Make a heart! Golden peaceful harbour one in the evening two by pilfer

By pilfer cash 16000 yuan valuable still ten yuan renown watch

Dispatch of network of 9 rivers news (the reporter is brillant Lei / Wen Xutian is firm / photograph) every time year old at the beginning of last years of a dynasty or reign when, activity of a few illegal elements also is sent more frequent, this among them, entering room pilfer to steal a case is to enter tall hair more period. On December 9 before dawn, the Ms. He home that lives in golden peaceful harbour by pilfer, loss more than yuan of 20 thousand property. And same day night, ms. He is downstair in neighbour home, ten yuan name expresses a value to also be walked along by pilfer. Dwellers discover, downstair outside the scaffold that the wall decorates, the likelihood offerred advantage for bandits housebreaking.

Put on floor of the have things stolen in the home keep track

"I awake in the morning, also did not feel what to there is in the home at the beginning incorrect interest, but when I open a handbag, discover to there is the mark that is flipped through inside the bag however, my heart one Jing, open purse to look, the cash inside was taken away. " early in the morning awakes, live in golden peaceful harbour the resident of some 11 buildings Ms. He gave a suit cold sweat with respect to Jing, she is checked in the home immediately, discover 3 watches in the drawer also disappear without trace.

"10 thousand multivariate cash was stolen, 3 watches add up also have 10 thousand multivariate, I signed up for at that time alarm, the police is excellent also in will look. " Ms. He introduces, the police discovers when the reconnaissance in the home, indoor have track, bandits takes off shoe when commit the crime, wearing a sock to walk indoors only, the track that keep is more shallow.

While Ms. He reports a case to the security authorities, the dweller of 6 buildings also discovers same Lou Dong in the home by pilfer, bandits not only spirit away 6000 Yu Yuan's cash, still a value ten yuan labor person watch spirit away. "This is same apparently place is group of bandits, we live so tall floor, how is thief mounted? " Ms. He mixes another how to be entered to bandits by pilfer resident room theft expresses to indissoluble.

Scaffold of the wall outside dweller doubt offerred advantage for bandits

Express according to village dweller, this village builds more than 10 years, public security situation is favorable all the time, had never produced the event of similar theft, why same day in the evening, happened two cases to steal a case into room pilfer? Subsequently, a lot of dwellers are mirrorred, the Lou Dong that Ms. He place stays is close recumbent bank Jiang Lu, close paragraph since time, of this Lou Dong outside the wall is being decorated, whole wall body installed scaffold, bandits uses scaffold very likely to climb climb and go up.

On December 10, the reporter will to the spot see, of building of this ridgepole dweller outside the wall is being decorated really, outside the scaffold that red bestrewed on the wall, adult can use scaffold to be climbed from downstair appearance easily climb and go up, arrive directly at 3. Ms. He says: "We were much at 12 o'clock bell just sleeps night that day, much at 7 o'clock in the morning Zhong Qi will discover the have things stolen in the home, bandits should be commit the crime in before dawn, and be to pass this downstair scaffold to be mounted likely extremely. " subsequently, the policeman is hanged outside Ms. He's downstair air conditioning again footmark discovered on machine, dwellers feel, this more test and verify their guess.

The door that tighten a lock not deposits overmuch property in window home

No matter bandits is passed why to plant means is procurable, in the dweller home such as Ms. He by pilfer be related, still ring alarm bell noisy to broad citizen. Year old at the beginning of last years of a dynasty or reign when, the tall hair that is the case such as theft period, raise vigilance, do enough security to be on guard the job, it is the consciousness that each citizen must raise.

The policeman reminds, the citizen falls asleep in night before, must whether has been inspection door window shut, in addition, overmuch money other people is not deposited in the home, lest cause great belongings loss.

Make a heart! Golden peaceful harbour one in the evening two by pilfer

The dweller suspects thief climbs those who go upstairs into room theft along scaffold namely.

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