The silver-colored meeting that keep watch tries to find out the real intention financing is rented

The silver-colored meeting that keep watch released announcement to say on June 7, recently, the silver-colored meeting that keep watch writes sheet of each province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government, plan to list city people government, ask its to supervise and urge relevant section fulfils superintendency obligation seriously, strengthen supervisory management, seasonable appropriate deals with risk hidden danger, supervise administrative committee to build with insurance of Bank of China as soon as possible and weigh mechanism of big event Information Circular, the company of travel of hock of constituent our region, financing that rent, commerce protects grain company (the following abbreviation 3 kinds of orgnaizations) login " system of information of the countrywide financing business management that rent " " commerce maintains system of manage business information " " countrywide hock industry controls a management information system " , information of true, accurate, whole fill in a form and submit it to the leadership, chase an examine and verify to confirm information of company fill in a form and submit it to the leadership, union is begun actually try to find out the real intention the job.

A personage that pursues the trade that rent expresses to the reporter yesterday, do this jointly with finance of each local government by the silver-colored meeting that keep watch / the financing that financial bureau begins is rented, commerce protects fill in a form and submit it to the leadership of information of manage, pawnbroking Wu to work, the mark wears what the silver-colored meeting that keep watch has received Department of Commerce to superintend attributive, the superintendency that develops industries of afore-mentioned pair of 3 kinds of banking formally works.

This year on April 20, the management regulation that Department of Commerce and Bank of China are sure to supervise administrative committee to finish 3 kinds of afore-mentioned orgnaizations and supervisory government regulation make duty turn be subordinate to works.

Rent with financing for exemple, the main action covering interest of Introduction Xu Chengyuan has:

It is with passageway business avoid is superintended. Financing rents a company to regard bank credit capital as the passageway, maintain tie of manage business posture without recourse through those who hire business and bank is being answered after carry out, help dimensions of bank avoid credit take up, arrive since " add lever " action.

2 it is financing is violated compasses, increase risk n. Financing rents a company to raise fund publicly through platform of each other gold, have more involve from be in harmony or collect money illegally etc violate compasses financing act.

3 it is partial orgnaization existence is violated compasses for the government platform offers financing or platform of financing of demand local government is " kind credit " behavior is offerred assure wait for behavior.

"Financing is rented, commerce guarantees manage and mortgage 3 kinds of orgnaizations bring into finance to superintend is to accord with ' the professional, oneness that aggrandizement finance superintends and penetrability ' requirement. Kind financial orgnaization industry is superintended and the design carrying a layer on the head of course and punish, platoon is checked etc those who superintend strengthen all conduce to prevent 3 kinds of orgnaizations to superintend a benefit, standard order of market of 3 kinds of orgnaizations, stimulative industry standard develops. In the meantime, check in the platoon and implementation is unified in superintendency process, business of early days existence is violated compasses or exhibit the orgnaization with inadequate course of study to be able to get bigger impact, this also is helpful for an industry realizing superior bad discard. " Xu Chengyuan thinks.

Afore-mentioned personages that pursue the trade that rent express, in recent years, 3 kinds of a large number of orgnaizations are engaged in kind of loan finance covering benefit activity, and incorrect kind loan business undertakes danger plan is carried dialing equipment zephyr essentially, existence of partial accountant course is serious and lack fidelity, put in huge risk hidden danger. Try to find out the real intention this the moving data that working object is 3 kinds of orgnaizations apparently, it is essentially manage financial business chaos to resemble to 3 kinds of orgnaizations try to find out the real intention the platoon is checked, have important sense.

Xu Chengyuan expresses, after at present financing rents the carry out in business, answer hire business to occupy than be in 80% above, exist to be hired with be being answered after carry out among them for the name, the true condition of travel loan contract, deviate the financing financing that rent and content of be in harmony, source that supports entity. Later period superintendency branch can enhance a responsibility medium, after the event superintends duty, after the key is aimed at carry out, answer hire, business domain strengthens the passageway to be superintended daily. In the meantime, strengthen be in to 3 kinds of orgnaizations card of the business contract, authority that register, pay to be examined of the material such as proof of proof, property right move mainly check with the spot, prevent to violate the happening of compasses management behavior.

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