Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

[an exam paper about youth]

Annual there was a major issue in June

The university entrance exam

Everybody has a kind of feelings to it

Everybody has a kind of longing to it

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

In those days you

The back was met an another word

Summarized a another complex problem

Brushed a piece of another piece examination paper

Had taken an examination of the exam of the again and again

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

Although encounter bottleneck because of achievement and confused lose

But still hold to modest consult, summary thinks over

Although because pressure is too great and break down cry greatly

But still continue after wiping tear forward

The university entrance exam makes us some more to future period Xuhe enthusiasm

Graduation season makes us much again trifling touch and take leave of

You can be encountered better oneself

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

The university entrance exam

Never try and dream aground

You do not solve last when go out big problem

It makes grow

Had taken the university entrance exam

Awaiting you

The undergraduate that will be happiness is vivid

And fill the prospective life that wait

[the ceremony Zong of a full of intention]

Upright midday comes when

Xia Yimian is long

In this one scent 4 excessive

39 aves of smelt metal · are Jiangchen student in

Prepared Zong of an elegant ceremony

In each ceremony Zong full of in the strong feeling of 39 aves of smelt metal · is cozy

Wish every examinee heart thinks the thing becomes high school of golden a list of names posted up

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

All paying

Can become you climb the cornerstone of peak of the university entrance exam

Will become you to be in the university entrance exam is volant fly help strength

Special roll out

"Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong moves " activity

Mobile time: On June 9, 2018 - 10 days (9: 00, 17: 00)

-- mobile place --

· seductivelies dressed or made up in center of 39 aves sale

-- the activity participates in means --

The parent that every joins the university entrance exam of the current year or examinee by " the university entrance exam follows textual criticism "

Or call in assist of soft collected works of client transmit activity all can get elegant ceremony Zong 30 times

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

"Green jade attire wraps trigonometry needle, jade belt pesters a waist "

Strong feeling waves the gift that sweet zhongzi is a festival

The temperature of artisan control

It is the Jing Xie of pair of craft inheritance

Of the heart dedicated

Also be the praise of pair of examinee pains

Ceremony of profusion of Jin Banggao Zong is moved

Green Shao Hua and hasty

· seductivelies dressed or made up in 39 aves

Wish you not regret dream returns place

When autograph of the static a list of names posted up that await gold

[open quotation win, contend for Cang Binjiang]

· seductivelies dressed or made up in 39 aves

It is scene of beach of 5 lines, river, mature to all enjoy the subway form a complete set, high grade education

102-168 ㎡ bank Jiang Hua curtilage be about to honor is added push

Address: Construction of · of area of business affairs of river of green hill bank is handed in 3 times with brigade ave collect place

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