, kill tens of 10 thousand people in smooth city subsequently, the woman is swept past entirely, love of Ceng Guofan confidential is in charge of Li Chen to be raped wildly tens of woman, bring about cruel kill and die, frenzied bristle with anger making a person. " Ceng Guofan complete works " a letter from home account of one the 749th page, ceng Guofan writes to Ceng Guoquan to say, want " Tu Cheng with vent one's anger " , say Li Xubin is in " 9 rivers also are such measure " , let Ceng Guoquan do not have psychological responsibility.

The war with the greatest casualties on Chinese history:

Qing Jun repeated the large-scale, proper genocidal form in bright end to slaughter policy, cause many population loss. Someone says this also cannot blame Qing Jun, blame army of peace and tranquility to uprise however. Took the place of 1840 however Chinese economy breaks down, common people the masses have no means to live, corruption of clear the court of a feudal ruler is confused, area of yellow the Huaihe River sends flood year after year, more than peace and tranquility army uprise, the people of the whole country rises together, mutinous despotic rule. People does not die instead, returning parrot to censure people commonly is complete frenzied, ignorant. Qing Chaowei is old people carry war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history to cause population loss only, however stop talking is not carried is Qing Jun slaughters hold big head, this brings about the people that understands this period history not quite to consider as place of army of peace and tranquility to kill, this is a very disgraceful hide one's wrongdoing and praise his good deeds covers a region. The war with the greatest casualties on Chinese history: Number of death of war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history exceeds 60 million unexpectedly, welcome everybody reason discussion.

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