Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

Scarab can say is a person with the deepest memory in our childhood, a lot of program that she has directed very suffer dot to like, nevertheless in recent years scarab gradually exited manage a group, but the daughter of scarab is already grown, do not know future can replace mom also be entered manage a group?

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

Wear jeans of blue of collocation of white small unlined upper garment, beautiful two legs that give grow again fine very good-looking, a pair of canvas shoes were worn on the foot, appear the healthy youthful spirit that makes an individual have a girl very much.

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

The daughter of scarab was brought up, had even the boy friend, in the bosom that leans in the boy friend very charming be ashamed, two people have look of husband and wife quite, the boy friend that believes scarab has seen Jin Guizi for certain.

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

The boy friend of her daughter wears black small unlined upper garment, height is taller, the skin is quite white also, long is the about that be smart.

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

Scarab also is advanced age of 62 years old now, but did not see often come, or in those days that hairstyle, the daughter of scarab and chafer are long almost exactly like, the netizen breathes out continuously the chafer that she is miniature edition.

Scarab daughter is grown already, lean in male friendly bosom very charming be ashamed, netizen: The chafer of miniature edition

In the photograph that did not compile a figure, scarab is keeping watermelon head hair style, wearing glasses, extremely lovely, it is lovely chafer to this, do you still have impression?

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